13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for chams_143

HI ... I need an idea for developing project in asp.net . W r team of 4 people want to develope some appliction in asp.net . So plz suggest me some idea . We don't bother about size of project...So plzzzzzzzzzz help...........

Member Avatar for rinoa04
Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy

I need to write each row of a daset to a separate xml file, which will be named based upon the ID of the current row. I am very new to XML, as I have never believed in it, which meant it was crap. Anyway, I am trying to merge …

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for Jihad

I have a problem on making user login, because I am not able to set up the roles and users in my Asp.net configurations. When I choose security I get this message "[COLOR="Red"]Unable to connect to SQL Server database.[/COLOR] " and when I try to choose a provider and select …

Member Avatar for noldbcat
Member Avatar for Raju5725

Hi All, how to pass server side (ASP.NEt 2.0 with C#.NET 2.0) array variable to another page's client script or How to access one server side web form's array variable in another web form's client script (javascript)? Thanks in advance. Raju

Member Avatar for noldbcat
Member Avatar for rashmigs84

hi, i want to deploy an asp.net 2005 application . i am not able to any of the options as we get in asp.net2003. please help me to slove this problem thank you

Member Avatar for sbv
Member Avatar for hwa

[COLOR="Red"][/COLOR]I'm having a problem to inserting date/time in my database.. In my database have ONE column that consists of DATE and TIME I want use separate dropdownlist for the [COLOR="Red"]HOUR[/COLOR], [COLOR="Red"]MINUTE[/COLOR], [COLOR="Red"]SECOND[/COLOR] and I want to bind it & insert it to a 1 column in database.. I need to …

Member Avatar for hwa
Member Avatar for Jihad

I am developing a website that contains workflow. It has a workflow that contains a listener activity and 2 external event handlers. As you know when the workflow waits for an external event it get persisted. Normal,right. Well, when I click on a button and raise an event, the event …

Member Avatar for ericstenson

Hi - In Visual Studio 2005, when one drew a table, the cell height was "auto" and if it didn't contain anything, it wouldn't show. One could then manually set a cell height if one was so inclined. It seems in Visual Studio 2008 all of the cells have a …

Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for ebabes

I deployed an online quiz in my site using Access as my database. The question is randomly selected from the database one at a time so that multiple users using the application at the same time will receive a different question. The users answer is also stored in the same …

Member Avatar for sbv

Hi can we sent a mail which will be auto deleted from the receivers a/c after particular time period? Just for example a company searching for an employee of particular criteria is sent a mail to a candidate. If till 30 days he not replayed. then the company need not …

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for daniweb@14

Hello Frds, I have a doubt regarding Querystring, Actually my requirement is, I have a report page which contains the print option. If we click the Print then the same data will be visible accoring to the main Page. In the mainpage two textbox and a dropdown is there, after …

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for ebabes

I am currently working with an application that involves the creation of new table when a user had pressed a button. I am using an Access Database with a name AcoountReg.mdb. The table should compose of the following fields - ID (number), Stud# (number), PGrade (number)... and so on. How …

Member Avatar for vipinsgangwar

Hi all, I want to attach map for a particular rail path in my application. It should change according to the stations as well. Can any body help me. thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for vipinsgangwar
Member Avatar for shreecr

I have the source code of a web appliaction which has .aspx,.asax,.ascx,.cs,.js and other related files.Can anyone tell me how to run this web applicatin?

Member Avatar for madmital
Member Avatar for zanzo

hello, i am new to asp with javascript <%@language="javascript"%> i want to insert data into Access, but i fail to connect to database using javascript :( do i need to include some file?

