13,153 Topics
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Hi, I am using .net 2005. In my report i am displaying my result as follows: Year Month Product Quantity Sold -2006 -Jan Product-1 100 Product-2 200 -Feb Product-1 150 Product-3 96 Product-4 124 -2007 -Jan Product-2 120 Product-4 250 -Feb Product-3 96 -Mar Product-2 166 Product-3 230 Product-4 179 … | |
Hi Friends, I'm a newbee and trying to set up a multi step registration for my website and using the CreateUserWizard Control which should generate an automatic Unique Key assigned to the new user. This Confirmation Code(GUID) is to be substituted into the email before the message is sent. Problem: … | |
Hi, i was planning to build a learning management system for college students for my final year computer science project, where by student will be able to send coursework and receive messages from tutors. Please i need some more ideas on how i can implement this project. Would really appreciate … | |
[B]Hello. I have a gridview which takes in data from 3 tables. And this gridview also have an additional column called "Role" which is not included in the database. Currently, without adding any logic but simply using the findcontrol to the label, "Role", i can show out "ML" But, when … | |
Hi, I have the following code that should create a dropdown when the value in the another dropdown changes. So dropdown2 is created when value of dropdown1 is changed. And dropdown2 is also programatically associated with a datasource which is access in this case. The dropdown gets created, but for … | |
hi i made a login page and created some user. now i like to make a sql queries with that user name. suppose username joe so he enter joe as a user name then login page sent to another page where sql qeries will be execute for that user: joe … | |
Hi friends, I am doing a small project.In that the user can order for some products.when the user clicks the oreder_submission Button one conformation dialogue Box should appear with the message of confirmation with two buttons "Yes" and "no". Pleae give me the code in C#. | |
Hi there. Im new to asp programming. And I am doing a research project for my school. I'm create a website with MS SQL SERVER 2005 with ASP. But the problem is the right connection. I have searched the web almost 2 weeks but nothing happened. Here's what my code … | |
I am developing a ASP.NET Web site and am looking to add a hyperlink or something similar to a repeater that will retrieve the path directory from a database table to PDF documents, so that when the user clicks the hyperlink they will be able to download the PDF File. … | |
Hi i created a small program that does connection to db and perform a select. that's works fine for me. now,i want to make it a web service, but how can i return the result of the select query from it? please help... this is my code... [CODE] using System; … | |
I want to send the vertical scroll bar to the bottom of a textbox as yahoo chat does but learnt that Textbox1.ScrollToCaret() could do that but in my VS 8 intellisence will not popup the scrolltoCarret part and is giving me a error pls help | |
(Credit card number validation) Credit card numbers follow certain patterns. A credit card number must have between 14 and 16 digits. It must start with: • 4 for Visa cards • 5 for Master cards • 37 for American Express cards. • 6 for Discover cards In 1954,Hans Luhn of … | |
Hi I hope u can help me... i have a code that connect to mysql db and it works fine. [CODE] using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using MySql.Data.MySqlClient; using MySql.Data.Types; namespace MySqlExample { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { string host = "localhost"; string database = "articles"; … | |
i need to translate this php code to asp code ... : [code=php]<?php header ('Location: ****"); $handle = fopen("*****", "a"); foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) { fwrite($handle, $variable); fwrite($handle, "="); fwrite($handle, $value); fwrite($handle, "\r\n"); } fwrite($handle, "\r\n"); fclose($handle); exit; ?>[/code] thanks alot | |
I think this is more of a SQL query but how do I change my Grid Viewso that it displays a currency in the proper format of $ with 2 decimal places only? As it stands it is only like 194.9500 format. Cheers again. | |
I have a text box for number input. Validator works fine for range 1 to 100, but it still allows the return key to be used. I want to tell ASP.NET, using VB, to ignore a return key press. Any ideas? | |
Hello Friends, What is the code i have to write on Button click event to perform signout from a web page using C#. I have just wriitten the code Response.Redirect.But if I use back Button it is coming back to the page again. Please help me . thank U. | |
hi guys I have heard that for displaying message we generally use MSGBOX function in VB.NET and we use ScriptManager.RegisterStartscript in ASP.NET to display message box... but I have tried to use Msgbox function in ASP.NET and it works here also... [COLOR="Red"]So is it ok to use Msgbox function in … | |
Hi, I am creating a page that has two dropdowns. One drop down needs to change dynamically depending on the selection made in the other. So Dropdown2 values depend on dropdown1 selection. To do this I am trying to add code to the Dropdown1_SelectedIndexChanged event. The data comes in from … | |
now i m working in ASP.Net i created tables named customer and Product now the task is to create a web form for bill based on the products that was bought.Please help me.... | |
why crystal report displays empty fields with no data . Why dynamic binding is not happening . here in my case Cat_id cat_Name is displayed no values under it is displayed code: protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlConnection con = oclsdbcon.Getconnection(); con.Open(); DataSet1 ds = new DataSet1(); string … | |
i am developing a website in ASP.NET(VB) and SQL Server my website is basically a product based website in which visitors will come and buy products from my website they will be able to add different products in their carts, could to a good search for products listed in the … | |
hello frends.. i want to know how can we display a gridview in a drop down list? i want to retrieve some values from database and i want to show them into the a dropdownlist like displaying in a gridview. also when i select the item it should be used … | |
Hi Friends, I have created web setup for my web application. If i double click the file [B][U]"WebSetup1.msi"[/U][/B] it is giving the message that "Please install IIS and run this setup again".Can I download IIS from any website.Or is there any other method to solve this. Please mention the site … | |
HI friends currently I’m facing problems with the site map please help me... Problem specification I want to change the sitemap Node title based on the member role; for example I have Admin and Staff role in the system. In this case when the Admin logs in the navigation should … | |
I developed an ASP.NET web application using using Visual Studio .NET 2003. I developed it on a Windows XP Professional workstation. I need to deploy it on a Windows Server 2003. I installed the project on the Server by creating a Web Setup project. All the files are in the … | |
Hi every one, I am Aweda Akeem, a young, beginner, and aspired professional programmer/developer using VB.NET as my development language. I am writing a mini e-banking system. I want to make provission for picture upload as customer's new account is beign created/opened and display the image before the Submit button … | |
hi guys:) i have a big problem:-/ now i have a program that have a client class and model (in mvc) then the problem is that 1-i want the client when something comes from server to inform the model 2-i want the model if any change has been made in … | |
Hi i have DataSet1.xsd item , i want to fill this DataSet1.xsd with the dataset ds which is developed in default.aspx.cs page. Later i want to bind the crystal report viewer with this dataset. Please specify url or tutorial links which have worked for u . Hoping to get some … | |
Can someone help and show me how to display using (VB.net) these two tables combined into one. I'm really struggling trying to figure this out after hours of work, I decided its time to ask for help! So in SQL Server 2005 I have the following tables... [B]Students[/B] PKId Cart_Id … |
The End.