13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for VasquezPL
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Member Avatar for ctyokley

Hey. I have created a website that uses aspnetdb. Using this, i'm trying to take advantage of the profile table. I have it working and I can pull info from the logged in user and display it on the page, however, when i try and load the info on another …

Member Avatar for ctyokley
Member Avatar for asadaziz

I am working on visual studio 2008 what i want to do is read till the end of the file the code i am using is [CODE] StreamReader ^sr= gcnew StreamReader("example.txt"); String ^str; while(sr->Read()!= 0) { str=sr->ReadLine(); textBox2->Text=sr->ReadLine(); MessageBox::Show(str); } sr->Close(); [/CODE] what could be used inside while condition that …

Member Avatar for MattyRobot
Member Avatar for elneco

Forums, I've been trying to get the ASP version of this widget to work but have had no luck: [url]http://www.radoslavdimov.com/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-digiclock/[/url] I need help with this urgently and am willing to reimburse anyone that can help me figure this out. Thanks in advance! -jaime

Member Avatar for Finarfin34

I got the error below what might cause it? Server Error in '/' Application. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Configuration Error Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately. Parser Error Message: Line …

Member Avatar for reet_bahl
Member Avatar for JakeA

hi! how can i get the column name of the current cell in the radgridview? RadGridView1 is the name of my datagrid. these doesn't work: [CODE]RadGridView1.CurrentCell.Column.ToString(); RadGridView1.CurrentCellInfo.Column.ToString(); RadGridView1.CurrentColumn.ToString();[/CODE] help me please...

Member Avatar for abelLazm
Member Avatar for Shockbox

Hi there, I'm pretty new to XML and Web Services but what I'm trying to do is allow a user to register with an email address. The email entered is to be checked to make sure it doesn't already exist and if not, it is added to our XML file. …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for riyapethe

my table structre like this ID nAME 1 Mumbai,Pune,Chennai i want output of name like this Name Mumbai Pune Chennai pl help m 'new to sql Thanks in Advance

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for reet_bahl
Member Avatar for Nfurman

Hello again, I have a method: [CODE] public static void GetStudents(DropDownList list, Label lbl) { SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Config.DbConnectionString); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("GetStudentsToDDL", conn); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; SqlDataReader reader; try { conn.Open(); reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { ListItem item = new ListItem(); item.Text = reader["StudentName"].ToString() + " …

Member Avatar for Nfurman
Member Avatar for kimbokasteniv

All I am really trying to do is create a textBox where non-contiguous segments of text can be highlighted at any given time. From the experimenting I have done, it would appear that the System.Windows.Controls.RichTextBox is a good fit for this when customized slightly. Extending RichTextBox and getting multiple pieces …

Member Avatar for kimbokasteniv
Member Avatar for Nfurman

Hi again, I need an professional advise how to implement dropdownlist in very professional way. So, my code is: [CODE] <asp:DropDownList id="ddlStudents" runat="server" CssClass="textbox" OnSelectedIndexChanged="ddlStudents_SelectedIndexChanged" AutoPostBack="true" EnableViewState="true"> <asp:ListItem Value="0">Choose</asp:ListItem> </asp:DropDownList> [/CODE] The rest of data I get from SQL DB. Is it the right way to populate the default value …

Member Avatar for Nfurman
Member Avatar for bshyama24@gmail
Member Avatar for aplee

Hi Everyone, I have this problem. I am done with the coding, and I want to access it using a url. The program is working perfectly in my local computer, but when I try to go to IIS, add a new website, assign port, like what I did in my …

Member Avatar for Akash Saikia
Member Avatar for wrathyimp

Hi all, I have a table with 6 rows and 5 columns. First row is the header, I want to change color for the values in the 5th column, i.e. if the value is >0 then the font color is red, if value is <0 then its green. I have …

Member Avatar for nilesh.umaretiy
Member Avatar for ctyokley

So I have read almost all post over the internet, and I cannot figure out how to load profiles in a webpage. I have created a registration page and added some user steps into the registration page. When i sace the data, it will save all the profile stuff into …

Member Avatar for ctyokley
Member Avatar for Nfurman

Hello again, I have a problem with dropdownlist. DropDownList: [CODE] <asp:DropDownList id="ddlStudents" runat="server" CssClass="textbox" OnSelectedIndexChanged="ddlStudents_SelectedIndexChanged" AutoPostBack="True" EnableViewState="False"> <asp:ListItem Value="0">Choose</asp:ListItem> </asp:DropDownList> [/CODE] Method which fills the ddl with data from DB [CODE] protected void GetStudents() { SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connection); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("GetFullStudentProfile", conn); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.CommandText …

Member Avatar for Nfurman
Member Avatar for MARKAND911

I have added a .xml file to application resources. Now I want to access that xml file and fill dataset using that xml file in c#.net Can anyone help that how can i do this in C#.net

Member Avatar for MARKAND911
Member Avatar for Sarah Lee

Hi Everybody How can i display in the gridview. "there is no data for this request" if the binded dataset is empty? Can anyone give some ideas? Thanks

Member Avatar for egrullard
Member Avatar for niths

hi, i am using ajaxslideshow in my website. i had got some code after searching in google.It is working fine but it is showing images which are in folder.I need images which are in database. so how can i get images based on image path stored in database. here is …

Member Avatar for JakeA

hi there! i am using a radgridview(a datagrid in telerik). can you give me a code that sorts the contents of the datagrid? there is an ascending/descending button wherein users can choose how they want the data to be sorted. there is also a combobox that contains the column names …

Member Avatar for Saikalyankumar
Member Avatar for Rynkadink

Hi there, I'm quite new to ASP.NET development so i don't know what's the best way to do this... I want to list some data in several rows and have a column with a checkbox or radiobutton that allows the user to select a row; Then I should get a …

Member Avatar for Akash Saikia
Member Avatar for denmarkstan

i want to retreive a record that has ten columns including a passport. i have done everything but when i run the program, i succedded in retrieving all the columns except the image field. please let somebody help.here is where i set the property of the image: [ICODE]<asp:DetailsView ID="DetailsView1" runat="server" …

Member Avatar for siju kuriakose
Member Avatar for shailaja mohite

HI, I am creating web application, in which i want to check given string is decimal or not. how to check given string is decimal or not using regular expression... plj help me..

Member Avatar for Akash Saikia

Hey everyone I have a Datalist control,that contains a Gridview control. I have binded the data properly,but at the time when i select a row from gridview, i need to get a particular value from that selected row. But i am not able to do this. All data is shown …

Member Avatar for domingo

Hi i have a problem, on localhost everything works fine but not when i upload to my web server an error occurs: I have tried different methods but nothing succedded. thanks HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, …

Member Avatar for Knvn
Member Avatar for zifina

how can i find the checked state of radio buttons of one form from another form in c sharp .net 2010. to use in situation like IN FIRST FORM if( otherform.radiobuttonname.checked=true) { ,,,,,do,,,} )

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for Dinita

can anyone provide me with full codes of adding forums in my asp.net site

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for functionalCode

Hey everyone I am trouble getting a reference to dropdownlist1. I need to get the selectedvalue so I can use the sqldatasource to update the table in my database. How can I get a reference to dropdownlist1. I have used Page.FindControl(), but I still am getting a null pointer exception. …

Member Avatar for Knvn

The End.