13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for jonturlington

I am receiving a System.IO.FileNotFoundException when attempting to access a path like "C:\Path\~somePath\Path\file.ext" it reports the error: [code]System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'C:\Path\~s'. File name: 'C:\Path\~s' at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for Anupama G

Hi, I have a data grid whose datasource is a table from backend. One of the columns of data grid has date as its value.Now,I need to change the date on the data grid by selecting the date from calendar control. can anyone help me in this? Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for marangajared

Can Someone please help me create a search. I am new in ASP.NET and I am trying to create a search where the user can insert either the Last Name or ID-Number or the policy Number and many other criteria. The database is SQL SERVER 2005 Please direct me how …

Member Avatar for f_atencia

Hi all, I have an SQL Datasource: [code=asp.net]<asp:SqlDataSource ID="shownMovie" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:MovieTix %>" SelectCommand="SELECT movie.title, movie.category FROM [movie],[session],[theatre],[cinema] WHERE cinema.cinemaLocation=theatre.cinemaLocation AND theatre.theatreNumber=session.theatreNumber AND session.movieID=movie.movieID AND ([movieID] = @movieID)"> <SelectParameters> <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="GridView1" Name="movieID" PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="String" /> </SelectParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource>[/code] However, i get the following error message: Ambiguous column name 'movieID'. Basically I …

Member Avatar for jbisono
Member Avatar for icemokka

Hi, We are planning to upgrade an existing VB6 application to C# ( VS2008 ). ADO.Net follows more a disconnected strategy when accessing Data. I'm thinking about giving the Entity Framework a shot since using an ORM-tool is higly recommended if you want to speed up the development. And EF …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for Studio

Hi I am looking for some guidance. I have two DB tables, the tables are as follows: tblCounty countyID (int) AgentID (int) CountyName(text) tblAgent AgentID(int) Name(text) Contact Number(text) What i want to do is to use a Dropdown list control to retrieve all the county's from tblCounty then when a …

Member Avatar for Kusno
Member Avatar for mjc225

Greetings, I have just developed a content-managed, database-driven application application that makes heavy use of postbacks and session variables. We own the domain that the site was designed to be hosted on, however, the customer does not want our URL showing. The solution our firm has used in the past …

Member Avatar for Kusno
Member Avatar for marangajared

I want to create or export data from the database (SQL Server 2005) to a text file. the data I need is for THAT DAY ONLY. The text file is required by another system and therefore at the end of the day, I need a report on txt for the …

Member Avatar for Kusno
Member Avatar for suryasasidhar

in my application grid view is there i want to disable the horizontal lines in gridiview control help me

Member Avatar for marangajared

Hi Gyyz I am new in ASP.NET and i am trynig to make my interface dynamic. Is there someone that can help me do it? this is the scenario I have two sets of fields on the interface. One is STATIC while the other needs to be changed. I need …

Member Avatar for Traicey

Hi all I have a datagrid filled with data from Oracle database, I have a textbox and a button search and on the textbox a person/user can enter the Title of the book he/she wana search the the results should be displayed in the datagrid here is the code on …

Member Avatar for obicerno
Member Avatar for Major_Hafez

Hi , i wanna learn more about N-Tier Applications ASP.NET/C#.NET !! any Video Tutorials about how to Develop N-Tier App. ?? i need any simple Tutorial about this , please !! Thanks alot

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for Major_Hafez

Hi all, i had Web Page include [B][U]DataList [/U][/B]control , [B][U]TextBox [/U][/B]and [B][U]Button [/U][/B].. [B]DataList1 [/B]: Getting Data from SQLDB [B]TextBox [/B]: for Editing Selected Field in [B]DataList [/B] [B]Button [/B]: Submit Editing when i Click [B]Button [/B]it Editing Data Succefully in [I]SQLDB [/I], but in same Time [B]DataList [/B]Control[COLOR="Red"] …

Member Avatar for Major_Hafez
Member Avatar for Anonymous20

Hi... Can anyone pls tell me how shall i be able to drag and drop a dynamic control(say textbox) in asp.net using ajax(with mouse pointer).It would be great if anyone can show a sample code,inclusive of html and javascript coding(I am new to asp.net and do not know much bout …

