13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for Dano56

I need help getting a variable from one page displayed onto another. I have two pages, mainmenu.aspx and secondmenu.aspx. mainmenu.aspx contains Textbox1 which contains some user-entered number in it. When the user clicks on Button1 on mainmenu.aspx, I need the table, Table1, on secondmenu.aspx to reflect that new selection. Thanks …

Member Avatar for bbqchickenrobot
Member Avatar for dennisdennis

Hi all, I have a masterpage and contentPlaceHolder in it. I used <asp:content .. in Default aspx. I have web user controls. By sending parameter to Default.aspx, can I call different web user controls in Default aspx. I try to that because of not making a page same with Default.aspx …

Member Avatar for a496761
Member Avatar for foundsheep

I'm trying to insert data into three tables in a relational database. Right now it will only insert to the first table and then it errors out. If you have some genius to share, don't hold back. Thanks. [code] Imports System Imports System.Configuration Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls Partial Public Class …

Member Avatar for foundsheep
Member Avatar for MasoodAkhter

Hi all I am trying to hide part of my form in ASP.NET when user clicks on check box. I want to implement this functionality on client side. I do not want to go back to Server. Can someone help me with this one. I will appreciate your help. Thanks …

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for shim55

I am net to asp.net, I am having the following issue. I have developed a masterpage. The masterpage has a left navigation panel. I have another page that uses the masterpage and fieldvalidations in it as well, when I view the page it seems that the page with the navigation …

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for a496761

I am creating a user control in ASP.NET 2.0 that includes a DropDownList. Does anyone know how to get the collection of ListItems that are hard coded between the opening and closing tags of my custom control into the DropDownList inside my user control? I feel like I should know …

Member Avatar for a496761
Member Avatar for Sur62

Am developing an application through Web matrix. When i run i get a compilation error saying: cmdsave_click is not a member of Asp. Can anyone tell me the equivalent code for the above please. Thanks.

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for u4umang2001

Hi All, i have table with some fields. one of them is "ID". now i want to update ID by a given number. suppose i have 5 rows and the ID are 1,2,3,4,5. now i want that i should pass a parameter/number to the stored procedure let it 10 then …

Member Avatar for srinunarra
Member Avatar for ashishparihar

Hello All I want to know how I can run an asp.net web application on a machine which doesn’t have installed visual studio. Any help ??? Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for saeed262626
Member Avatar for mukund_007

I have Used following code to Insert Values in the table: <%@ Import Namespace ="System.Data" %> <%@ Import Namespace ="System.Data.SqlClient" %> <script runat ="server" > Sub Create(ByVal obj As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Dim ConnString As String Dim SQLstr As String ConnString = "Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\ERL.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect …

Member Avatar for saeed262626
Member Avatar for saeed262626
Member Avatar for mukund_007

[B]Hello Friends, On my web form there is one DropDown List Box which contains different Items.. and one TextBox, user will Enter Quantity in textBox....Now problem is that I want to Add Item and Qty in DataGrid on the Same Page when I click on ADD Button......... Later on Data …

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for firebirds98

I am new to SQL and I am making an asp.net page in which is a small airline service for a project for scool. For one of my tables I have: AccountID, CustomerName, FrequentFlierMiles, FrequentFliernum for my column names. The acount AccountID column can not have duplicated values and FrequentFliernum …

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for foundsheep

I have two drop downs (the 1st pulls from 1 db table then populates the second which pulls from a 2nd db table) with the idea of having them both populate fields of a form on autopostback. The user will then fill out the remaining empty fields. I have not …

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for Yuexuan

How to import excel file data to mysql database here is my uploading file coding how to use my uploaded excel file to get it data and store it at database Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim filepath As String = Server.MapPath("Files/") Dim …

Member Avatar for Yuexuan
Member Avatar for dmison

Hello, I'm working on website written on asp.net 2 (C#). For my site I need email server with options: [LIST] [*]send mail (with attachments and Unicode support) [*]receive mail [*]storage sent and incoming mail [/LIST] My customer want to use some linux mail server and pull mail from server to …

Member Avatar for ManicCW
Member Avatar for jamello

Hi there experts!! I am translating an app from asp.net 1.1 to v2.0. In version 1.1 I could right click a source file in the solution explorer and pick my build action i.e none, compile, embedded resource. but to my chagrin I could not find the build action property in …

Member Avatar for ManicCW
Member Avatar for mithun_kanungo

hello experts, i have an issue with crystal reports ,i have a web app and in that i have 10 crystal reports , the problem is that the reports take huge time to load ,it takes arround 5 minuites to load , i dont find the reason behind that , …

Member Avatar for SAMSEIED

I have Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition and also HTML 4.0. I can designe website just reading HTML 4.0 and this comes fairly easy to me. But learning about MWD 2008 is whole new game. I have to learn ASP.NET, AJAX, .NET, VB.NET, SQL, .NET FRAMEWORK and many …

Member Avatar for bbqchickenrobot
Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy

I have a master page that contains elements for Ajax and certain standard controls that I do not wish to have to copy to every page on my site (hence the master!). However, these controls need a sub for an OnClick method. Now this method is edited differently on every …

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for dennisdennis

Hi all; I have an iFrame in Default.aspx and src of iFrame = Login.aspx and I try to do that when User click the LoginButton (in Login.aspx), it changes iFrame "src" attribute and so in Default.aspx it shows Profile.aspx in iFrame. I mean Default.aspx does not refresh, only content of …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for stonetherippa

hi , is it possible to write an application like this:[URL="http://www.newhousenetwork.net/search-engine-page-ranking.php"] Rank Tool[/URL] in ASP?If yes how?

Member Avatar for mayaank
Member Avatar for pwright

Hi, I am converting a DAP/MS Access application to ASP/MySql. I have an IFrame which contains a database table. It's a simple library application. I want to query the table and display the results, such as display all authors with certain criteria. With DAP I built the query and used …

Member Avatar for Fortinbras

I have a sample website written in ASP.NET 2.0 with AJAX, and cannot have it hosted on the web for legal purposes. I need a way to add my site to my resume/portfolio and be able to show it as a working example of my skills. I have read about …

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for foundsheep

I have a drop down that will be auto populated when the user selects a previous drop down. The one in question is referencing a particular piece of equipment attached to the company that was selected. The database is set up with a manufacturer table, equipment table, and customer equipment …

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for selvamuthu

how to set values in drop-down box when loading html. please let me know about how to use vbscrip onload event of body.

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for justapimp

I have this webservice that connects to my database via a table adapter and I am trying to read the column value based on the controls passed by an AJAX script that I wrote. I tried to use a hash table to replicate the actual database column. What I like …

Member Avatar for justapimp
Member Avatar for srinukatkam

Hi I am using 2005 vb.net in that five columns is there like Field, Default Label, Visible ,Custom Label, Sort Order, Field Default Label Visible Custom Label Sort Order AC_DOC_NO Accounting Document Number Select Sort Order 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 …

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for sbv

hi all i want to know following...... as usual we do... For( i =0; i++ ; i<4) but i want for( i = "a"; ????? ;i<"d") plz help.

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for binoj_daniel

Iam facing a wierd issue with ASP.NET and MySQL. My ASP.NET site hangs pediodically. After it hangs none of the pages open. But other sites on the same Server still works. The only way to bring the site back is by restarting the WWW service or by restarting the server. …

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The End.