13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for lupis

In my webconfig file, I am using Forms authentication and I have: <forms name="appNameAuth" path="/" loginUrl="login.aspx" protection="All" timeout="30"> and my default.aspx page is protected as it should. After logging with the proper credentials I am directed to the protected default.aspx page, however when viewing other pages of my website in …

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I have a multiview control with two views, with the first one loaded as default. On that form I have two textboxes which are both connected to a requiredfield control. I also have one submit button control for the textfields, and a linkbutton control to show the second view in …

Member Avatar for lupis
Member Avatar for lupis

To start with I a am a newbie and I know I have done this wrong, probably in my webconfig file. These are my settings in the webconfig file: [CODE]<forms name="appNameAuth" path="/" loginUrl="login.aspx" protection="All" timeout="30"> <credentials passwordFormat="Clear"> <user name="xxx" password="xxx"/> </credentials> </forms> </authentication> <authorization> <allow users="?"/> </authorization>[/CODE] For my login.aspx …

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Member Avatar for nmirkov

Hi, I'm using Visual Studio 2008 SP1, and SQL Server 2005 for educational purposes. I'm working in few diferent projects ang jumping from one to another. Now I run into following problem, and after few hours I got some conclusions but not solved the problem entirely. PROBLEM : When I …

Member Avatar for culebrin

Hi, I have a website on NET 2.0, there I have a textbox and after I change the text on it with a js function, try to save on the DB (I have to click on a imagebutton to save it), but on the postback the textbox.text property has the …

Member Avatar for ja3_bhende
Member Avatar for rushtonitesh

Hello I am working on a website where i need to implement a functionality like this - "You download will start in 10 or few seconds, other wise click here" This is a common message which you all must have seen when we try to download a file from some …

Member Avatar for sureshrajanmca

in trusted connection hw will we get the client windows user id.i am getting only server windows user id when i run the application in server.by when client run iam not getting client windows user id.

Member Avatar for jinus
Member Avatar for Modi2006

string str = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { foreach (RepeaterItem r in Repeater1.Items) { CheckBox c = (CheckBox)r.FindControl("chkModule"); //Response.Write(i); if (c.Checked) { str += "true,"; //Response.Write("True" + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + str + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />"); //Response.Write("True" + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + str + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + i + "<br …

Member Avatar for Modi2006
Member Avatar for ajwei810192

Hi, I have a question regarding an issue on submitting a form multiple times. For some reason, my form takes one submit, but then the others, I don't see changes of result. Here is the app: [CODE] <%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.XML" %> <script runat="server"> Sub submit(ByVal sender …

Member Avatar for ajwei810192

Hi, I am wondering if anyone on the list could help me search an xml file based on the user input. Right now, I have two separate files, one that shows all the data from an xml file, and the other is a simple web form with a button like …

Member Avatar for ajwei810192
Member Avatar for loveforfire33

Im trying to get the values of checkboxes in a datalist and then display them in a label on a page, but im getting a nullreference error. on the line... if(chk.Checked) i know these errors are asked for alot, but after researching i cannot find whats wrong :( please help! …

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for pdthiep

1) Script Title: Ajax Tabs Content Script - Invalid State Problem 2) Script URL (on DD): [url]http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamici...tent/index.htm[/url] 3) Describe problem: Im using Ajax Tab script in my ASP.Net application. i have GridView in each tab. In the GridView i have added the bound fields and also in the Grid's RowCommand …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for sureshrajanmca

cannot close the page in mozilla, so i set dom.allow_scripts_to_close_windows true manually. then i used window.close() its works fine. my problem is, i want to set dom.allow_scripts_to_close_windows enable true automatically using javascript code, its possible are not?

