13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for mahdiahmadirad

Hi Friends! I have started building my first professional project(actually a web portal). that is kind of business project. I need full membership features. now what you think? If SqlMembership Povider in asp.net is enough for a professional application or not. should i create a custom membership provider. which one …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for bharatshivram

hi i am using asp.net , c#.. how can i get the names of all the users who are logged in at a particular moment..

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for Slade

Hi, On my asp .net site, I want a login page so that when the user is logged in, a few extra links are made visible on the header control (.ascx). Also, there will only be about 4-6 users logging in here, I also want to give each one the …

Member Avatar for priyesh.gupta
Member Avatar for eswarsure

please take 3 nubers and print numbers as ascending order descending order USE TERNIARY OPERATORS ONLY thans in advance

Member Avatar for Dhaneshnm
Member Avatar for shikeb

Hi , I'm bit confused, what to use as a base langauage for ASP.net, which one is better and easy to code. Please !! help me out... Regards, Shikeb Ali.

Member Avatar for Dhaneshnm
Member Avatar for chriscross86

hi, there, i am trying to install IIS in my pc but the OS doesnt want to.it is IIS 6.0.ive been trying to install and the message ive got is that i need to have Windows xp SP1. I feel it is not needed as ive installed in other computers …

Member Avatar for expvice
Member Avatar for netnewb

Hi, I am trying to send the userId (which is a uniqueidentifier in the db) in a querystring. The receiving masterpage will then show data based on the user id. However, i am getting the error 'Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier' I thought converting guid …

Member Avatar for expvice
Member Avatar for Eager_Beever

I have an Website using ASP.Net 2.0 with SQL Server as Database and C# 2005 as programming language. In one of the pages I have a GridView with following layout. Date -> Time -> QtyUsed The sample values are as follows: (Since this GridView/Report is generated for a specific month …

Member Avatar for greeny_1984
Member Avatar for priyankaa

i am reading mail from exchange and downloading the mail attachment. i am using webclient.downloadfile() functino to download the attchment .the code is working fine through `http://` url in my machine. but its not working in client machine,because the url contains `https://`. below is the code: MSXML2.XMLHTTP40 ObjXmlHttp = new …

Member Avatar for donaldunca

I have problem with detailview. My detail view like this: ProductID: 1 ProductName: car Price: 200 And when I click link button, it will appear "1" This is the code behind: [CODE]Protected Sub LinkButton1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LinkButton1.Click Dim detail As DetailsView = DetailsView1 Dim …

Member Avatar for greeny_1984
Member Avatar for defpdp

Hello all! Below is my code to give you an idea as to what I would like to do. [code] Partial Class OLATool Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub SqlDataSource1_Selecting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.SqlDataSourceSelectingEventArgs) Handles SqlDataSource1.Selecting End Sub Protected Sub OLATool_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles …

Member Avatar for greeny_1984
Member Avatar for reddi_vamshi

I am trying to implement a pop up control, i want to use third party tool .how to implement.what is the third party tool we have to implement pop up control?how to use it pls help me its urgent for me Thanks&Regards vamshi

Member Avatar for greeny_1984
Member Avatar for Rutu99

Hi all, I recently learned ASP.net and I am planning to do certifications for ASP.net using C#. Can any of you just me the examinations that are required and any ebooks to study for certifications. Thanks

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for eswarsure

what is the differance betwwen Page.valid() page.valid(string groupname) i need sample code also thanks to all

Member Avatar for eswarsure
Member Avatar for stoymigo

Hi,(i post about wpf here because didn't find dedicated forum) I don't know WPF or asp.net . I do know c# well. Should i learn WPF or ASP.NET to make an intranet web application which users don't need to install (except .NET Framework 3/3.5 for wpf). If i use wpf(and …

Member Avatar for stoymigo
Member Avatar for getsen104

i am using crystal report 2005(ASP.NET 2.0) . while running my crystal report in server i able to access pop up options like print dialog, export options etc,,,,,,in my crystalreportviewer but if i run the same page in my client browser, i cannot able to access these pop up options …

Member Avatar for Kusno
Member Avatar for firebirds98

I am doing a response.write to write javascript to the page from the code behind. What I dont understand is why it is enlarging my text in the Table Headers? Has anyone had this problem before? Or know what to do?

