13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for Techscrip

Can any one please help me find an sample of screen scrape. I need a sample where content are extracted from a given start point to end point. Thanks in Advance.

Member Avatar for bsnaz30

hey, i am putting together an "egradebook" for a project in school. I need to know how to do the following: -have my login page search a table named "login" in my SQL DB and have it read an column named "access" that will say either (student, instructor, or administration). …

Member Avatar for Techscrip
Member Avatar for arnoldsmith30

:D To have an deep knowledge in any topic we need to have an exhaustive knowledge. Only cramming from a book or solving some practice questions will not provide an effective knowledge.I am planning for exam 70-305. I will be very obliged if some one would suggest me the best …

Member Avatar for Bharati Krishna
Member Avatar for Viji

Hello Everyone, I Downloaded .Net Framework SDK 1.1 from [url]http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=9B3A2CA6-3647-4070-9F41-A333C6B9181D&displaylang=en[/url] site, But i was not succeded in Installing. I encountered following errors. Internal Error 2908.{1D377656-ACBB-44E2-BFEB-4CC6FB0FDA33} Internal error 2908.{CFF19309-EA6F-4C72-96F6-8FB0903F9366} Internal error 2908.{48F78E6B-EE61-4ACA-BC2C-00D89DFD1435} Error 1935.An erro occured during the installation of assembly TlbExpCode,version="1.0.5000.0",FileVersion="1.1.4322.573",Culture="neutral", PublicKeyToken="b03f5f7f11d50a3a"'.Please refer to help and support for more information …

Member Avatar for DMR
Member Avatar for web_developer

hey all i have a database containing many tables, 2 of the tables are same in attributes numbers and names but differs in tables names. one is titled [B]livecases [/B] and other is titled [B]archivecases[/B]. the two tables have a forgien key "typeid" from a table "ctype" to declare type …

Member Avatar for web_developer
Member Avatar for Viji

Hello Everyone, I Downloaded .Net Framework SDK 1.1 from [url]http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/...&displaylang=en[/url] site, But i was not succeded in Installing. I encountered following errors. Internal Error 2908.{1D377656-ACBB-44E2-BFEB-4CC6FB0FDA33} Internal error 2908.{CFF19309-EA6F-4C72-96F6-8FB0903F9366} Internal error 2908.{48F78E6B-EE61-4ACA-BC2C-00D89DFD1435} Error 1935.An erro occured during the installation of assembly TlbExpCode,version="1.0.5000.0",FileVersion="1.1.4322.573",Culture="neutral", PublicKeyToken="b03f5f7f11d50a3a"'.Please refer to help and support for more information …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for alfagirl25

hello..i want to include a forum in my web project..is there any good forum code, yet simple that i can implement? cos my req is just basic forum, no need file uploading etc. thank u.

Member Avatar for alfagirl25
Member Avatar for gtbth

I'm building an c# webform and I want to have a table who's visibility can be toggled on and off and I'm not sure how to put inline code that'll do it without reloading the page. Also I have to take that form, and email all the information out. Is …

Member Avatar for Deeee

Hi all, I have a bit of a problem with the selected value of a drop down box in asp. i get this error: 'drpSponsor' has a SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist in the list of items. Parameter name: value my code for the binding is …

Member Avatar for Techscrip
Member Avatar for cherryberries

I am creating a web application form. In the form, I need to have a date of birth field. What web controls should I use text box, drop down list or others ? Hope someone can help me with this !! Thanks

Member Avatar for Techscrip
Member Avatar for Paladine

This is a start to a tutorial on Security in ASP.NET 1.1 using VB.Net code behind. [size=2][b] SETUP:[/b] [/size] [size=3][color=red][b][size=2]** Note this tutorial builds on/off the[url="http://www.daniweb.com/tutorials/tutorial19303.html"] Updated:Simple ASP.Net Login Page tutorial[/url] **[/size] [/b][/color][/size] [u] [color=Blue][b] Login.aspx HTML Code[/b][/color]:[/u] [code] [size=3]<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" Codebehind="Login.aspx.vb" Inherits="NorthLogin3.WebForm1"%> [color=#0000ff]<![/color][color=#800000]doctype [/color][color=#ff0000]html public [/color][color=#0000ff]"-//w3c//dtd html …

Member Avatar for mak101
Member Avatar for ray_fighter

hi .... i have tried to use this code but it juz cant work ... i cant find out the problem with this code ... this program is suppose to read my email and display all my messages that i have in my inbox. Can anyone help me with this …

Member Avatar for plazmo
Member Avatar for Deeee

Hi all, I have a bit of a problem with the selected value of a drop down box in asp. i get this error: 'drpSponsor' has a SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist in the list of items. Parameter name: value my code for the binding is …

