13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for veer_bala82

Hi, I am having a problem that I have been trying to solve for the last 2 weeks. This might be seen in many travel sites like lastminute.com. The situation is simple. I need an indeterminate progress bar. I enter the search criteria/parameters (From/To Date & Destination) in page ‘A’. …

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for jtapp

Thanks in advance for checking out my problem. Here is a fictional version of the scenario I am trying to achieve - let's say you are searching for a Department of Motor Vehicles office closest to you. So you go to a website and you plug in your zip code. …

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for GLT

When I try to view the page I have just built in Dreamweaver in the Browser I get a message saying 'Invalid Syntax error'. Is there something I need to do before I view the page?? GLT

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for GLT

Hey guys, I am developing a web based database for a company for my year work placement from university. I was wondering if anyone knew a way of retrieving the user ID from the database through the web page? Each table in the SQL Server database has an automatic Identity …

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for Jihad

I am making a form and at the end of the form there is a save btn that should save data into database and redirect the page the same page that the form is in. Well its not working. simply speaking its just Response.Redirect("samepage.aspx"); I know it should work, but …

Member Avatar for johnny.g
Member Avatar for foundsheep

I've been working on a page that has ddls populating other ddls and form fields. Right now I'm getting this error: erver Error in '/HRIService' Application. Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please …

Member Avatar for foundsheep
Member Avatar for majestic0110

how would one go about loading up sql data into an asp.net (without using dataview, formview, detailsview etc)? any ideas? have my table marked up already and connection strings just need to know how to put the two together. Thanks for your time

Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for GLT

Hi guys, Sorry if I have started his thread in the wrong forum, I couldnt find a dreamweaver one. I am creating a web based database and I am having a little bit of trouble creating a login page. I know that this is quite basic and I know there …

Member Avatar for richie513
Member Avatar for blackbr

I have upgraded a vs2003 web project to vs2008. It has converted well. However, I no longer have access to my sqlDataAdapter controls. I also don't understand how to bind my text boxes to data via the ide. I can see the databinder asp statements in the source view. I …

Member Avatar for s1986

i am developing a web application and would like to sent an email from it.hw do i do it.the following is my code.where did i go wrong as it does not work code:-- [CODE] Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click Dim emailMessage As System.Web.Mail.MailMessage …

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Member Avatar for anidotnet

1. how to call a Javascript function onClick on GridView Header [on Sort Link]. 2. How to access a Header Template column of a gridview from code behind Thanx in advance

Member Avatar for sibotho

HI All I hope you guys can help me, I am getting an the following error when trying to debug my Vs2005 applications. "Unable to start debugging on the web server.Unable to connect to the web server. Verify that the web server is running and that HTTP incoming requests are …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for jtapp

I just need to use php to find all cities in a MySQL database and return the results in a drop down box. Can somebody suggest some code? The table name is tblLodges and the field name is strLodgeMailingCity....

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for nandhinijp

I want to zoom the image in the same image of particular part or in another place.I saw some script,css for this requirement.One of that is cost.the other is not satisfied but its free.Do u know anything related this?

Member Avatar for MoonTraveller
Member Avatar for arunsolanki31

i am geting error- Requested Url: /test2/default.aspx and Description: HTTP 404 on page <--->agter login page (clivk button) it is not reaching at same page. my webpagename is-> webform1.aspx . can any body solve this problem plz i am using this code in button click Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As …

Member Avatar for ashish_4_kk

How To Authenticate Clients to printing From Server Using ASP.NET C# hello i have one server in which the printer is installed, the clients are printing from server. So, i want to authenticate those clients before printing using asp.net? means if in server client architecture of any company, clients are …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for ebabes

Everytime I connect my Access database into my page for some SQL statements like SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE - I make use of an absolute path in my data source such as [COLOR="Red"]Data Source = C:\MyData\grades.mdb[/COLOR]. But when I make use of a relative path in my data source …

Member Avatar for ebabes
Member Avatar for s1986

:icon_question: i have a button in my web page and want it to print sumthing when clicked hw do i do it? i tried using window.print() but it doesnt work

Member Avatar for s1986
Member Avatar for s1986

m new 2 asp.net. my prob is after populating the dropdownlist with data from the database wen i select an item it select only the first item.following is my code.where did i go wrong code:- con3.start_connection() dr = con3.executequery("SELECT city_name from City") DropDownList1.Items.Clear() While dr.Read DropDownList1.Items.Add(dr(0)) End While dr.Close() con3.close_connection() …

Member Avatar for s1986
Member Avatar for ericstenson

In classic ASP there is a recordset. In VB.NET is there the same functionality, or must one load the data into a datatable and fill the table with a dataadapter? Thanks, Eric

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for nandhinijp

Hi, i want to upload videos and display like youtube.com.FLV player used there. I want to diplay thumb of all videos in first page.If i click that thumb It wil go to next page and display videos.I am not clear in this concept because i know the concept of <object></object> …

Member Avatar for nandhinijp
Member Avatar for mukund_007

While Creating DataSet on Red Colored statement error occured which is Mentioned in Green Color....(A'm using Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server 2005) Please Help...... 'Create New DataSet Dim ds As New DataSet("DataSetVendorInfo") 'Create a new Table and Columns Dim dTable As New DataTable("Vendors") dTable.Columns.Add("Ven_ID", System.Type.GetType("System.Int32")) dTable.Columns.Add("FName", System.Type.GetType("System.String")) dTable.Columns.Add("LName", System.Type.GetType("System.String")) …

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for sbv

Hi i am using near about 10 combos in my asp.net project having values Yes and No. And some more having default 4 values. Currently i am storing those values in db and each time using from it. so do you think so that its a better way than storing …

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for EduardoAndres

Hello everyone, This is the case: 1- I have a asp.net application that is hosted in the Web server hosting service (This hosting server is located in the US, but not near the office of my client ... " 2- The SQL 2005 database will also be hosted in the …

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for Rigelnetwork

[URL="http://www.rigelnetworks.com"][B]Asp.Net[/B][/URL] is the latest technology to develop web applications and Rigel successfully delivers their each & every project with a great satisfaction to their customer by delivering and commitment towards work of various application development & outsourcing and fulfills the requirement of their client. By this way Rigel has tied …

Member Avatar for Yuexuan

I need get at variable from calender control A after get the variable i process it and do calculate then how to past that variable to calender control B because i need get another date from calender control B to do calculation.Got any suggestion ?How to using calender pop out …

Member Avatar for Yuexuan
Member Avatar for Yuexuan

how to calculate the date by using integer variable which can know the lasted date for example user key in date is 2/20/2008 and he want know the after intvariable day is which date like this user key in date is 2/20/2008 - intvariable = date user require date dim …

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for ebabes

How can I incorporate a web counter (page hit) in ASP.Net to track the number of visitors in my site?

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy

First question in a long time. I was wondering if anyone know how to search all current sessions within the website? I want to be able to loop through all the current sessions (with a specific session name if possible) on my current website at one time. I am trying …

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for mukund_007

[B]Hello Friends, On my web form there is one DropDown List Box which contains different Items.. and one TextBox, user will Enter Quantity in textBox.... Now problem is that I want to Add Item and Qty in DataGrid on the Same Page when I click on ADD Button......... Later on …

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The End.