13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for pranav_jog

An error message detailing the cause of this specific request failure can be found in the application event log of the web server. Please review this log entry to discover what caused this error to occur. how to resolve this??

Member Avatar for bala24
Member Avatar for amitsunnuu

I want to show google talk,yahoo messenger,msn window on my custom web page like [url]http://www.meebo.com[/url] have shown it

Member Avatar for bala24
Member Avatar for amitsunnuu

I want to show yahoo messenger,msn,google talk login window on my custom web page like [url]http://www.meebo.com[/url] shown it. please tell me solution step by step either today or ASAP, its very urgent

Member Avatar for plusplus

I have a login control, when user presses login I want to check if he exists in the table. I made a connection to database, and now how do I check if he exists? Protected Sub Login1_Authenticate(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.AuthenticateEventArgs) Handles Login1.Authenticate Dim sqlstring As String …

Member Avatar for bala24
Member Avatar for bmz

hello, as the title suggests... another question is that... is it possible to use this OCX file without using c# or vb? thanx for your answers. please enlighten me on this.

Member Avatar for abhee

Hello friends, I have started with ASP.NET, I am very comfortable with it when I run the website using the VS's Built in ASP.NET Webserver. I use VB.NET for coding. But when it comes to using with IIS, i don't understand anything about how to run the websites in IIS. …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for tuse

Hi! I have a linux server on which I have some drupal websites hosted. I was wondering if it is possible to host asp.net pages on the same linux server?

Member Avatar for stephen84s
Member Avatar for bharathi_n_r

hi fellow developers, I am in the process of generating a pdf file from html....The concept goes like this... I have a Html page where the details of a particular employee is displayed in a table...At the bottom of the page there is a button to convert this page to …

Member Avatar for bharathi_n_r
Member Avatar for MKS_GRE

hi I am currently using VS.NET 2003 and I have a form which has 3-4 text boxes nad a submit button. What i want is to querry the text given in text box with the attributes given in a database in some server nad want to display the results of …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for Robertx22

Hi. I'm completely new to ASP programming. Although I have read a lot about asp net so far, I have a few questions concerning the web app I have to implement. I send a verification email to a user where the url looks like this: [url]http://anyserver?email=tux@gmx.at&id=somestring[/url] When the user click …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for Ushait

hi friends , i am new to asp.net, i don' know how to instal .net and run the program. pls tell how should i proceed and what i need to run it.

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for msspitul

Hi guys, It seems that frames were gotten rid of in ASP.NET, so if I want to open a page and have it target a frame like area on my page that is already open, how can I do that? Any suggestions would be great!

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for webjimmy

Hi Guys, Do we have any way to OLE a window application in web application? I know that should be involve multip window issue. how about single window application? Thanks, Webjimmy

Member Avatar for fayenot

hello guys,i managed to search records inside my grdiview.. however after the search,after i've seen my filtered records i want to display again all the records when i erase the words on my search txtbox.. here is my code for my search button.. please help..thanks in advance [ICODE]protected void Button1_Click(object …

Member Avatar for fayenot

hello guys,i managed to search records inside my grdiview.. however after the search,after i've seen my filtered records i want to display again all the records when i erase the words on my search txtbox.. here is my code for my search button.. please help..thanks in advance [ICODE]protected void Button1_Click(object …

Member Avatar for Jahira

Hi all, I've been used vs 2003. Now new to 2005...Here i.m nt finding any datatable options and also ispostback(which is in 2003).. Tell me wat 2 use instead of dis.. And also is der any software 2 convert d project 2 2005 which is created in 2003 Ur response …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for cyberjorge

Good Day! Please help with my requirement, I'm more on a graphic designer and has little knowledge in programing, mostly on basic html only. I have a web page I created in Flash and exported to an html page. I need this to have a predefined username / password (pass …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for AsifAshraf

hi I'm creating a UserControl, I want to set a property like TargetDropDownID which is supposed to be a "string" type of data. Not a DropDownList Control so that i can set this property in html view. OK the Find Control doesn't help in this regard because the whoever will …

Member Avatar for a496761
Member Avatar for johnny.g

hiiii..i am using asp.net 2005 in VB language and sqlserver 2005..in my form i am using 2 dropdownlist boxes..if i select a name in the dropdown list box1 then the corresponding last name is selected in the dropdwon listbox2...till now everything is working fine,,,now if i want to change the …

Member Avatar for bala24
Member Avatar for preethi_ga

Hi Can anyone get me the codings for navigating the records in ASP.NET? ( VB Coding) Using SQl Server as back end.

Member Avatar for bala24
Member Avatar for priyamsc

hi , how to show the pop up window in asp.net web application when ever a new entry is entered. like here wheneven we got private msg it shows u have a new private msg like tat i need the pop up or msg box for particular id. so pls …

Member Avatar for bala24
Member Avatar for preethi_ga

Hi, Im using ASP.NET with back end as SQL Server. Im using VB language coding. here if in insert button im writing coding like this... [ com = new SqlCommand("insert into emp values(" & Textbox1.Text & ", ' " & Textbox2.Text & " ', " & Textbox3.Text & " ", …

Member Avatar for bala24
Member Avatar for vinaya

hi... Its urgent please help in main page i'm filtering the records. filtered records are displayed in the grid which contains a hypelink to other page. when i navigate to other page and come back to main page i need to maintain the filtered criteria on the main page. please …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for sreein1986

Hi, freinds i got below code from some one put in our daniweb.com my question is that is it working for HTML page also ?? Advance Thanx, [code] <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=VBScript RUNAT=Server> Sub Application_OnStart Application("WhoOn") = 0 End Sub Sub Session_OnStart Application.Lock Application("WhoOn") = Application("WhoOn") + 1 Application.Unlock End Sub Sub …

Member Avatar for bala24
Member Avatar for pranav_jog

I have a form in my page and I have used the following code: Page.RegisterStartupScript("SetInitialFocus", _ "<script>document.getElementById('" & TextBox21.ClientID & _ "').focus();</script>") TextBox21.Attributes.Add("onkeydown", _ "if(event.which || event.keyCode)" & _ "{if ((event.which == 9) || (event.keyCode == 9)) " & _ "{document.getElementById('" & txtpass.ClientID & _ "').focus();return false;}} else {return true}; …

Member Avatar for strike2008
Member Avatar for bala24
Member Avatar for lagyossarian

I have an ASP.NET page with several Gridviews on it. I want to be able to collapse the rows so I can see all of the gridviews and then be able to expand a gridview's rows so I can see the data on-demand. Any ideas on how to do this?

Member Avatar for bala24
Member Avatar for johnny.g

hii alll,,i hav a simple problem,,,i am using asp.net 2005 and sql server 2005.. i m using vb language..i have a page whr i can update the existing details on the click of the update button in the database,,,,what i want is if nothing is updated ,,,and evn i press …

Member Avatar for bala24
Member Avatar for fayenot

Can anyone please help me figure a way on how to search in a gridview using the autocomplete extender. i found some reference in doing such however im having a problem [ICODE]because in the example he is using objectdatasource while in my example im using sqldatasource.. here is the code …

Member Avatar for madhu_raju76

hi all I want some inforamtion regarding WINdows Distributed iNteret Architecture(winDNA)..


The End.