13,153 Topics
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Suppose I wanted to create multiple websites hosted on different servers, but I want some certain duplicate contents (e.g. news box that shows same headlines and news on both sites). The sites will be different, just the news box will have duplicate contents. What would be the best approach for … | |
how can we read data from serial port,if data is arriving continuously. the hardware sending the serial data includes microcontroller and max232. the software to access the data is a website made using visual studio 2005(c#). if someone has worked and has successfully received data serially, please help. | |
[code] Dim subString As String() = Nothing subString = textBox.Text.Split(" ") searchSource.SelectParameters.Item("ContentText0").DefaultValue = subString(0) searchSource.SelectParameters.Item("ContentText1").DefaultValue = subString(1) [/code] Here's what i'm trying to do. So if I two words put into the textBox, this will work. But I'm really not sure how to modify this so it can fit the … | |
i am planning to have a web page in which user can add text as reminder and select a date ......now this text has to displayed on the home page of website when date is same as current date ...plz help | |
We run a .Net environment, and we are adding a blog to our site. We would like to keep it consistent (keep it in .Net) and we would like to get the most bang for our buck (or free if it exists lol). Any suggestions? | |
Hi there, I am trying to create an upload functionality for my application. User can only upload an excel format file. I already have a standard formatted excel (which means i don't have to worry about the column fields,file extension, excel version etc..). User just have to fill the cells. … | |
Hi... I have Question For maintain exceptions in ASP.net... I am use ASP.net 2.0 with C# as code behind file... My Question is we think in some web site some exception was [B]Not[/B] handle...There for There is the Exception occur... In that time,what,when that exception occur..want some globle page load,like … | |
how to open datalist containing multiple images on click on link button in selectedIndexChanged [code] protected void SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { dlEvntImages.Visible = true; BLL_NewsAndEvents objNE = new BLL_NewsAndEvents(); objNE.title = dlEvents.DataKeys[dlEvents.SelectedIndex].ToString(); objNE.getImageDetails(); if (objNE.tests) { DataList dllEvntImages = (DataList)FindControl("dlEvntImages"); //Label lblMsg1 = (Label)FindControl("lblMsg"); Label lblMsg1 = (Label)dllEvntImages.FindControl("lblMsg"); //(dlEvntImages.SelectedItem.FindControl("lblMsg")); … | |
I am having a webpage in websites which is required to send mail to a particular mail address mentioned in the textbox | |
This code is working fine but opening folder on windows explorer, what i want is to open the folder on webpage. The folder is present on a FTP server named "SAN".What changes should be made in this code????? THANX..... [code] //// Opening Respective Folder of a User //// DirectoryInfo directories … | |
i m having a menu bar in my master page..... how can nagivation using the menu bar takes place when query string needed to be integrated in it. | |
I set the title of my master page so all of my content pages would have the same default title. However, I wanted a couple of the pages to have a unique title. Is there a good way to do this? I know I could get it if I removed … | |
Hi, i have got a popup box on a aspx page using JavaScript - what i would like to happen is after the user clicks the box for the browser to navigate to a different aspx page. i have tried using response.redirect and other methods - to no avail. i … | |
Hello, I have a web service in which i am making connection to the database to get data..now i want that the app pool account should be used to make the connection and not the current user's credentials..can somebody tell me step by step what changes do i need to … | |
Hi, I wonder if anyone on this list has tried to mix numerical variable, such as 1, 2,3 within an xpath expression. [CODE]songList = document.SelectNodes("/music_songs/song[category='" & drop1.SelectedItem.Text & "'][item_number_first<=position()<=item_number_last]")[/CODE] For some reason, item_number_first and item_number_last appear to have no value in the above code snippet, when they do have values … | |
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In my gridview, there have a few column that contain number. At the bottom of the gridview, I want to add one row to display the total of the number for that certain column. How to do that? i have no idea. can someone help me?? | |
I am trying to make the dynamic table can any one tel hoe to make the table which get data from the database as data from database delete the table row and column also delete | |
As this is a known issue,I already run microsoft hotfix update for this problem.Also added z-index = 1000 for DynamicMenuStyle.I have also used CSSFriendlyAdapters. At last I hav also added <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" /> in master as ell as my Default.aspx where I want to display menu.Menu list is from … | |
Hi, I am a beginner, and trying to call an image inside a form. So basically, I have done a simple WPF application in which if I press a button, I will managed to show an image in my main form. So, the code is below : [CODE]private void btnAddMore_Click(object … | |
Hi, I have a question regarding an issue on submitting a form multiple times. For some reason, my form takes one submit, but then the others, I don't see changes of result. Here is the app: [CODE] <%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.XML" %> <script runat="server"> Sub submit(ByVal sender … | |
hello mates, i am working on a project of online resume management system and i am encountering an exception while creating resume. [b] Exception: Data type mismatch in criteria expression. [/b] i have attached the database tables list, here is my code for Create Resume-1.aspx.cs [code] using System; using System.Data; … | |
hi all, I need help or an idea in asp.net for 1.) Reading all the contents of a page against a url. 2.) Convert all these contents into a pdf file. Thanks. | |
Hi Everyone, I developed a page with [URL="http://freetextbox.com/"]FreeTextBox[/URL] object which allows update text using rich text format. Now, If I type "TEST 123" and submit the data - works fine. If I type "TEST 123' and submit the data - I recieve the following error: Syntax error (missing operator) in … | |
So the problem I have is being able to get the value from the <asp:buttonfield /> I am using now and running a query based on this. I want when I postback to have a sql query and a gridview generated based on the string passed from the button click. … | |
i am creating a website using ASP.NET (C#) using FTP problem: i have assigned a folder with a storage space let say 1GB to a user now what i want is to keep track of the storage space ulitilized by the user. for eg if a user saves/deletes a file … | |
Hi, This is my code. Here I want to retrieve return value of stored procedure. when I am executing this, I am receiving exception as string[1] string invalid index[0]. coding.. cmd.CommandText = "sp_dat_enc" Dim params() As OleDbParameter = {New OleDbParameter("@pVisitDates", r("visit_dates").ToString)} Dim ret_val As New OleDbParameter("@DataOut", OleDbType.VarChar) ret_val.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue … | |
In this page administrator can update the records of users.he will 1st enter user's id to search the record of a particular user and then all the stored data about user like FullName, MobileNumber, CreationDate, CNIC appears in the respective textboxes.i have made two different attempts but none succeeded. In … | |
i want to give administrator of my website the privilege to change his password tht is stored in xml.the administrator types the new password in "NewPass.Text" and then retype the password in "ConfirmNewPass.Text". We have successfully compared the condition in the "IF" statement.The problem is inserting the password into xml(in … | |
hi i am using vs 2005 asp.net c#. there is a database in which i perform the select max(col) operation in sql, how can i lock the database such that when 1 user is performing this operation, others will not be able to access the page( carry out insert operation) … |
The End.