13,153 Topics
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hi i am currently working on my school project on OCR... i tried some coed that i downloaded from the web.. but i have this error when i i run it and try to convert the image file into text file here the error given : The specified module could … | |
I have a problem with ASP.NET sub menu control in IE that they are not coming above any banner | |
Hi, I currently have a table with three columns: inscription-no , photo-no , photo-url. An example of the table would be [CODE] inscription-no photo-no photo-url 8376677 1 /photos/123453.jpg 8376677 2 /photos/dfsdfg.jpg 8376677 3 /photos/w2w3ed.jpg 8376677 4 /photos/2g2r2s.jpg 2345679 1 /photos/3d43f4.jpg 2345679 2 /photos/6h3hdj.jpg 2345679 3 /photos/dfgdsw.jpg [/CODE] now I want … | |
Hey guys, I would like to read the contents of a file that resides the same directory as my .aspx file. In my C# codebehind, I don't seem to be able to get the correct path. I have tried numerous methods like using "./branch.txt", "branch.txt", "/branch.txt" and even tried using … | |
Hello, I have a popup form that is coded in .aspx, currently we have the address bar hidden in the form popup using Javascript. This works fine in IE but the address bar shows in Chrome and Firefox and we would like it hidden. What coding techniques/ workarounds are out … | |
Hello all, I have taken CheckBox List and elements are , [LIST] [*]Insert [*]Edit [*]Delete [*]View [*]All [/LIST] Now, I want functionality like if I select "All", rest of 4 should be selected and if I deselect it all rest should be deselected. For this I have used this code … | |
I have read project ideas from this forum and someone has suggested project "Address book" for beginner. I m also beginner. But i don't known what to do in this project. So can one explain it? | |
How to create a website where a user logins to the site and takes the quiz. And each time the difficulty level should increase after clearing each level. How to put the questions and how to do. should i do it in windows application or different pages for each question. … | |
Hi guys, I want to create a use sql membership for my website but am recieving this error when trying to create a database 'Generating user instances in SQL server is disabled'. I have even run the command (exec sp_configure 'user instances enabled') but I still get the error. Please … | |
This is my code : [B].aspx[/B] [CODE] <asp:GridView ID="GridView_Main" ClientIDMode="Static" AutoGenerateColumns="false" DataKeyNames="IdVersi" AllowPaging="true" AllowSorting="true" Width="97%" BorderWidth="1" OnSelectedIndexChanged="GridView_Main_SelectedIndexChanged" OnSorted="GridView_Main_Sorted" OnPageIndexChanged="GridView_Main_PageIndexChanged" OnPageIndexChanging="GridView_Main_PageIndexChanging" runat="server" PageSize="4"> <EmptyDataTemplate> <div class="EmptyDataMessage"> <asp:Label ID="Label_GridView_Empty" runat="server" Text="Data tidak ditemukan."></asp:Label> </div> </EmptyDataTemplate> <HeaderStyle CssClass="GridviewHeader" /> <SelectedRowStyle CssClass="GridviewSelect" /> <AlternatingRowStyle CssClass="GridviewAlternate" /> <Columns> <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="No Versi" ItemStyle-CssClass="GridviewItem" ItemStyle-VerticalAlign="Top" ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center" HeaderStyle-Width="15%" … | |
I want a button that when the user clicks on it validates in both server side and client side regular expressions. for example [CODE] <asp:Button ID="btnLogin" runat="server" onclick="C_Buttonk" onclick= "js_button" Text="Login" /> [/CODE] Then button would call both functions from JS and C# hence serverside and client side, but the … | |
I haven't done any sort of development for a while, but what i'm looking for is to see a simple example of an ntier application using linq. Showing BLL, DAL with roles and membership. I'm also keen on getting better with my OOP and would like to find a site … | |
hi Everyone, My program is doing good when I suddenly bumped into this problem. I dont know how to do the next functionality that I need to accomplish. I am done with inserting values, showing the gridview etc and it works great. Now my problem is the update command. I … | |
hi i am a student and i want to develop a 3 tier web application can any one explain me the step by step process to develop a 3 tier application inn asp.net with C#. thanks | |
