13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for mahadevan.swamy

Hi, I am trying to insert multiple radio buttons in one row. For example, I am trying to get the user to state his/her sex using radio button and update the record. But the problem is I am running into errors. I have googled on how to insert radio buttons …

Member Avatar for seger
Member Avatar for emsd123

Hello everyone, I am currently doing a treeview control in asp.net. I want to [B]load the database from MS Access into my treeivew[/B], but I don't know what should I type in my .apsx.vb file. [B]Please help me with the codes [/B]to make my treeview connect to the MS Access! …

Member Avatar for esia168

Hello, I'm following the tutorial of MVCMUsicStore at [url]http://mvcmusicstore.codeplex.com/[/url] and the PDF tutorial that I'm following can be downloaded at [url]http://mvcmusicstore.codeplex.com/releases/view/44445#DownloadId=121650[/url] I'm stuck at the page 53 "Creating the Edit View" (navigate to that page using the adobe reader page input) I have created the StoreManagerViewModel class in ViewModels folder. …

Member Avatar for esia168
Member Avatar for simi pillai

Server Error in '/PrecompiledWeb1' Application. Configuration Error Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately. Parser Error Message: It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' …

Member Avatar for sunki_janareddy
Member Avatar for pritesh2010

can any one help me for this code. i had created 2web page say home, employee and master page. on the mater page i want to show all the employee who are online now. for that i'm firing the query and i got the all the employee name through SqlDatareader.Now …

Member Avatar for pritesh2010
Member Avatar for sreyad12

How to display data from an MS Access table by selecting the a corresponding fileld from another table using VB .NET 2005?

Member Avatar for kingbawee
Member Avatar for arc64

hi..i want that the matter in my label1 on the first page shud be copied to other page on the label present there.... and also i want that the value in drop down box that person choses on first page is copied to label on second page......... pls help....

Member Avatar for k.d.m
Member Avatar for aosmith

Hi All, I wrote a web service that I'm using to more or less move some files around. The client is written in python (uses the HTTP POST interface). If I put the client on the server, and do a test run everything is fine, but then from a remote …

Member Avatar for aosmith
Member Avatar for speedingbullet

Hi, I need some help with a project I am working on. I have created a silverlight media player and I have put it on a test .asp web page, it currently plays the video that it was set to play in the silverlight project, but I am unable to …

Member Avatar for Lusiphur
Member Avatar for loveforfire33

Hi, i have followed a tutorial and modified it to get a image stored as a blob from MSSQL, it is working perfectly - however i utilised handlers in this tutorial. and while it is working fine - id quite like to understand what is going on! [code] <%@ WebHandler …

Member Avatar for Lusiphur
Member Avatar for melton16

I have a project that queries a set of times from a database and uses these entries to populate a dropdownlist. Once the page is loaded, the user can select one of the items in the DropDownList. When the "Save" button is clicked, the Selected item value is returned to …

Member Avatar for melton16
Member Avatar for MichaelWClark

I am able to email and able to export into excel without a hitch. I am just running into a Monday morning snafu in trying to email the excel output as an attachment from the script. Any and all help would be appreciated.

Member Avatar for murugavel84

Hi friends, I need to create ruler like border for crystal report. Can any one help me? I have attached the screen shot for your reference. Thanks in Advance, Murugavel.B

Member Avatar for kalpa23

c# webforms vs 2003 i have this data grid call dgresults which i m using the page index change event and item command event my problem is every time when i load the data grid and try to change the pages it's giving me an exception. that's because every time …

Member Avatar for nick.crane
Member Avatar for leahrose87
Member Avatar for kayfar

