13,153 Topics
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Hey guys, I'm taking a beginner's VB/.NET class. Today we started working on a project involving a simple login form, e.g.: [code]Public Class Form1 Private Sub btnLogin_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLogin.Click If txtUsername.Text.ToUpper <> "JOHNDOE" Then MessageBox.Show("Error: Username doesn't exist.") Exit Sub End If If … | |
Can someone help me figure this one out, in an efficient manner? Someone will be submitting text, in huge blocks, and I wish to have a function go through the text and search for either pre-defined tags or for http:// or www. and create a link out of it. Accepted … | |
Does anyone know how to create queryable collections in VB without using LINQ? I am working on creating a dynamic questionnaire system and need some help. Here's some background: The system needs to support parent/child questionnaires. I have the database model created, as well as a query that returns all … | |
how do i catch events of a datalist in a repeater? I need to use datalist's ItemDataBound event but i cant use it because it is inside a repeater control. Thanks in advance | |
Hi, I'm trying to create an objectdatasource in code and then bind a gridview. ObjectDataSource objDS = new ObjectDataSource(); objDS.DataObjectTypeName = "VeriWeb_Administration.BusinessObjects.Provider"; objDS.TypeName = "VeriWeb_Administration.BusinessObjects.Providers"; objDS.SelectMethod = "PopulateProviders()"; objDS.UpdateMethod = "Update(Provider item)"; objDS.ID = "ObjectDataSource1"; I get the following error on gridview.databind() : The Select operation is not supported by … | |
I am creating a site where normally I would store this kind of information in a database. It is information that will most likely never.. EVER be changed again unless it needs administrative modification. Just possibly deleted ^^ I was thinking about storing a link in a database that leads … | |
I wish to create an application that displays a message in a label assume that the messages have been stored in a string of array. The message automatically changes every after 30 seconds. How can I do the change of the message every after seconds in ASP.Net using C# as … | |
I have seen lately from this site a listing of all fields that can be inserted inside CSS. But I can't find it now. Can anybody give me the codes for all the fields in CSS? | |
I'm pretty new to ASP.NET. I'm working in ASP.NET 2.0 and I need to create a website that has the same look and feel as an existing website. How do I capture the existing site's "skin"? I guess I want to know if there's an easy way to get all … | |
I have roughly 700 lines of javascript code going on a new site with ASP.NET. I have a question, and sadly cannot perform the competition at this moment. Would be be better and faster to just include a javascript file through masterpages, or would it be better to use stringbuilder … | |
I have an application that was written for me by a programmer who represented VFP as the "best thing since sliced bread" and that would be robust for many years in the future and more importantly handle huge customer databases over a LAN instantly. Now, after two years the server … | |
Are there any examples of Time and Attendance System, I would like to know how it works on the part where an employee logs in and the logs are being saved under his/her account when he/she views his/her logs. I am new in .NET programming using VB and I just … | |
Hi, i am new to web services. i am using a code that is running on local machine but when i uploaded it to ftp i found an error "You have attempted to execute a CGI, ISAPI, or other executable program from a directory that does not allow programs to … | |
i have a class in app_code folder which implements the Ihttphandler Interface.so when the execution enter in the Processrequest method i have to use the session variables created on login page.but there is no such Session Object present there. on login page i hav created session like this session("userid")=dr("user") i … | |
Hi, I have one question related to SQL Server. But there is not forum on this. so here is my Question. While accessing multiple columns value in a single alias column we right query as follows. [CODE] Select FNAME +' '+ MNAME +' '+ LNAME as NAME from Cust_Master [/CODE] … | |
[B][/B]I have an application that was written for me by a programmer who represented VFP as the "best thing since sliced bread" and that would be robust for many years in the future and more importantly handle huge customer databases over a LAN instantly. Now, after two years the server … | |
i output cached my .aspx page for a long period of time, now i want to change some markup on the page, how can i make it invalidate its cache(make it refresh it self)? | |
I have created a profanity list and am riding text on a site that contains it. There is also a preview portion (which is below), that tells the user there is a word that is not accepted, and gives them the option to change the word or to continue with … | |
Hi fellas, i got two applications running under the same iis server. I want to pass session variables between these two applications, i.e. authenticate users in one application and allow them access in the other as well. What are my options to achieve this? | |
i want to create a signup form in asp.net.and i want to check the password with confirm passowrd.if both are same then it should be stored in database | |
Dear all, I set GridView.EmptyDataText = "No Record". The problem is when there is no record from SQL, GridView only appears "No Record", I want GridView shows all columns name and below "No Record". What should I do to do that ? Thanks, Kusno. | |
hi all I have a connection to a sql d/b that loads data into a gridview. now in this grid view I have edit buttons that process user onto the 'edit' page (a separate page). the data from the row that was selected for editing was sent to the next … | |
I wish to incorporate e-mail in my page such that when a user had pressed a button, an email will be sent to the recipient. This has been my code. [code]MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(); mail.To = "me@mycompany.com"; mail.From = "you@yourcompany.com"; mail.Subject = "this is a test email."; mail.BodyFormat = … | |
Hi, I have several forms in a html page, each one of them send parameters to a different PHP script. How can I do this on ASP.NET? Using ascx user controls? sending the parameters to C# files? Thanks in advance. | |
Greetings! I'm building a web page that in its master file has a treview navigation control. Now, this treeview has a root, a parent and leaf nodes. I'm having a problem with the post back of this control. Basically, I have set the "parent" nodes [B]not[/B] to be exapnded, so … | |
hii,,,i m using asp.net 2005 i have given login control manually using forms authentication and all.. on proper username and password it opens first.aspx....everything is workin fine. what i want is tht first.aspx should open in a pop up window with specific height and width.heres the code for login [CODE]<script … | |
HI every one I have problem with IIS AND LAN ( local area network) so When test my asp.net page localhost it works fine But I test my asp.net page through the LAN network it means other PC testing it doesn't work I check like this --> [url][/url] but 404 … | |
Hello, I am working in VS.NET 2003 with the original datagrid control. There does not appear to be a published technique for displaying alt text on the grid headers (e.g. mouseover causes a pop-up explaining what the column represents). Has anyone successfully accomplished this with the Microsoft datagrid or a … | |
i have one text box with required field validator and two button like one submit and other reset button when i click submit button then it show text box is blank when i do not type any value it is OK not a problem . if i click reset button … | |
hii,,i am using asp.net 2005 and sql server 2005.i hav a insert page thr which i can insert details to a table in the database,,thrs a column called sme_id in the table.....what i want is when a user inserts the sme_id from the webpage,it should check from the table whether … |
The End.