Member Avatar for technicalItch

Hi I have borrowed your ASP.Net login page code and have tried to get it working. It all seems ok and I have made adjustments for my database and a asp:login control instead of textboxes. Visual Studio 2005 doesn't like the line below, saying CommandBehavior has not been declared. I …

Member Avatar for technicalItch
Member Avatar for alfagirl25

hi guys..i have a problem here..i have added delete function in datagrid, along wif confirmation box. but after i click the delete button, it did not auto delete, i have to build n browse(in visual studio.net) then only the deleted item disappear. pls help: the code: Private Sub DataGrid1_DeleteCommand(ByVal source …

Member Avatar for muthu

hai friends, i am doing project in asp.net codebehind C#. my project name is ONLINE EXAMINATION. In this we have one problem, if one question is answered then the student does not go back, we have to stop the Internet Explorer back button and restrict the user to go back. …

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Member Avatar for Raghuvir

Our company has decided to introduce a promotion scheme for FORUMNAME members. This offer is open for 24 hrs (until April 2nd 2006, 13.30 hrs IST - GMT + 5.30) This discount is minimum 10% and maximum 50% based on the project volume. So if you are interested send your …

Member Avatar for neerajtrivedi

hi i am a software developer and a plan for my own software company. i want to know that how i can start my company in low scale and whats are the precaution i have to take. i have only 2 year of exprience in this sector may i wait …

Member Avatar for neerajtrivedi
Member Avatar for vaisakh

i have one javascript function for validating the radiobutton.i have to check it on the button click.but i already have one function there for saving the form.so wht will i do plz help me

Member Avatar for web_developer
Member Avatar for vaisakh

when i call the session variable on pageload the following error occur System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. the code was Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load religion.SelectedItem.Text = CStr(Session("name")) Session.Remove("name") end sub

Member Avatar for SergioGP
Member Avatar for ramareddy_dotne

Im creating dynamic checkboxes on page_load(by getting the number of floors of a building from database) if user checks any one of floor checkboxes and hits generateflats button(Postback) then I will refer to the flats existing in that particular floor and I will generate flats(checkboxes ) dynamically. the problem is …

Member Avatar for SergioGP
Member Avatar for vaisakh

hw can i validate the radio button for if it si checked or not can i do this by required field control.if no hw can i do this

Member Avatar for vaisakh
Member Avatar for johannesselhofe

Have made an OLE DB connection for an ASP.NET page in Dreamweaver 2004. The OLE DB connects to an Access Database. The alert tells me the connection was made successfully, yet I when I click (+) on the Icon on the Database Panel there are no tables or views. Can …

Member Avatar for johannesselhofe
Member Avatar for vaisakh

i have 3 combos for date day, month ,year i want to conactinate these values and inserted in to one text box plz help me

Member Avatar for web_developer
Member Avatar for vaisakh

i created a session variable and try to call it on page load on another page the following error occur : System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. code is Session("name")=request(religion_list.selecteditem.text) server.transfer("profile.aspx") // then call religion.selecteditem.Text = CStr(Session("name")) Session.Remove("name") plz help me to solve this

Member Avatar for web_developer
Member Avatar for kamila

hi, im a newbie and im developing a system using ASP.NET programming using visual studio and SQL Server.i was tring to write my first login page, and i connected it to the database, and ran my application.but this error came out,"[B]error while trying to run project:Unable to start debugging on …

Member Avatar for web_developer
Member Avatar for web_developer

I want the administrator of this site to replay to me. this forum u developed from scratch or u used developed one and u updated. i want to develop content management system and u know forums are part of cms. the langauge is asp.net can u help me by links …

Member Avatar for web_developer
Member Avatar for web_developer

hey alll i reciceve this error, does anyone knows the solution. [B]Error while trying to run project: Unable to start debugging. Unable to start program 'display some funny characters' The system cannot find the file specified.[/B] thanks in advance

Member Avatar for web_developer
Member Avatar for web_developer

hey to u all this is my first thread here and hoping to benefit from it i am entering new domain, building cms i want any links to a free ebooks in building cms with asp.net or php 10x advance

Member Avatar for web_developer
Member Avatar for Naters_uk

What's wrong with this? I know i must have missed out something. But what's that i'm missing? [CODE]Dim ds As DataSet = New DataSet Dim da As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Member WHERE MemberUserName = @MemberUserName", Conn) da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@MemberUserName", SqlDbType.VarChar) da.SelectCommand.Parameters("@MemberUserName").Value = Session("Username") ' Fill DataSet with the data …

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The End.