13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for dotnextnewb

Hello, I am using a Menu Control & I have added Items in Menu Item Editor (both root & child). But in the browser the child items are not displaying. Running perfectly when my lecturer showed in his pc. When I searched for this problem, I have seen some solutions …

Member Avatar for dotnextnewb
Member Avatar for cgoasduff

Hi There, I have been scouring the web for an asnwer on something I would have thought was quite common. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have a database which contain job ads/ I have one table "dbo.tbl_jobadvert" which contains the ad itself and another table "dbo.tbl_jobFiles" which contains …

Member Avatar for cgoasduff
Member Avatar for MARKAND911

I have stored a page's designing code in database i.e. code between <html> </html> tag. Now i have a page named "star". I want to load this stored designing in to this page when I click on a button named "Show".

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for fawadkhalil

Hi all In search engine optimatization im stuck at the point that how should i rewrite urls for my application. i have searh through net but i dont understand how should i get start and how shuould i do this. Any help will b greatly apprecatied...

Member Avatar for murugavel84
Member Avatar for visweswaran28

Hi, I am using itextsharp-5.0.2-dll trying to create pdf from html. In that I am using HtmlParser, I dont know what should I import for this. still It getting error due to this. Can any one help me

Member Avatar for PierlucSS
Member Avatar for udayasankark

Hai All, i need to display the datalist by Country wise and the City wise.(Asc order). My database have all my store address details. i need to display all stores according to country and city wise of the country. how to display using Datalist. i need to fetch data from …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for jellybeannn

Can someone please help me to create a circular reference I need to add a to b and b to a. I've been looking everywhere can this be accomplished with enum or structs? Please help me

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for Dhammakirty

hello everybody , i am doing my project(using asp.net/c#) in which i have to save incoming mail on harddrive & delete them from inbox .So plz guid me about this problem. Tell me code .Thanx in advance ......

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for aliensXY

ASP.NET, C# I dynamically generate few textboxes. When click on a submit, the page refresh itself. It hides a Panel with those textboxes and shows another Panel. In that panel I need to get texts from the textboxes in the previous Panel. I saved generated textboxes to Session and retrieve …

Member Avatar for bombuchu
Member Avatar for SJai

Hai friends i need Need ItemTemplate Value as a default Value in EditTemplate DropDown List in ASP.NET. If anybody have the idea pls let me Know as soon as possible Thanks in Advance

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for SiahCheePing

Is there anyway to solve password management for Active Directory. I mean like a user forgot password and needs to reset it? Is using an Active Directory Administrator account to reset the password the only way? Which is probably the most suitable method for VB.NET programming? <Method 1> Login.aspx->RetrievePassword.aspx->specify username->User …

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for Z_KiNGPiN

Google Maps Control in ASP.Net or something like that ... well to get to the point directly ... what i am searching for is embedding Google Maps in my ASP.Net page, want to use the Direction feature that Google Map provides. Now the problem is, although Google Map gives a …

Member Avatar for Z_KiNGPiN
Member Avatar for maria_mj

How to deploy asp.net (visual studio 2008) web application on a remote server? I am developing a web application in visual studio 2008. I want to deploy the application on a remote server. I have try a few ways on how to do it based on reference from internet. But, …

Member Avatar for abhinaba
Member Avatar for loveforfire33

Hi, im learning ASP.net and SQL Server and im verrrry new! i have followed an excellent tutorial (and besides some authentication issues with SQL Server it has gone swimmingly) :) ([url]http://www.aspsnippets.com/Articles/Display-images-from-SQL-Server-Database-in-ASP.Net-GridView-control.aspx[/url]) however im struggling to understand exactly what i have done in this tutorial (obviously following a tutorial is easy …

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Member Avatar for clausont

I am pretty new to asp.net and I am trying to make a simple form with a few textboxes and dropdown lists. I am using Visual Web Developer 2008 express. The customer enters their information in the web form and hits the submit button. When the submit button is hit, …