Pls can somebody help me. I'm developing a project using ASP.net. In my project, I'm using a repeater. But I can't seem to use OnItemCommand or OnCommand. It's showing this compilation error, e.g. BC30456: 'selectitem' is not a member of 'ASP.usermainform_aspx'. This error shows in all repeaters across my forms … | |
Hi I'm trying to build a master page. What I'm trying to do is have a header in the master page with login and register link buttons (which would change to username and sign out) and there are content pages like home.aspx, shoppingcart.aspx, checkout.aspx which would inherit the master page … | |
hai friends i having error in this below programe,my task is fetch all user information from active directory ,my error is server is not operational [code] string principal = this.Context.User.Identity.Name; return principal; string principal = GetPrincipal(); string filter = string.Format("(&(ObjectClass={0})(sAMAccountName={1}))", "person", principal); string domain = "DOMAIN"; string[] properties = new … | |
hi there, i may have asked this question several times, but the tel number is being formated in a incorrect way. when the user enters the tel number i run the below code [CODE] public bool ValidateTelNo(string TelNo) { bool value = false; string rePhoneNumber = @"\d{3}\s?\d{3}\d{4}$"; string PhoneNoFormat = … | |
I want a timer code in javascript which can be called by a asp.net page which is not affected by the page getting reloaded or even if the page is refreshed. i want the timer to run with minutes and seconds. | |
Can you help me in this question, I'm Using ASP.NET 3.5 Framework SP1 and Using MS Office 2010... What will be code in ASP.NET?.. | |
hello everyone i am a student and i have to prepare a project on the MLM system in asp.net using C#. i have to prepare a saperate admin tool to handle the web application. Can any one help me how can i do that in visual studio 2010 IDE pls … | |
hi, i want to create a custom gridview control with paging, sorting and filtering. I tried a lot of for it , but didnt get it correctly. Can you give me the code for it. thanks in advance, sreevidya | |
When I selecting gridview row i am getting the error in the following line onclick="javascript:__doPostBack('grdOrderDetail','Select$0')"> The error message is Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object expected Please help me out Thanks in advance | |
Hi all, i have to build a website in asp.net while i am trying to build it, i am not able to drag and drop controls on the design page. Please help Best Regards Sanil Khattar | |
Ihave used the following to save the users data in the the SQL table.But the data is not been save.Can anyone pls suggest what is the error? [code] { string Name = TextBox4.Text; String Telephone = TextBox3.Text; String Email = TextBox2.Text; String enquiry = TextBox1.Text; SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(); … | |
Hi <%# ((DataRowView)Container.DataItem)["SomeProperty"] %> <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "SomeProperty")%> From Google i figured out these can be used to bind the columns in GridView to ArrayList. But what is "some property" ? For example i have a ArrayList in .aspx.cs as static ArrayList componentSelectionArray = new ArrayList(); so can i just write … | |
Hello, I have a project on hand. I have to build a portal. I am basically a UI person which development skills. Which technology is better for portal development? PHP vs java vs .net vs Ruby? Also if there are any developers with experience in portal development, Give me a … | |
I have add 10 linkbuttons to a PlaceHolder. When you click on LinkButton it runs sub. However how can I retrieve the Linkbutton??.text to use. | |
The code runs through without errors. However my controls, LinkButton01, Image01 and Button01 do not appear on my web page. I have added the code as code behind and in front. Both times they did not appear. I am sure there is a trick I am missing here. Please assist … | |
Hi all; I am having a problem when submitting this form. The path of the file to be uploaded gets duplicated and the file does not get uploaded . Could you please help me?? Here is the code: [ICODE] <%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/_templates/MasterPage-ContentNormal.master" autoeventwireup="false" inherits="SierraClub.PublicSite.BasePage" title="San Francisco Internships - Careers … |
The End.