13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for alfagirl25

im currently using frameset on my page. the thing is i want to resize the frameset so that it doesnt cover the whole browser window.is it possible n how? currently my frameset consist of header, footer,contents and main.

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Member Avatar for vic02

I've done extensive work developing a large on-line application form, only to find that it will not render properly in Firefox ( or Netscape (8.0). The panels are overlapping each other and style settings such as backcolor are not propagating to child elements. Yet, it renders nicely in IE. I've …

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Member Avatar for rajni11

Hi! I am not able to open any solution in VS.Net framework due to this error............. Unable to open Web Project '...'. The file path '...' does not correspond to the URL '...'. The two need to map to the same server location. HTTP Error 404: Not found Can anyone …

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Member Avatar for bethelget

I am a final year CS student I want to develop a dynamic web page using ASP.net and my title is CONTENT DEVELOPMENT ON ICT( web platfprm) For a highschool called ATSE yohannes .what do you recommend me about the features that should be on the site. Thankyou

Member Avatar for web developer

Hi my friends, how r you i asked to perform a calendar in a web site .. the calendar may be simillar to the Calendar control of the ASP.NET , but i asked to put on it - beside every day- a comment got from a database . i just …

Member Avatar for guino
Member Avatar for honeymic

Hey everyone, First off I want to say hi, I am still kind of new to ASP.net but I am running into a dilemma. I have a pre-exsisting Access database that has forms, tables, and queries already built in. I and three other guys are working to create a web …

Member Avatar for guino
Member Avatar for guino

Hello, can some one help me please ... ? It's possible to share string or integer values with Web Service. But I want to share an image file with Web Service. I use ASP .Net and C#. I need your help. Thank's Guino

Member Avatar for only_lonely

sorry , i post this thread at here, but i really got a problem. 1. System time shown on the task bar has 29s(max) time of delay to update itself . 2. The system time (task bar) is delayed after system repeatingsuspend/resume . 3. System time shown on task bar …

Member Avatar for ramareddy_dotne

I want a code to upload a ms word file and store it in sql table.I need this very urgently for my project in asp.net(vs 2003) :confused: anybody help me plzzzzzzzzz :confused:

Member Avatar for web developer
Member Avatar for stoyka

Hi, I have to build up an web application (ASP.NET) that communicate with its own Oracle database. Also this application should write some data (like inovices, payments) into Oracle Applications 11i database. Do someone knows how could I implement these features? Is there any Oracle API that I can use …

Member Avatar for Norms

Could anyone help me please!! I need to find out how to incorporate a Director file onto my website, Im developing the site using Visual Studio and using ASP. I would greatly appreciate some help code wise........

Member Avatar for Mark06

I have Dell winXP SP2 I got it 2 yrs ago everytime it launches I get this error message Fatal Execution Engine Error ( 0x7927e03e) I tried regcleaner needed help

Member Avatar for muthu

hai, please help me to move the record in the table. i need this very urgently

Member Avatar for muthu
Member Avatar for alfagirl25

my question here is :how do we write sql connections to database that's using windows nt authentication?How's the syntax looks like?tq :confused:

Member Avatar for web developer

Hi all I changed my account from 'Web Develpoer' to 'web developer' because of wrong fast typing spelling ... Thanks very much

Member Avatar for web developer
Member Avatar for web developer

Hi my friends, how r you i asked to perform a calendar in a web site .. the calendar may be simillar to the Calendar control of the ASP.NET , but i asked to put on it - beside every day- a comment got from a database . i just …

Member Avatar for stackOverflow

Hello Everyone, Recently I've reinstalled VS.NET. Before reinstalling i was doing a project which is saved in D:/. Now, when i try opening the project with VS.NET .. i get this error: [I]"The default web access mode for this project is set to file share, but the project folder at …

Member Avatar for wilbe_cg

The is already support for .Net applications on Linux and other systems. This is thanks to Mono-Project and .NetGNU. But Mono seems to be working for c# and VB and .NetGNU seems to be working for ASP.Net and Web Services. Does anybody know if there are tools which can run …

Member Avatar for muthu

hai friends, plz help me as soon as possible. how a one problem, how to move next in the database, because everytime page is reloaded and i cannot get the continuation. i cannot understand properly about the postback method, so please help as soon as possible. another problem, how i …

Member Avatar for stackOverflow

HI, Well, I'm getting this error message when i try to open my project [I]"Visual Studio cannot create or open the application because the web server on this computer is not running. Start the web server before preceeding". [/I] I searched in google for any kind of help.. i found …

Member Avatar for muthu
Member Avatar for muthu

hai friends, i want one help, how to generate a random numbers without duplication for more than 60 persons. My project is Online Examination in asp.net code behind c#.net. please help.

Member Avatar for pdzine
Member Avatar for rhsieh

Using the Outlook COM objectin ASP.net. When I run the code through a windows environment, it works fine. But, when run through ASP.net, cannot seem to create the application object. " Application lMailApp = new ApplicationClass(); NameSpace lMailNmspace = null; lMailNmspace = lMailApp.GetNamespace("MAPI"); lMailNmspace.Logon("","",false,false); ... " Googled and find solutions, …

Member Avatar for muthu

hai friends, i am muthu, doing MCA . i have one problem i do my project in my college system and take copy and place in my system. In college it working properly, but in home it says, ur webserver cannot debug ie debugger is not running. i also check …

Member Avatar for Letscode
Member Avatar for pdzine

I'm having trouble with a very simple issue of binding to the AccessDataSource, or using an AccessDataSource as the datasource of a DataView, DataTable or anything (anything other than a user control, that is. I can bind to a datagrid, dropdownlist, etc. I'm just trying to make it more OO). …

Member Avatar for SelArom

Hi! I'm not sure which forum to place this in, so if there is a more appropriate one, please move it or let me know and I will repost it there. thanks. A while back I developed a simple vb.net program for keeping track of rebates. I didn't want to …

Member Avatar for Preminition
Member Avatar for hureeict

HI every1 I mongolian studen so i builing one project but we have problem how can i display the logod user status like he's her id number and spme of the profile help any idea ??? :o :o :o :o :o

Member Avatar for hureeict
Member Avatar for HackWizz

Hi everyone... I have a workshop of asp.net in my college on saturday. I am interested in atending it .. so can anyone just give me basic details of asp.net... what is it.. what to use for.. practical uses.. i know nothing about i :?: t...so please if you can …

Member Avatar for HackWizz
Member Avatar for belama

Hey everyone, I have this really weird problem with Visual Studio .Net. If I add some breakpoints here and there on some pages and then run my app., the breakpoints move to some other lines (not always lines with code, and breakpoints dont span the same length as the code). …

Member Avatar for Letscode
Member Avatar for DotNetUser

I want to format the number to display fixed digits, but the format code that I have seen doesn't have that option. I want to display the longitude of the cursor in DDD::MM::SS form. I want to see 7 degrees as 007::00::00. My code in VC++.NET (formatting is not included): …

Member Avatar for CLIPER

Hi, I would like to have a asp.net application that will let me extract or import data automatically to my Access Database. For that, I have a .csv file and I will then upload it and will be extracted into one of the table in my Access Database. Is there …

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The End.