13,153 Topics
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:?: Pla help me. I am trying to send email. i am working on asp.net 2.0 I used coding for it [code] MailMessage msg = [COLOR=#0000ff]new[/COLOR] MailMessage(); SmtpClient MailObj = [COLOR=#0000ff]new[/COLOR] SmtpClient([COLOR=#800000]"www.yahoo.com"[/COLOR]); msg.From = [COLOR=#0000ff]new[/COLOR] MailAddress([COLOR=#800000]"ValidId@yahoo.com"[/COLOR]); msg.To.Add([COLOR=#0000ff]new[/COLOR] MailAddress([COLOR=#800000]"myid@yahoo.com"[/COLOR])); msg.IsBodyHtml = [COLOR=#0000ff]false[/COLOR]; msg.Subject = [COLOR=#800000]"This is subject"[/COLOR]; msg.Body = [COLOR=#800000]"This is … | |
Hello, I am currently doing online service log where users can post their messages. Just want to ask how I can make an email notification to the user if their message has a new post message? Just like what we have in this forum where link to the site is … | |
I am working in visual studio 2005,i want to open a new word document on click of button,for that i have added microsoft word 11.0 than also i am unable to import ( microsoft.office.interop.word )namespace.So any one can help me to import this namespace as soon as possible. Thanks in … | |
Hi, Im using Radio Buttons. What I want to do is once a radio button is selected. I want to Redirect/Open another Page. Cant seem to get it to work. This is my line of thought can some one point me in the correct direction? [CODE][COLOR=#0000ff] [/COLOR] void[COLOR=#000000] Page_Load()[/COLOR] { … | |
i want to make a chekbox column in my datagrid,and wants to do some action on checked and unchecked,i am using c# in window application,can anybody help me regarding this......that how to apply these checkbox.?? thanx in advance,, amit hasija | |
Hi All, My application requires lot of Date formatting calculations. Here is mynew issue, which i am trying for last two days. Hope someone can help me in this I have startDate as First date of current month endDate as todays date. eg: 2/1/2007 ---- 2/19/2007 Now what I want … | |
I'm looking for sample code (AJAX, ASP, JAVA) that allows web users to input questions from a form and when submitted it calls a document (Word, PDF, HTML) and inputs the users answers in the appropriate location of the document and allows them to print the document. Is this possible … | |
I want to surround the html results from a `GridView` control with a `<fieldset>` tag. I need to do this on the server side. I have a situation where I need to build multiple `GridView` controls during runtime because I don’t know how many data sets I need during design … | |
Hi ! I am novice to ASP.NET, and learning ASP.NET using VB.NET having version 2003. I am willing to show tabcontrol on my Webform, but I have observed that there is no tabcontrol introduced in ASP.NET (VB.NET 2003). I want to show tab control on web form. I would be … | |
Hi, I'm programming a mailmanager in ASP.net 2.0. For this i want to have an option to send a mail with a specific delay or on a specific date. Is this posible in ASP.net or how can i solve this? greetings Koen | |
Hi Everyone: I would like to find the solution for this error. I don't have a strong knowdlege in ASP and the tutorials that I have read in the Web don't help me. Thanks, Laura. [B]Server Error in '/' Application.[/B] [B] [I]Security Exception[/I] [/B] [B] Description: [/B]The application attempted to … | |
I am runnig a web sevice over a ssl . And when i call the web services say me this error. [B]The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship with remote server[/B] [B]I changed the namespace.[/B] [B]I have the framework 1.1[/B] [B]i have the https before the call … | |
I want to select single value from Table and display in lable. I wrote a program :- [COLOR=darkgreen][code] protected static string ConStr = "Data Source=URJIT6;Initial Catalog=Employee;Integrated Security=True"; protected SqlConnection NewCon = new SqlConnection(ConStr); String QStr = "SELECT Username FROM Register WHERE LoginID=' " + LoginIdtxt.Text.ToString() + "'"; SqlCommand SqlCmd2 = … | |
[B]Anyone can help me as soon as possible. I want to create table on my database. i tried Following code Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load Dim ConStr As String = "Data Source=Urjit6;Initial Catalog=MyDB;Integrated Security=True" Dim MyCon As New SqlConnection(ConStr) Dim SqlCom As New … | |