Member Avatar for finito
Member Avatar for shithindas
Member Avatar for Weilbach

Hi all. I am new to asp and would like your help on a problem I am having. I have a gridview and a button. The onclickevent of the button must place a certain value from the gridview into an int variable. The value I am trying to get from …

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for jellybeannn

Hi I'm coding in c# and I'm usiing the IIR function of Microsoft.VisualBasic. I need values for 6 years that's 72months [code] if (i <= 72) { values[i] += C158_Calc; } B162_Calc = Financial.IRR(ref values, 0.1) * 12; row9["Month1"] = String.Format("{0:#,###,###,###.##}", B162_Calc); [/code] this gives me this error: Arguments are …

Member Avatar for shumaila iqbal

can u help me how to generate a database access connection to the asp.net in C# website.plzzz!!!!waiting

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for ajwei810192

Hi, I am really new at ASP.NET, and I am wondering if there is a good way to extract XML attributes from ASP.NET. The example I am reading is here: [url]http://www.w3schools.com/aspnet/aspnet_datalist.asp[/url] Suppose I fix the XML snippet to: [CODE] <catalog> <cd> <title>Eros</title> <artist country="EU">Eros Ramazzotti</artist> <company>BMG</company> <price>9.90</price> <year>1997</year> </cd> </catalog> …

Member Avatar for ajwei810192
Member Avatar for ajwei810192

Hi, I have the code here as in the following: [CODE] <%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %> <%@ Page Language="C#" Debug="true" %> <script runat="server"> sub Page_Load if Not Page.IsPostBack then dim mycdcatalog=New DataSet mycdcatalog.ReadXml(MapPath("alice_music_list.xml")) cdcatalog.DataSource= mycdcatalog cdcatalog.DataBind() end if end sub </script> <html> <body> <form runat="server"> <asp:Repeater id="cdcatalog" runat="server"> <HeaderTemplate> <table style=";font-family:Arial;width:56%;margin:1em …

Member Avatar for ajwei810192
Member Avatar for Z_KiNGPiN

I need to host a [B][COLOR="Red"]temporary [/COLOR][/B]website at my home PC for a small project that will include Asp.Net i am running Windows 7 at home, can any one help me out there ? is it even possible ?

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for rttrade99
Member Avatar for murugavel84

Hi Buddies, Can anybody give me the sample to do sql connection through windows authentication through asp.net? I was tried lot of ways. but it throughs empty value for the username and access denied. Please help me to solve this issue.

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for visweswaran28

Hi, I want to set word wrap in gridview. I tried with div tag, I creates horizontal. and I also tried by setting width size, that also yielding same result..

Member Avatar for iamchamith

Hi Friends, I am use asp.net with C#.net as code behind file... I put asp Dropdown list box to my aspx page.. when at run i select item from Dropdown list box and refresh or post back this aspx.the value of Dropdown become first...How i get previous value...I want dropdown …

Member Avatar for reach_yousuf
Member Avatar for Duki

Hey everyone, I'm using C# ASP.NET and am trying to bind a field in my SQL database to a label. I have a combo box working OK with my database right now, and I want the label to change when the combo box changes. Could someone give me a hand? …

Member Avatar for ozgkrc
Member Avatar for maxish

Hi, I have C# .net application which reads data from the serial port and launches a new thread to process the data when all data has been read (end of data is determined by timing constraints). I create a new object where the thread will run, copy the data that …

Member Avatar for PierlucSS
Member Avatar for killoldesai

Hi, Can anybody share how to import Gmail, Yahoo and Live contacts via ASP.NET ? Best Regards, -Killol

Member Avatar for karthikdotnet
Member Avatar for jellybeannn

Hi, I've got a DropDown list which is populated here. with the use of a break in the code there is a value of 4 for shippingInfo.ShippingID.ToString() [code] if (addressOK) //&& cardOK { int shippingRegionId = int.Parse(Profile.ShippingRegion); List<ShippingInfo> shippingInfoData = CommerceLibAccess.GetShippingInfo(shippingRegionId); foreach (ShippingInfo shippingInfo in shippingInfoData) { shippingSelection.Items.Add( new ListItem(shippingInfo.ShippingType, …

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The End.