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39 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for jessicaphillips
Member Avatar for julseypart

That's a weird way you're using to designing an application heh. Here is how i would go about it if it's a fairly small project. First thing you need to do is layout your requirements. Write down what you're trying to achieve and what features you'd like to create. Go …

Member Avatar for julseypart
Member Avatar for brightline
Member Avatar for rajeshswain

Draw the cube on a piece of paper. Determine x,y,z for each vertex and write them all down. Then using open GL create your viewing volume and using triangles or another primitive shape map your points in clock-wise direction. This will require some knowledge about OpenGL. You can do all …

Member Avatar for superbokey
Member Avatar for iDeveloper

I just spent an hour trying to figure out why i cannot change the CssClass property of <asp:TextBox> Whatever i enter in the property defaults to [B]class = "textbox"[/B] when i render the page. What's going on??? Does anybody know a solution? I have 2 different input types i have …

Member Avatar for jsauve
Member Avatar for bobber205

When you call BeginAccept() you're passing the master socket to it as the socket that will get the new connection request. You're essentially overwriting your master socket after the first connection. Create a slave socket for every connection. That may solve your problem. Could also be that the other end …

Member Avatar for Acedia
Member Avatar for ruelk

Have you considered creating a web service for this? You could create one in PHP and simply automate these steps in the web service. All you'd have to do in C# is submit any files or any other data to the service and let it do the rest. I'm not …

Member Avatar for ruelk
Member Avatar for koppv0

That's a good question. I wonder... given that it would run on different sessions how that would affect anything.

Member Avatar for iDeveloper
Member Avatar for k59smooth

C# is the microsoft's version of Java and C++ mix. It's designed for a managed platform. It's more stable, better structured but slower. I think there is managed C++ nowdays, but i've never used it.

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Bladtman242

I have a C++ bible laying around somewhere. Probably around 2000/3000 pages which explain everything you'd ever need to know with great ease and simple examples. I still use it as a reference. If you need it, PM and i'll send the title and author.

Member Avatar for Bladtman242
Member Avatar for RamanRajesh
Member Avatar for csharplearner

The problem is exactly what the error says. The compiler cannot find Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls in your project. I'm assuming this is the library for IE controls because i don't recognize it as part of the standard libraries. Hence, you probably need to download it, locate it on your machine and reference …

Member Avatar for csharplearner
Member Avatar for Yamazaki

When you created each user did you approve their account? Make sure each user is in the 'approved' status, otherwise they won't validate.

Member Avatar for Yamazaki
Member Avatar for csharplearner

It's a problem with the way ViewState is configured on the machine. Have a look at this: [url][/url]

Member Avatar for iDeveloper
Member Avatar for FTProtocol

I don't understand your problem. You're trying to make your program 'sleep' without pausing the main thread? That's not really a sleep because sleep would be a blocking call. If what you need is a timer, then use the Timer class. Here is how it looks in short: [CODE] Timer …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for FTProtocol

Simply put your current thread in sleep mode. Fairly easy to do with 1 line of code. [CODE]System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(int milliseconds);[/CODE]

Member Avatar for LizR
Member Avatar for tapon

You're going to need a library of some sort to be able to parse a PDF file. Either that, or you'll have to look at the structure of a PDF and try to locate the content you're trying to read. I'd go with option 1. There are a good selection …

Member Avatar for LizR
Member Avatar for ricksvoid

[QUOTE=SheSaidImaPregy;769404]Keep in mind, your company name will not be the only thing looked at, but as well as your mission statement. And based on your mission statement, your company name will be found.[/QUOTE] Absolutely. If you can give the sky to your customers, then go for it :)

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy

Check out 'class factory' design pattern. You might find it useful for this type of problem. Also, what does GetSessionObject() do? Does it initialize a private instance of that session object in Class Name?

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for karang
Member Avatar for chinni1
Member Avatar for chinni1
Member Avatar for srvishnukumar

What do you mean by 'table tools'? Are you referring to the table control of framework?

Member Avatar for iDeveloper
Member Avatar for tom_jerry042

Initialize your character pointer. [CODE]char *ptr = new char[len + 1];[/CODE] Note that +1 is used to accommodate for the terminating null. Make sure you deallocate your pointer too. And finally read this: [url][/url] to learn how to handle character arrays.

Member Avatar for iDeveloper
Member Avatar for monkey_king

See the 'Header Files' group in your Solution Explorer? That's where the header files go. So, drag and drop your RXMatrix.hpp header file into that group. Also, use some sort of standards. Use either .h or .hpp extension for header files.

Member Avatar for iDeveloper
Member Avatar for kischi

FileUploader control does not work in the upload panel. In other words, it isn't Ajax compatible control. You need to do a regular postback through a trigger. It's a security constraint in the design of the component. You can look it up on msdn.

Member Avatar for kischi
Member Avatar for Potato.Head

Check this out: [QUOTE][url][/url][/QUOTE] This may be a security limitation in IE.

Member Avatar for Aneesh_Argent
Member Avatar for abcdofc
Member Avatar for abhims

A rule of thumb is, if you have an Access app that does anything beyond simple data entry - use SQL Server, Oracle or something similar. Here is a couple of things you could do: 1. If both DBs are on a local servers, you could link both of them …

Member Avatar for iDeveloper
Member Avatar for it2051229

Well, you could create a 2D array to resemble the grid. When someone clicks on the mouse, you could take the mouse pointer (relative to the window not the screen) and convert it to the position in your array. You could even create a nice little collection class to store …

Member Avatar for iDeveloper
Member Avatar for achtani_jeetu

It converts an integer value in column 0 to a 32 bit integer and adds 1 to it. Then it converts it to a string in order to assign it to a text box. If column 0 doesn't have a value it assigns a 1 to the textbox.

Member Avatar for iDeveloper

The End.