Hi, I need to export data from a DataSet Element to Excel. Does anyone know the easiest way to export the data from the DataSet to an Excel file on the client's machine? Thanks, Mike | |
Hi, I'm using the following code to download to excel from my datagrid. when i click on the button, the entire screen goes blank. Please help me out.. [code] Response.Clear(); Response.Buffer= true; Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"; Response.Charset = ""; this.EnableViewState = false; System.IO.StringWriter oStringWriter = new System.IO.StringWriter(); System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter oHtmlTextWriter = new … | |
I am working on a asp.net project currently in my office.I want to copy this project into my system at home so that I can work on it both at home and at office but [COLOR=Red]my project copied from my office system is not atleast opening in my system at … | |
Hi , I have an application in which html and asp.net is to be linked. In the html page I have a link to the asp.net page. <a href="WebForm1.aspx">Link to Asp.net page </a> But, when I click on that link I get the code underlying the asp.net page displayed instead … | |
[COLOR=#191970]Hi Everybody I am using ASP.NET 2.0 In my application, i want to use session concept I have a user control, in which i have to set the default values for some controls to be session variables. eg: for a dropdown list i am using -1 as the defualt value … | |
[COLOR=#000000]:eek: Hi all[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] Scenario:[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]I am creating dynamic PDF reports using XML and FONET. Reports include graph images which are also created on fly. Each time when report is requested graphs are created and saved on the server’s file system to be used by PDF. To save space on … | |
I'm sure this is easy, but I'm seeming to have a brainfart or something and can't find any ways to do this.... I have a gridview, which is displaying data from an objectdatasource/tableadapter. One of the columns in the gridview is a UserID. Instead of displaying the UserID, I want … | |
Hi Everybody I am trying to get some function which returns - current month name - current year - date range ( for February displaying 2/1/2007 - 2/28/2007) -year range ( 1 Jan 2007 - 31 Dec 2007) I was wondering, is there any functions for these? I searched a … | |
Ok folks. I just found a cool Button property called [inlinecode]Button.PostBackUrl[/inlinecode]. It works fine when you set this property and click on the button -- it takes you the page specified in the [inlinecode]PostBackUrl[/inlinecode] property. At first glance, it looked very promissing for cross-page coding. Here's my problem... I have … | |
***UPDATE Solved*** Needed to change to this <script runat="server"> protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Page.DataBind(); } </script> and this [code]<script type="text/javascript" src='<%#"http://www.somesite.com/cool.asp?nick=" + Request.QueryString["Nname"]%>'></script>[/code] With the variable Nname from my database via a DeatailsView control. I am really new to asp.net and I feel that I am just … | |
Hii all I am working with ASP.Net 1.1 . I need to edit a column of data in a datagrid control. In order to do that I need a button control on the top of the column(as Header) and once I click it list of textboxes should be displayed in … | |
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I am still pretty new to C# and .NET. I am using .NET 2005, and am attempting to use a Gridview. This GV displays data from two tables, one dependant on the other. I cannot, however, get the GV to Edit/Delete a specific column in any row. I was able … | |
Hi, I would really appreciate some help with disabling the close button (and the system menu's close option) of a MDI child form in C++ .NET. I've scoured the web, and although I can find it in VB .NET, and bits in C#, I can't find anything to help with … | |
Hi everybody I have two listboxes. I have set the selectmode to multiple but when i select multiple items from listbox1, and then clcik ADD button, only one item is getting added How can i add all the selected items at a time I am using Protected Sub btnAdd_ServerClick(ByVal sender … | |
Hi friends help me out in this i want a stopwatch to be displayed in the form...in which the stopwatch must start its process once the button is clicked and reset's its process on anoher button click.Also I need to catch the total time spent from the fist button click … |
The End.