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for nandhinijp

I want to use google search in site.they give some code <form> ......................... </form> I want to use this code in my web page.if i placed this code before of my normal <form></form> code it changes design that means it has some space in top. if i placed this code …

Member Avatar for nandhinijp
Member Avatar for s1986

when i try to retrieve data from multiple tables and display the data in a datagrid it does nt display all the records i.e., it misses some of the record.what cud b d reason.below is my code:- dbcon.start_connection() ds = dbcon.getdataset("Select DISTINCT casemas.CaseID as ID, tblCourtType.CourtType as Court, casemas.CaseNo as …

Member Avatar for rashmigs84
Member Avatar for nandhinijp

I am using one ButtonField in Gridview1.If i click that buttonfield it will be fill the next gridview2. So i am using rowcommand for this purpose if (e.CommandName == "nextgrid") { string orderid = Convert.ToString(e.CommandArgument); Fillgrid(orderid); } fillgrid is the fun to fill second grid.here this orderid takes just row …

Member Avatar for nandhinijp
Member Avatar for Jihad

I have read enough articles and books about windows workflow, but when I wanted to use workflow within a website project, things are not working. I need a reference or an article or a link to a website or anything that can help me in using workflow with website. Thanks …

Member Avatar for bhavna_816

I have two text boxes for login (not using ASP.NET2.0 login control) for username and password and one checkbox for "Remember Password".I want to remember password on the check of checkbox. Do I have to use cookies?Is there any other way to achieve that since if the user had disabled …

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for bhavna_816

I am trying to encrypt and decrypt the password in ASP.NEt2.0 application with Rijndael algo. I am able to encrypt the password but not able to decrypt it. Can anybody tell me what is the problem with my code, I am pasting it here public static string Encrypt(string StringToEncrypt, string …

Member Avatar for bhavna_816

I have a GridView which is geting fiiled on the click of a button have method "FilGrid" I want to use the update panel of AJAX so that the page should not get refreshed at the button click but i m not able to do it .. I have putted …

Member Avatar for srikanthkadem
Member Avatar for bhavna_816

Can we capture the events like click of ASP.NET2.0 controls like link button at client side. For example, there is a link button which performs some operations say download,when the checkbox of the GridView are checked. But what if when the checkboxes are not checked and the link button is …

Member Avatar for ravichandra
Member Avatar for techbrain55

Hello, What is the best website for help with asp.net and visual studio problems? where are all the best techies to be found? just list me the urls or further details. thanks for your time. Techbrain55

Member Avatar for hollystyles
Member Avatar for majestic0110

hi all, hope you are well. Just a quick question, been googling this one for a while but not found anything yet: How does IIS deal with session state? Many thanks for your time.

Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for someoneelse

I am trying to implement an example of the built in login and createuser wizard. the ony problem is, (and this may be really retarded of me) is that when i publish it out to a web server it doesn't work. Of course, it works perfect locally. Does the aspnetdb.mdf …

Member Avatar for jayakumarjesus
Member Avatar for serkan sendur

private DataTable CategoryNames(DataTable myTable) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt.Columns.Add("ColumnName"); foreach (DataRow row in myTable.Rows) { string s = row["ColumnName"].ToString(); DataRow[] drx = dt.Select("ColumnName= '" + s + "'"); if (drx.Length == 0) { dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { s }); } } return dt; }

Member Avatar for serkan sendur

Create Ajax Enabled WebSite. Set EnablePageMethods property of the ScriptManager to true : <asp: ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" EnablePageMethods="true" /> In the CodeBehind of the page, register System.Web.Services namespace. Create a Method as follows : [WebMethod] public static void DoSome() { } the method must be static and tagged as WebMethod. …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur

protected void gridview1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { if(e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { LinkButton db = (LinkButton)e.Row.Cells[0].Controls[0]; db.OnClientClick = "return confirm('Are you certain you want to delete the item?');" } }

Member Avatar for serkan sendur

I created 5 .aspx pages with Response.Write(DateTime.Now.ToString()); in the Page_Load event handler, and with <%@ OutputCache Duration="300" Location="Any" VaryByParam="none" %> added after the @ page directive with different versions of location. When i refreshed the page, client and downstream locationed ones refreshed the time as well, this proves that output …


The End.