Member Avatar for suryasasidhar

in my webapplication i create a dynamic datalist but it is not getting please help me this is my code thanku protected void btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataList datlst = new DataList(); datlst.ID = "mydatalist"; da = new SqlDataAdapter("select emname from emp", con); ds = new DataSet(); da.Fill(ds, "emp"); …

Member Avatar for IAMEMINEM

i am developing my website in ASP.NET(VB) On my aspx page, I have a form for a visit to fill out. (using smtp service) this is what my contactus form consists of: e-mail from in this , there will be a textbox in which the vistor will fill his/her e-mail …

Member Avatar for marangajared

I am doing a system for payments. I need to display and print the receipt for the amount paid by the client. In ASP.NET, I do not know how to go about it. However, I am saving the data to the database and I can confirm that it has been …

Member Avatar for marangajared
Member Avatar for krokodajl

Hi, Can I choose in VS 2008 items from toolbox to load? For example I want user only to see button, textbox, checkbox, listbox, radiobutton controls and 3 custom control created by me - only these controls, nothing more. Is there possibility to do that? If so, explain me how …

Member Avatar for anudjoe

i am new to asp.net ,i have two textboxes and in one user will enter value which will get added to the other automatically generated textbox value.But is user is not entering any value it is showing error.Any solution to solve this

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for venkx_008

Hello.....I am a student of 3rd year B.Sc. I wanted some project titles in asp.net that would be suitable for beginners.... it would be very kind of you to suggest me a few titles regarding the same.... i would request you for this help considering your expertise.....

Member Avatar for Sabrina_Gage
Member Avatar for anetbegin

Hi, I am developing a lookup page i.e when i provide a zip code in the textbox and submit the button it should display the details like city,state etc. I've created two tables in the database, one with zip code and other with details city,state etc. how can i display …

Member Avatar for anetbegin
Member Avatar for thacravedawg

I am currently developing a site that converts videos to a streaming format and plays these streaming videos. I am using ffmpeg as my conversion engine, and am encountering a couple issues. 1) I dont seem to be able to make the videos convert to .flv files. I have tried …

Member Avatar for thacravedawg
Member Avatar for chicaloca

hi everyone I'm really just looking for some help to get started really. I've done a postgrad in web design and multimedia however have had no luck getting relevant work yet. I've designed a small demo site which I've uploaded onto some free webspace however I want to expand my …

Member Avatar for chicaloca
Member Avatar for sourayan2008

Hi, everyone. The situation is, I am converting a tiff image file into byte[], then to stream then saving it as jpeg image format, then display it on browser, so that the jpeg opens in a picture viewer instead of webpage. The code works in IE 6 and firefox, but …

Member Avatar for diya0076

hi my problem is when i 1st run the webpage content of datalist size of cell is diffrent n when again i refresh the page it becomes diffrent.. this difference is occurred in width of the cells of datalist control.. here is my code.. [CODE] [B] <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ …

Member Avatar for shweta_babbar

In my website on trip planner,I want that user can check if room is available or not...b/w particular dates.. how can i do this? also..how shud i create the database..??as in what atrributes shud i use?

Member Avatar for wilch
Member Avatar for marangajared

Hi Gyyz I am new in ASP.NET and i am trynig to make my interface dynamic. Is there someone that can help me do it? this is the scenario I have two sets of fields on the interface. One is STATIC while the other needs to be changed. I need …

Member Avatar for Datsun90

Hi, I have a web application that uses a class called "CommonFunctions" located in the App_Code folder. I can use functions in this class in the ASPX file, e.g.: [CODE] <script language="vbscript" runat="server"> dim X as string X = CommonFunctions.Func1() </script> [/CODE] This procedure works correctly in the local host. …

Member Avatar for sedgey
Member Avatar for sonia sardana

I want to develop a login page ,i want that admin username & password to be saved in asp file suppose FrmLoginDetails.asp. Username - sonia Password - citm123 When the user logins,i want that his entered usernme & password to be compared with the that are stored in file FrmLoginDetails.asp.. …

Member Avatar for sedgey
Member Avatar for jas05

Hello Guys I am trying to built a small application where i have a grid view on update panel, along with a dropdown list which shows the list of all columns of my table, and a text box to filter values. When a user selects a value in dropdownlist (ex: …

Member Avatar for jseger

The End.