13,153 Topics

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[URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruw4jHJ53FY&feature=related"]I just found this presentation for transporting [B]([/B]or what happens[B])[/B] e-mail over the internet[/URL]

Member Avatar for sonakrish

Hi alll... Am planning to design my web page with flash. Can any one guide me. Whats the first step to start?????

Member Avatar for Monalisaparker
Member Avatar for blackbr

Yesterday, my VS2008 IDE began allowing only 1 document/tab to be present at a time in the Text Editor (vb). I've been using this solution for 5 months with no problem up to now. I've looked at various tools/options, but can't see anything that does, or should, help. At the …

Member Avatar for blackbr
Member Avatar for somesh_nag

Hi, I want to display a java script confirmation box before browser session is timeout with message as "Your session is going to timeout in 2 mins. Do you want to extend session?", if user is clicked on "Ok" button within the session timeout period, session should be extend. If …

Member Avatar for ravinder007
Member Avatar for matale

I created a dataset in the Dataset Designer by draging a database table into it, then I added a new select SQL query to the DataTable. Check the pics I think it helps explain it better. [URL="http://i43.tinypic.com/2qs7707.jpg""]http://i43.tinypic.com/2qs7707.jpg"[/URL] Now the problem comes when I try to use an ObjectDataSource, it sees …

Member Avatar for matale
Member Avatar for ranjinibiliya
Member Avatar for ranjinibiliya
Member Avatar for mahdiahmadirad

Hi,Friends! I am thinking about an online advertisement project based on click payment(ppc: pay per click). you know about these systems. when you open an account in such system in your account space there is a code generated and you copy it and paste it to your website HTML code.ads …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for green_cool7943

I have been trying to make a client server chat application with voice chat ...i'm using visual studio 2008 ...can any1 tel me the components or libraries used to implement voip in .net ?

Member Avatar for aqee_se
Member Avatar for arunmozhi

Error: The server rejected one or more recipient addresses. The server response was: 503 This mail server requires authentication when attempting to send to a non-local e-mail address. Please check your mail client settings or contact your administrator to verify that the domain or address is defined for this server …

Member Avatar for arunmozhi
Member Avatar for Eager_Beever

I am creating a website using ASP.net with C# 2005 as the language. In my ASP.net page, I have displayed a GridView. I have dynamically populated the GridView during runtime using Dataset and SQLDataAdapter. Since the GridView displays ALL columns at a fixed width, it does not look pretty to …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for emilio

hi I'm trying to execute a stored procedure which returns a datatable my code is: [CODE=asp.net]try { string conStr = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[0].ConnectionString; SqlDataAdapter adapter; DataTable ans = new DataTable(); SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(conStr); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(); command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; command.CommandText = "usp_GetUserDetails"; command.Parameters.Add("@UserName", SqlDbType.VarChar); command.Parameters.Add("@Password", SqlDbType.VarChar); command.Parameters["@UserName"].Value = …

Member Avatar for emilio
Member Avatar for Tess James

How to clear all the items in the drop down list? [code] DropDownList1.Items.RemoveAt(j); DropDownList1.Items.Clear();[/code] These are not working for me. (am using VC#.net) any help would be appreciated thanks..

Member Avatar for serkan sendur

if you add a directive like below, you can access the usercontrol class' public members and the class it self by typing its name, otherwise the compiler generates an error indicating that referenced member is not found. [CODE]<% @ Reference Control ="~/WebUserControl.ascx" %>[/CODE]

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for cVz

Hi There I get the following error when clicking on btn This code works perfectly on some machines but does not work on others [code=C#] protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (btnSave.Text.ToUpper() == "CREATE") this.InsertInvoice(); else if (btnSave.Text.ToUpper() == "SAVE CHANGES") this.UpdateInvoice(); } private void InsertInvoice() { String …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for Halbo

