13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for suvisoya

hi, I using Visual studio 3.5 .Can anyone help me how to authenticate by role wise.for example when users enter password with employee role then Employee Page need to display or if users enter password with Admin role then Admin page need to open and display all admin option Thanks …

Member Avatar for starki_28

Hi to all, I have a problem with a timer on an ASP .NET website. The timer has an interval of five seconds and every five seconds a part of the page reloads (UpdatePanel). On this UpdatePanel there are some textboxes where the user can insert some text. While the …

Member Avatar for abelLazm
Member Avatar for pj1981

Hi, I am working on a project for work that requires the <%# Now() %> function output to be inserted into a text box field that passes it's value to an Access 2007 DB with the rest of the form data on submission. I am able to either make the …

Member Avatar for abelLazm
Member Avatar for Erickk

[CODE]<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" Runat="Server"> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function run(){ if (document.txtbox.value.length==0){ alert("BLANK"); } } </script> <form name="test" action="javascript:void()" method="get"> <input type ="text" name="txtbox" value="" /> <input type ="button" name="btn" value="CLICK" onclick="run()" /> </form> </asp:Content>[/CODE] I'm using masterpage and the above code is on dafault.aspx, I wanted to place some JS …

Member Avatar for amaresh417
Member Avatar for prutudom

I try to develop the program with C# VS in Windows Mobile5.0 My application up and running, however when I scan the barcode and get the data from database it work fine. Once I keep scan the barcode for a while. Program stop working and sometime can be terminate as …

Member Avatar for prutudom
Member Avatar for denmarkstan

Please great people help me look into this from scratch. i have field definition like this: Column Name Data Type StaffID nvarchar(20) Title Varchar(20) FirstName varchar(50) SecondName varchar(50) Gender nvarcher(20) ClassTeaching nvarcher(20) PhoneNumber nvarcher(50) Level nvercher(20) Salary money Passport image Here is vb code below, and when i run it …

Member Avatar for dr.ammu

can any one give some suggestions how to insert video files in pdf that has to be converted to ebook and that can compatiable with ipad ebook reader.:'(

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for VinayRok

Hi Friends, Am facing a problem in Modal popup. following is the source code [CODE] <div> <asp:Button runat="server" ID="hiddenTargetControlForModalPopup" Style="display: none" /> <ajaxToolkit:ModalPopupExtender runat="server" ID="programmaticModalPopup" BehaviorID="programmaticModalPopupBehavior" TargetControlID="hiddenTargetControlForModalPopup" PopupControlID="programmaticPopup" BackgroundCssClass="modalBackground" DropShadow="True" PopupDragHandleControlID="programmaticPopupDragHandle" RepositionMode="RepositionOnWindowScroll"> </ajaxToolkit:ModalPopupExtender> <asp:Panel runat="server" CssClass="modalPopup" ID="programmaticPopup" ScrollBars="auto" Height="300px" Style="display: none; width: 600px; padding: 10px"> <div style="padding-top: 10px;"> <asp:TextBox ID="TextBoxEdit" …

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for musman007

I am software developer working in ASP.net for more than 3 years. I think it is the time for me to get a certification. I was wondering if it is worth it to spend money on 3.5 instead doing something in 4.0. Currently I am studying book for 70-536 with …

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for nice_candy

hi, can anyone tell me how can i get the OUT parameter value in my calling code. my code is like following: [code] Class abc{ public int sum(int a,out int b){ [COLOR="Green"][B]b[/B][/COLOR] = 10; return a+b; } } [/code] how can i use the value of [COLOR="Green"][B]b[/B][/COLOR] in my calling …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for niths

hi, After searching in google for a long time i found this code for uploading multiple files at a time in .net. so here is the code ---sample.aspx--- [CODE]<%@ Page Language="VB" %> <script runat="server"> Private Sub InsertMsg(ByVal msg As String) End Sub Private Sub Attachments1_AttachmentAdded(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal args …

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for Csegota

To ad log in credentials to a page, accessed by a database. Would you just check a user table in the database that stores lets say, UID, UserName, UserPW and see if there credentials exist? If so, how would you do that? Also, how would you keep track if they …

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for karthik_ppts

Hi frendz, I need to calculate the decimal latitude and longitude value from the following latitude and longitude value. latitude 11006805N longitude 076577304E

