I'm making a wabsite with a gridview(so far..)
but,when i try to fill with a dataset ...nothing ,i can't see no data
and my dataset is never empty ,it contains data .I ran some debugs and the dataset reads correctly from the sql server database
here's the code
DataSet ds = cat.GetAll("toto", "toto1");
GridPontosInteresse.DataSource = ds;
public DataSet GetAll(string user, string pass)
StatusEnum en = Helper.ValidateUser(user, pass);
if (en.Equals(StatusEnum.OK))
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Helper.CONN);
return Helper.GetAllFromTable(conn, "Pontos_interesse");
static public DataSet GetAllFromTable(SqlConnection conn, string table ){
string strsql = "SELECT * FROM [" + table+"];";
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(strsql , conn); SqlCommandBuilder cmdBldr = new SqlCommandBuilder(da);