Good day! I am trying to learn more about the FileNet .NET API for Content Manager 4.0. The API has been totally reworked since version 3.5 and all the help files seem to be geared towards Java rather than .NET. I have been able to figure out how to check …

Member Avatar for Halbo

Good day! I am trying to learn more about the FileNet .NET API for Content Manager 4.0. The API has been totally reworked since version 3.5 and all the help files seem to be geared towards Java rather than .NET. I have been able to figure out how to check …

Member Avatar for arunmozhi

hi. i need to send nearly 700 email at a time using asp.net., the email address will be in dataset, using for loop i had taken the email address one by one., but i dont know whether it will send the email without timeout thread or something else. For testing …

Member Avatar for ranjinibiliya
Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for arunmozhi

in asp.net how to show the girdview with header, when the datasource=null, i have used gridview.EmptyDataText="Some Text" but i need to show the grid with the header any one plz help me..

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for gamaz123

Hi, I am trying to update a datetime field in a table using asp.net web form. However I am getting the following error message: @poduedate is not a parameter for procedure prr_out_projsearch_update1. The parameter I am adding to a stored procedure in the asp.net page is the following: [code]cmd_r.Parameters.Add("@poduedate", Data.SqlDbType.DateTime) …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for arunmozhi
Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for mangesh5588

HI, I am creating a CMS site in asp.net with flash animation. I want to write editable text (fields) on a white sheet that opens in an animated form. The text has to be in asp.net as there is a small query form, and some text (that can be edited …

Member Avatar for ravinder007
Member Avatar for Derice

I am using the login control in ASP.NET. When I run the program an error msg "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'User' " appeared in the debugging mode. I have no idea what is the problem. Anyone know what is wrong with my code? [CODE] Protected Sub Login1_Authenticate(ByVal sender As …

Member Avatar for ema005
Member Avatar for csharplearner

Hello all, I know this is not a question related to some asp.net error but posting it in here because of the hope that people who are working in asp.net might be able to answer my problem. I attended a technical phone interview few weeks back and today got a …

Member Avatar for csharplearner
Member Avatar for chriscross86

hi, there... im having problem with this codings. these codings are meant for login purpose. i dont knw where ive gone wrong. are these the only codes, or are there any other codes that ive not included... please help [code=asp.net]<%@ Page Language="VB" %> <script language="VB" runat="server"> Sub btnLogin_OnClick(Src As Object, …

Member Avatar for srikanthkadem
Member Avatar for preethi_ga

Hei, Im using ASP.NET as Front end and SQL Server as Backend. the codings are.. [code=asp.net]imports system imports system.data imports system.data.sqlclient [/code] After inherits...... some connectin codingd are there [code=asp.net]dim con as SqlConnection dim adp as SqlDataAdapter dim com as SqlCommand dim data as Dataset[/code] after the connection codings in …

Member Avatar for srikanthkadem
Member Avatar for cVz

How can i set a text box's text to this format '[COLOR="Green"]0,000,000.00[/COLOR]' rather than '[COLOR="Red"]0000000.00[/COLOR]' ???' Thanks

Member Avatar for srikanthkadem
Member Avatar for vishwana

Hi, Can anyone pls tell me how to read an xml file and display in the interface. My XML file will be in this format [code=xml]<main> <sub attr="123"> <a>xyz</a> <b attr="123">xyz</b> <c>xyz</c> <d attr="fghjh"> <e>xyz</e> </d> </sub> <sub attr="123"> <a>xyz</a> <b attr="123">xyz</b> <c>xyz</c> <d attr="fghjh"> <e>xyz</e> </d> </sub> </main>[/code] I …

Member Avatar for tanu.rajgor
Member Avatar for NipelHOD
Member Avatar for serkan sendur

[CODE]using System.Configuration; string s = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["con"];[/CODE] the code above gets the value from the app.config file where the following markup exists [CODE]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <appSettings> <add key="con" value="foo"/> </appSettings> </configuration>[/CODE]


The End.