13,153 Topics
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operating system : windows XP, sp3 When i click on asp.net gridview smart tag > edit columns button. Then my visual studio 2008 IDE just crashes. This problem happens in every asp.net project where gridview control is used. I think this problem occures when i enabled automatic updates in my … | |
can someone send the code for connecting with MySql in asp.net. and code for inserting some entry to a table. I have no idea about MySql. Am having an interview on 16th March.They asked me to do with MySql. Please someone help me.. | |
i have a gridview with values and email addresses. it sends emails to the email addresses if it is checked (checkbox). i use arraylist to store the email addresses and the values in the rows as content in email. how to check through the arraylist? if the 1st address is … | |
Hi experts.,:) I have tried to send mail using silverlight application and now i am very much tired because of can't get it correctly.... I wrote a Web Service for sending mail as like below. [CODE] using System.Web.Mail; MailMessage msg = new MailMessage(); msg.From = emailFrom; msg.To = emailTo; msg.Subject … | |
Hello experts, My doubt is pretty simple, I suppose. But still I need assistance. I have a registration form as ASP.NET web form. There are 5-6 fields in it (username, password, email id, sex, country etc. ). I want to enter all the data, entered by a new user in … | |
Hello all, I seem to have a problem, hope if you can help me out. So the application is written in asp.net c#, and its implemented on a win server 2008 R2 iis 7. sql 2008 The server has two network cards, each on a seperate subnet. So that people … | |
iam working on project in asp.net using c#.... iam getting this error when iam inserting value from form to database... Incorrect syntax near 'nvarchar'. Must declare the scalar variable "@Occupation"... how to remove this error... plz reply... | |
I am binding a DataSet objetc as a datasource to my GridView. However i want to omit first column from being displayed. If i write [CODE]GridView1.Columns(0).Visible = False[/CODE] then i get error saying there was some indexing error. How can this be acheived ??? Also a weird thing is that … | |
I have a problem sending emails correctly. Currently the system i am developing sends emails using CDO message. i have a gridview containing the values i need to send in the email(assume value1,value2,value3,...,recipient's email). Once i check the checkboxes located at the last column of the gridview (i placed checkbox … | |
Hi, I am create one application in asp.net. I have to use datagrid view in this application. I want to sort Gender. I am use the template field in datagrid view. [CODE] <asp:LinkButton ID="LnkBtnGender" runat="server" CommandName="Sort" CommandArgument="Gender">Gender</asp:LinkButton> [/CODE] plj help me.. | |
apparently attributes on web controls are automatically partially encoded for example, if you do the following [CODE]System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image img = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image(); img.Attributes.Add("whatever","<");[/CODE] you get this in html [CODE]<img whatever="<" />[/CODE] (the < is encoded) but, [CODE]img.Attributes.Add("whatever",">"); [/CODE] results in [CODE]<img whatever=">"/>[/CODE] (the > is not encoded) i dont know why. … | |
Hello! I'm trying to find a code to delete multiple columns because when you delete a column the next column takes his place so for example: If you delete column 6 then column 7 becomes column six. I tried the following code with an for loop & a while loop: … | |
I create website on asp.net, is name ExpenseReport First, I create 'DBConnect' class in App_Code by using namespace ExpenseReport [CODE]using System; using System.Data; using System.Configuration; using System.Collections; using System.Data.SqlClient; namespace ExpenseReport { public partial class DBConnect { private SqlConnection objConn; private SqlCommand objCmd; private SqlTransaction Trans; private String strConnString; private … | |
I want to check weather my database contain row or not? and if it contain then i want to delete that row. this process can be done during run time of page. | |
i have a problem. i want to import multiple tables from a same excel sheet to a datalist or more.how can i identify different tables.please help anyone. advance thanks to all. | |
This is my first foray into the world of programming. I'm doing a practice project for the consulting firm I work for, and my current objective is to make my submission page textboxes insert the user input into specific tables in my database. Later I'll need to retrieve the data, … | |
I got error invalid column 'A1009' string v11; chk1 = "select Sno from Student where SID = "+ @smemno.Text.ToString(); SqlCommand ck1 = new SqlCommand(chk1, cn); [COLOR="Red"]v11 = (string)ck1.ExecuteScalar();[/COLOR] what should i do please help me.... | |
[code] <% if (this._arr_design.Count > 0) { %> <% foreach (Ameronix.Teeone.Models.Design obj_design in this._arr_design) { %> <tr> <td style="width: 254px; height: 27px;"><%= obj_design.name_design.ToString() %> <div class="thumbnails"> <% foreach (System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<int, Ameronix.Teeone.Models.DesignSection> kvp in obj_design.arr_design_section) { %> <div class="thumbnail"><a href="/snapshots/processed/designs/<%= obj_design.id_design %>_<%= kvp.Value.id_design_section %>.jpg" rel="lightbox"><img src="../resources/get_image.aspx?src=/snapshots/processed/designs/<%= obj_design.id_design %>_<%= kvp.Value.id_design_section %>.jpg&width=50&height=50" /></a></div> C# … | |
Hi Can anyone help me. I need to display the username in the lable of the masterpage. But I also have to show the logo of the business of the user. How should I do this! Regards Weppies | |
Hi pros, I am using CreateUserWizard in my webby, how can i set my password value as username's? I couldnt find any other solution because the password property is read only. thanks in advance | |
i want to know weather table contain row which have some value like "987654321"(primary key). | |
Hi all, i was wandering if someone good explain to me about clr? what are some advantages or disadvantages of programming c++ with clr, what are the main differences if there are any? If I understand it right clr programming is using the .NET framework, but could someone please give … | |
Hi there, Im getting the error above, when i run my code. [code] string myCommand = "SELECT * FROM Manager WHERE UserName=" + ID; SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(myCommand, con); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); try { con.Open(); da.Fill(ds); [B]// <- highlighting this part of the code..[/B] } finally { … | |
Hi all, I have added a template field in a gridview. In that i have added a radio button. I have written a code which will get row Id of GridView of a row which is having a radiobutton on it checked. Through code i am getting even name of … | |
In attachment I have sent the structure of my website.I have used web configuration file for connection string. How can I publish the website in IIS? Notice : I have never publish asp.net web site. so help me in step by step way. Thanks. | |
Hi, I created an image button and i would like to put a bmp image icon i can't figure out how. I putted my icon in the bin and gave the imageURL: Bin\IconRegister.bmp In the interface the picture is shown put when i run the web appliction it does not … | |
Hello, How to save values of each and every controls to SQL database using CreateUserWizard? | |
[CODE]<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" Runat="Server"> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function run(){ if (document.txtbox.value.length==0){ alert("BLANK"); } } </script> <form name="test" action="javascript<b></b>:void()" method="get"> <input type ="text" name="txtbox" value="" /> <input type ="button" name="btn" value="CLICK" onclick="run()" /> </form> </asp:Content>[/CODE] I'm using masterpage and the above code is on dafault.aspx, I wanted to place some JS … | |
Hi, I created a new Virtual Directory in Windows Server 2003 . But when i click Browse I'm getting this error: [B] System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid object name 'tempdb.dbo.ASPStateTempApplications'. [/B] Can someone please help me to solve this issue. Regards, Pavan Kumar | |
Hi Guys, I'm new to ASP.NET MVC, so please pardon me if I mentioned wrong terminology on my question I'm trying to create an application for a soccer related application. Right now I'm trying to design database/class structure for my application. However I run into a problem when I'm trying … |
The End.