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for ajwei810192

Hi, I am wondering what I might be doing wrong here regarding getting the XML Attribute of my xml file, here is a snippet: [CODE]<music_songs> <song> <title>(I Just) Died In Your Arms</title> <date added="03-24-2009" /> </song> </music_songs> [/CODE] Here is my code, [CODE]<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.XML" %> …

Member Avatar for ajwei810192
Member Avatar for tuomari

I'm trying to populate datagrid with only 5 newest results from access database. I have tried using TOP 5 parameter but for some reason it gave 5 last results and not 5 newest. And if i put order by desc, it would show the newest, but the newest result was …

Member Avatar for mikev2
Member Avatar for ajwei810192

Hi, I have written up this simple asp.net page that pulls data from a long xml file and shows information in a table format. Everything is working properly, except that I cannot get the scrollbar to work. So, if I want to read the stuff that is on the lower …

Member Avatar for ajwei810192
Member Avatar for mr webster

Hi Guys, I was hoping to get some help from any of you asp.net experts in getting an issue im having when trying to convert asp page to asp.net. I used a converter that reports the convert had no errors. Error happens at 105 Here is the code [CODE]<%-- Generated …

Member Avatar for mikev2
Member Avatar for hiks

hi all anyone can help me .. how to using aspxgridview devexpress with 2 keyfield or more thank for advance

Member Avatar for amrita86
Member Avatar for Tellalca

I have a details view and SQL data source. In the details view i can fill the form and add the data to the database and then view this database in another page. I have a "Date" row in the details view where must insert the date info. I want …

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for needanswer

This program: edit select delete id etc. (outside under gridview) textbox1 textbox2 addbutton cancelbutton [CODE]] <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AllowSorting="True" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="id" BackColor="White" BorderColor="#999999" BorderStyle="None" BorderWidth="1px" CellPadding="3" GridLines="Vertical" > <RowStyle BackColor="#EEEEEE" ForeColor="Black"/> <Columns> <asp:TemplateField ShowHeader="False"> <EditItemTemplate> <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" CausesValidation="True" CommandName="Update" Text="Update" /> &nbsp;<asp:Button ID="Button2" runat="server" CausesValidation="False" CommandName="Cancel" Text="Cancel" /> </EditItemTemplate> …

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for ssnaphade

Hi dudes, I want to get a browser close event(X) in firefox browser. My Requirement: I have code for the same but it's works only in IE not in Mozilla. Application should alert me when browser close not for refresh page or navigate one page to another n it's should …

Member Avatar for ajwei810192

Hi, I wonder if anyone has tried to have multiple subroutines in ASP.NET and have one call the other. For example, if the first one is called message(), and second is login(), if login() tries to call message(), how do you do that? Or, is this not a common practice …

Member Avatar for Freon22
Member Avatar for needanswer

I have a gridview with access and built with "select","edit" & "delete", the outside under gridview with the "add","cancel" buttons. details: select edit delet id name etc. Textbox1 Textbox2 add cancel ALL THE BUILT SELECT,EDIT,DELETE WRER WORKING, ONLY THE "ADD" BUTTON WAS NOT WORKING. So, I rebind the gridview with …

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for umair.sabri

how to restrict the page to be browsed in the other browser with the same urls with out logging asp.net & c#.net.

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for ajwei810192

I have a ASP.NET snippet where I would like xsl to apply to the xml. For some reason, I get runtime errors when I use TransformFile to try and transform the xml. Here is the aspx, <%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %> [CODE] <form runat="server"> <asp:Repeater ID="myMusic" runat="server" DataSourceID="XmlDataSource1"> <HeaderTemplate> <table class="songs"> …

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for ritika_khanna

i am doing online railway reservation project in vb.net. i want to know when i click on one radiobutton of trainno and then after clicking on submit button it display corresponding routes from database. i am using oracle as backend.please tell me urgently.

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for loveforfire33

Hi, im making a application and am stuck :) the page has 3 radio buttons, if the user has selected one i want the page to go to page2.aspx if the user hasnt selected one i want an error message to be displayed (lblErr) and no navigation to happen. im …

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for deepika.5301
Member Avatar for satiss7pwr

Hi all, I am trying to do what I thought would be a simple task: connect to a foxpro database, that resides on another machine on our network, through .Net. I get the following error: //windowsrv//f$//GSD//DEPO//L1//' is not a valid path. Make sure that the path name is spelled correctly …

Member Avatar for satiss7pwr
Member Avatar for Uzumaki52

Hi, I have a Edit Button(which is a Image Button) and when I click that ImageButton a new browser window should open and it should load the values previously entered by the user. The new window should contain the old values and now should be able to edit them. For …

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The End.