Member Avatar for karthik_ppts
Member Avatar for kelvnese

hi everybody, i'm doing a ASP.NET project with VB.unfortunately,when i'm using Logout control, i still can not logout. So i can't logout.. And i have tried to delete the browser cache, but no luck.. What could be wrong? :'( [CODE] <asp:LoginView ID="LoginView2" runat="server"> <AnonymousTemplate> <asp:Login ID="Login1" runat="server"> <LayoutTemplate> <div class="username"> …

Member Avatar for kelvnese
Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi

Hello, I am creating an automobile finance system for retail bike dealer. The system contains features using which inventory, purchase, sales and party (customers, suppliers, manufacturers, financers) details can be maintained. Here inventory indicates to vehicles only which can be two wheeler, three wheeler and four wheeler. A lot of …

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Member Avatar for Vbs88

Hi guys, I'm new here and in dire need of help for a problem that I've worked on hours. I created a table 'tblProductCat' in the webform and wanted to populate the table with the code below: [CODE]Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.SqlClient Partial Class ProductCategories Inherits System.Web.UI.Page 'Define DA and DS …

Member Avatar for Vbs88
Member Avatar for cris651

Hello, maybe someone can help me: I have two gridviews on my page, positioned side by side, GV1 on the left and GV2 on the right. When the user selects a row in GV1 (that has many rows), GV2 should shift near the selected row. I was wondering if there …

Member Avatar for Fortinbra
Member Avatar for paresh_thummar

I use [CODE] FileUpload.Filename = lbl1.text.ToString(); FileUpload.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/Photo/AllPhotoes/" + FileUpload.FileName)); [/CODE] and i got Error: Property or indexer 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.FileUpload.FileName' cannot be assigned. it is read only. I want to save image with label name which is hidden. and it get new value each time. how can i change image name with …

Member Avatar for kesaven
Member Avatar for Shantanu88d

Hello everyone, I am developing a website application on vb.net. I was earlier using IE-6 and everything was fine, except some wrong display of gui elements. So, I installed IE-8. But now, when I run/debug my web appl, it starts VERY SLOWLY. It takes about 20 seconds+ to load the …

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Member Avatar for ssreevidya.m

Hi I add an additional headerrow for pagesizing. The additional row is added on GrdRemarkNature_RowCreated event. Code I used is: [CODE] GridViewRow row = new GridViewRow(0, -1, DataControlRowType.Header, DataControlRowState.Normal); row.ID = RowId; Table t = (Table)GrdRemarkNature.Controls[0]; TableCell cell = new TableHeaderCell(); cell.ColumnSpan = 10; // ******** Literal oLit = new …

Member Avatar for Shantanu88d
Member Avatar for Shantanu88d

Hi all, I have set readonly property of text box as true. Coz i dont want user to be able to change it's value. It is going to contain date value, which will be inserted into it by an Ajax Calendar control. But when i accept their values in code …

Member Avatar for Shantanu88d
Member Avatar for denmarkstan

Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types. my user inputs cannot be inserted

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for mubin_attar

Hi, Pls help me. I have a internal website and I have an excel sheet. What I want is, copy a value from excel cell and paste it in a TextBox in that internal website. Then press enter. After that output will be a company name in Link Label format, …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for abd640

Hi I want to change the permission of a registry key , and I want to set it as a read only... How can I do that ??? I tried this way, but it doesn't change anything, also it doesn't give me anything. like nothing is happened... [CODE]RegistryPermission rp = …

Member Avatar for abd640
Member Avatar for v5rox

hi, i am trying to update password on click of forgot password hyperlink for login. however wen i enter the username on the basis of which the password has to be modified by asking the security question, i get the following error: Specified cast is not valid. i have check …

Member Avatar for crazycat503
Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for kiran2010

Adrotator provides change of advertisements on refreshing the page.. Can anyone tell me how can we change it during the page execution ..I mean can ad change without loading the page??? Please do reply if you are aware of it.. thnx in advance

Member Avatar for riteshbest
Member Avatar for actfray

Running Windows 7 on an HP p6644n desktop. Whenever I re-boot, I get the following error message: [I][B]Please set registry key HKLM\Software\Microsoft/.NETFramework\InstallRoot to point to the .NETFramework install location[/B][/I] This is affecting my printer connection as well as other operations. When I troubleshoot the problem, I get a message saying …

Member Avatar for benmar
Member Avatar for HELL DRAGON

hello guys , I'm wondering if you guys know if there is any company in UAE that suppor/implement/train IT professional on open-souce .Net CMS such as umbranco and dotnetnuke I hope I wrote this on the right section if not please let me know :) Thanks alot in advance guys


The End.