[CODE]protected void Button1_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e) { String path = Server.MapPath("App_Data\\dnis2010.mdb"); String sqlQuery = "UPDATE tableRegister SET (SerialNo,StaffName,StaffID,[Hostname],[Department],[Section],[Extension],Type,IpAddType,IpAdd,MacAdd,CpuBrand,CpuModel,Processor,HardDisk,HDType,RAM,RAMType,MonBrand,MonModel,MonSerialNo,MouBrand,MouModel,MouSerialNo,KeybBrand,KeybModel,KeybSerialNo,CdPlay,CdPlayBrand,CdPlayModel,CdPlayType,Windows,Other,WProdKey,MS,MSProdKey,SoftwareName,LicenceNo,Remarks) VALUES (@TextBox42,@TextBox1,@TextBox2,@TextBox3,@TextBox4,@TextBox5,@TextBox6,@TextBox40,@TextBox8,@TextBox9,@TextBox10,@TextBox11,@TextBox12,@TextBox13,@TextBox14,@TextBox15,@TextBox16,@TextBox17,@TextBox18,@TextBox19,@TextBox20,@TextBox21,@TextBox22,@TextBox23,@TextBox24,@TextBox25,@TextBox26,@TextBox27,@TextBox28,@TextBox29,@TextBox31,@TextBox32,@TextBox33,@TextBox34,@TextBox35,@TextBox36,@TextBox37,@TextBox38,@TextBox39) WHERE SerialNo=@TextBox41"; OleDbConnection aConnection = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source =" + path); OleDbCommand aCommand = new OleDbCommand(sqlQuery, aConnection); aCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("TextBox42", TextBox42.Text); aCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("TextBox1", TextBox1.Text); aCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("TextBox2", TextBox2.Text); aCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("TextBox3", TextBox3.Text); aCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("TextBox4", TextBox4.Text); aCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("TextBox5", TextBox5.Text); aCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("TextBox6", …

Member Avatar for kayfar
Member Avatar for deceivingrakesh

hey guys i have a web page involving a listview and every supitem has a button !! deal is tht wen i click on the button i need to get the INDEX of the listview subitem in which the button was clicked!!! please help me through this :)

Member Avatar for Lusiphur
Member Avatar for brightline

I'd like to serialize and deserialize an object using SilverLight. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for Lusiphur
Member Avatar for simi pillai

Server Error in '/PrecompiledWeb2' Application. ________________________________________ Configuration Error Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately. Parser Error Message: Unrecognized configuration section 'connectionStrings' Source Error: Line 10: <configuration> Line …

Member Avatar for Lusiphur
Member Avatar for sakhi kul

Hi , can anybody tell me any valid link to download Ldap libraries for c# I am trying many links but It takes much time to respond and error occured as session timed out.

Member Avatar for Lusiphur
Member Avatar for nayana simi

while Iam running my asp.net project by entering the url it shows the auhentication pop up as "Enter username and password for http://localhost" it shows in firefox plz help me

Member Avatar for simi pillai
Member Avatar for arc64

hii...i m a newbie in asp .net... im makin project on online ticketing... i m concentrating mainly on the available tool and doing little bit of coding now i m struck on a page where a person can book his seats...for this i used 50 image buttons depicting seats...red in …

Member Avatar for arc64
Member Avatar for arc64

hii.... this is my first thread..hope i return satisfied.. i am a newbie in asp ,net...i want urgent help... the following snippet i am going to present was copied from some where though it works perfectly fine...i jst want to change its functionality a bit..............its basically a drop down box...i …

Member Avatar for arc64
Member Avatar for visweswaran28

Hi, I want to know, how to view documents(doc,docx,pdf) in asp.net (online itself)..

Member Avatar for Lusiphur
Member Avatar for artic

Hi, I got reported that login page not working for our client asp.net 2.0 web application with oracle 9i db. Is there is anyway to debug the application which is running in my client web server with the source code available in my machine?, I like to know after clicking …

Member Avatar for Lusiphur
Member Avatar for nealif

I am trying to write a page that reads the username with javascript and then puts the value into the form for username which in turn writes to a *.txt file. I have no clue what I am doing. This part works: <script language="VBscript"> Dim X set X = createobject("WSCRIPT.Network") …

Member Avatar for addie20

Can some 1 help me with the code for creating a DGV on clicking a button from a C# windows FOrm and not a web form??

Member Avatar for Lusiphur
Member Avatar for seo2k6

Hi, I have a dynamic website using dot-net framework, i want to re-write the urls in a way that urls can become extension less and if i use to server.transfer on custom-error pages to do it, is it harmful for search engines, crawling, indexing and rankings? If Yes, how can …

Member Avatar for pritesh2010

hello everyone. can any one tell me how to delete recored from gired view dynamically. in my program i have one gridview and sqlDatasource in this i have 4 label and one button.Label shows name, date, title and description and button for delete. all this is done at source view …

Member Avatar for prashantchalise
Member Avatar for arjitmal

SCENARIO 1 : I have 3 projects in my solution: 1) Web Project (Presentation Layer) 2) Class Library Project (Business Logic) 3) Class Library Project (Data Access Layer) Following are the dependencies among these 3 projects: 1->2->3 (It means I have referenced PL in BL and BL in DAL. In …


The End.