Member Avatar for Aneesh_Argent
Member Avatar for ricksvoid

Hi there, I know that .net comes with an encapsulated control for both logging in and creating a new profile. These seem to work great on my local server but Im not shure how to deploy it to a remote server. WHERE IS THE CONNECTION STRING??? Its not in the …

Member Avatar for sedgey
Member Avatar for DATABASE

i created an introduce (start) page .. and through that page i have to move to a master page. but this error appear [B]This type of page is not served. Description: The type of page you have requested is not served because it has been explicitly forbidden. The extension '.master' …

Member Avatar for sedgey
Member Avatar for jagthedag

when i click File->new->Project->ASP.NET web Project->OK in my .Net 2003 IDE i get following error: " Visual studio has detected that the specified web server is not running ASP.Net version 1.1.You may not be able to run ASP.NET web aplications or services" My OS is XP-SP2.I have IIS v5.1 Installed …

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for blackbr

Yesterday, my VS2008 IDE began allowing only 1 document/tab to be present at a time in the Text Editor (vb). I've been using this solution for 5 months with no problem up to now. I've looked at various tools/options, but can't see anything that does, or should, help. At the …

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for blackbr

I'm developing my asp.net app in VS2008. I'm testing using IIS7 / IE 7 on my Vista laptop. When I port the app to the production server (Windows2003 / IIS6) my pages render differently using the same IE7 browser. How can I best get past this problem? Any help will …

Member Avatar for mem81

Hello, I have a form where I have to say two dropdown lists. Firts dropdown list is populated based on query from a table in access database. I have another dropdown list .I woud like in that second dropdown to show only values that are relevant to the selection in …

Member Avatar for mem81
Member Avatar for AniWeb

Hello All, How I can edit rows of gridview using Command Field ‘Edit,Update,Cancel’ of the gridview? I bind the gridview with the Session variable, which contain and returns the DataTable, the coding is as follows:- [code] protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { GridView1.DataSource = (DataTable)Session["MyShoppingCart"]; GridView1.DataBind(); }[/code] One more …

Member Avatar for greeny_1984
Member Avatar for mubin_attar

Hi, I gotta make small application which have some radio buttons. On the radio button I want event, which means after clicking a particular radio button datagrid will the data from a paricular xml file for particular element. I have blw mntd xml file [code=xml]<products> <prdocut> <productid="p001"></prdocutid> <prodname>toys</prodname> </prdocut> <prdocut> …

Member Avatar for greeny_1984
Member Avatar for julseypart

hi all. ok i have been able to create an error message - if the user tries to delete a row which has not been selected first; but it still deletes from the gridview... [CODE]void DeleteRowButton_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) { LinkButton btn = sender as LinkButton; GridViewRow row = btn.NamingContainer …

Member Avatar for greeny_1984
Member Avatar for ViRiPuFF

Hi I have a site with 2 pages. The first page consists of a set of input fields where the data input by the users will end up in a db when the user clicks the submitt button, creating a new record. As well as this on click the users …

Member Avatar for greeny_1984
Member Avatar for emilio

hi i use a gridview control with a template column which contains textbox as itemtemplate. i'm trying to change the textbox's border color in runtime like this: [CODE=asp]((TextBox)MyGrid.Rows[i].FindControl("txtEnter")).BorderColor = Color.Red;[/CODE] but it doest change anything. what am i duing wrong ?

Member Avatar for greeny_1984
Member Avatar for adhi.adithyan

hello experts, I have created filter grid in asp.net & C#. My form design has contains 3 dropdown controls and Filter grid(User control). Its working fine(filter), but one problem arise. the form controls are clear when i filter a grid(post back). I tried to reterive values using view state, hidden …

Member Avatar for greeny_1984
Member Avatar for ranjinibiliya

Hi, i will explain my requirement to u. Actually i have generated a login window in server(In .aspx format). Then my exe file of our software is in server. For security purpose v are doing like. When the user logs in to the server eg. they are accessing my pc. …


The End.