13,153 Topics
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how to save the state of radio buttons on application exit.how to get or set check state of radio buttons of a form,from another form.pleasssssssssssssssssssssssssssss help me with dis..its very urgent.i am new to c sharp.i will be really very grateful. :) thank you | |
Hello everyone :) i want to be able to just edit and update one field of my grid view is this possible? as im using Visual Web developer 2008 express when a user selects edit to a row, it allows the user to edit the whole row ... but this … | |
Hi, I'm a newbie to C sharp and ASP.Net. I have created a web form header.aspx, so i would like know to how to make that header page appear on the master page so that it will appear all the time when the content is loaded. On the header page … | |
how can solve thi problem Please Help me, System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater Its not comming for Local Internet connection ,Its comming only internet please Tell me Please .. Thanks Balas | |
Can anyone out there recommended a decent piece of software for testing a .net web app? Just need to test simple things like logging in, submitting basic data. Thanks in advance! | |
The VIEWSTATE size is killing our apps and it keeps growing. The .aspx files are bigger than 2.5Mb in some cases. The developer is on vacation and I just installed a 90 day trial of VS 2008 to test turning form-level VIEWSTATE off then turning it on again to see … | |
Hi I am trying to create a booking system in visual studios using asp.net. I want to be able to select a date & time on the calender and select a checkbox from the three options and then submit and save to my database table. Could anyone help me with … | |
I have an aspx page that has a listview. Within the listview I have a column named BADGEID. When inserting the BADGEID as a textbox with the below code, everything works properly: <asp:TextBox ID="BADGE" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("BadgeID") %>' I need this to be a DropDownList and I changed the textbox … | |
Hello, I'm trying to place select hyperlink, or button to get item details on another page. In DataGrid control it is very easy to do it, I have just add HyperLinkField, and add Url parameter details.aspx?id={0}. I have tried with below code, but of course it is not working, as … | |
Hello everyone, [B]I have a TextBox and a Button on my webpage. On Page Load I'm displaying the contents of a TextFile(with multiple lines)on the TextBox.Then I'm editing the TextBox.Then On ButtonClick ,I debug it and check the TextBox value.The value shown is:The value last edited on textbox appended with … | |
When I debug, it shows executing the routine, but the ddl's selected index is always zero, no matter which item I select. It didn't always do this. Earlier, it would work correctly for one dataSource, but not another (yes, I use a different data source, depending on who logs on). … | |
Hi Guys... In the web setup project(using VS) when creating a user interface, how can I create a password field ?? there isn't any property for making the input that written in the text field hidden(give star instead of showing the password)... Note: the type of the dialog that i'm … | |
Hello. I am doing an exercise and faced an problem my code is: [CODE] protected void ddlStudents_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connection); SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand("GetFullStudentProfile",conn); comm.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; comm.CommandText = "GetFullStudentProfile"; SqlDataReader reader; try { conn.Open(); reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); reader.Read(); StringBuilder sb = new … | |
I want to create a 3 page search to bring back one result from a SQL database. The first page will be a image of a male and female, and the user selects themself, e.g either Male or Female. They click next. The next page asks for the day of … | |
Hi I've got an aspx page that redirects to page that creates and opens an excel document, however, I want to reload/refresh the existing page. I've tried putting a redirect in the new page but it doesn't work. Is there a way of doing this? thanks Lbob | |
hi am developing a online test application i need to fix up a time for the test and redirect to result page as soon as the test is over how can i do this i think we need to set up a session timeout property can anyone clearly explain me … | |
I am creating a part of a game in ASP.NET (VB). There is a database with four tables (topics), and in those tables there are three items. I need the application to be able to show a random item (for example the three items are 1, 2, 3 - I … | |
I have created a simple web service based off one of the project templates in the Microsoft WCF Starter Kit 2 for .NET 3.5. I have successfully implemented a GET method. However I am having trouble get a POST method to work. [CODE] [WebHelp(Comment = "Sample description for DoWork")] [WebInvoke(UriTemplate … | |
please help me here the error is : conversion from string "~/ShowImage.ash?ID" to type 'Double' is not valid My code: [ICODE]Partial Class Create_staff Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub btnUpload_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnUpload.Click Dim connection As SqlConnection = Nothing Try Dim img As FileUpload = CType(imgUpload, … | |
using C# language and without using Ajax. pls someone help.. | |
i have two projects on visual studio 2005 one in vc++ & other in vb.net now i want to both programs to work cooperatively acc to me i have following ideas but dont know how to implement them 1 - if i create third project and integrate/merge/combine other two in … | |
hi, can any one tell me How To write code for buttons in grid view in asp.net | |
Hi I thought I'd share this with you all as it is really quite simple but I spent ages looking for it. I have an ASP.Net App with a master page containing a tree view that holds a heirarchy of data (as opposed to site naviagation) What I wanted was … | |
Hi, I am using below code to hide a column in Gridview. Gridview have one template field(Checkbox) and multiple coulmns.And Auto generated field propert is true,remember there is no bound field.But it display an error. My code:: protected void GridView1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { e.Row.Cells[4].Visible =false;//error generated on this line … | |
Hi everyone, Here i am once again, I have a business logic layer, which will be called upon by aspx page, The BLL has a SQL statement which add's records on to the database, which works fine, however i would like to make sure the record that is being added … | |
Hi, This is my code : [ICODE] Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint.Application application = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint.Application(); string filePath = Server.MapPath(@"~\\Staf\\TestDoc\\" + strFileName.ToString()); Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint.Presentation pptPresentation = application.Presentations.Open(filePath, Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoFalse, Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoFalse, Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoFalse); application.Visible = Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoTrue; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int page = pptPresentation.Slides.Count; for (int num = 1; num < page + 1; num++) { Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint.Shapes … | |
Hi All, I am trying to update my form once the delete button is clicked. There are several fields like Name, Date, Date of Birth and so on. Once I delete a record I want the form to automatically load with new / updated data. This form fetches data from … | |
Hello. This demo shows how to upload multiple image files, saving them in "Image" folder and displaying them all. To do this, create a folder named "Image" in your solution explorer. I hope you like it :) | |
Hello, I did a stupid mistake in which I had my date saved as varchar in the format: "Tuesday, 25 November 2011". Now my database was binded with a datagrid and the problem now comes when I am sorting the grid from date as it sorts it with week day. … | |
Hi, I am create web application.In this application i am use CommandField in datagridview. when i am search record there is no record in datagrid view then i call empty function. In this function i want to disable CommandField but how to disable this CommandField. [CODE] <asp:GridView ID="grdItemStatus" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" … |
The End.