13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for krany18

hai to all how to display the message box in asp .net why means while i am creating database i want to dispay a message like.. "connection is created" like this how it is display please give me the answer

Member Avatar for priyankaa
Member Avatar for gamaliel

i really mess up with this asp project on just a simple login form.. i have some codes but it doesnt run, please help me! i need to create a asp.net program that would allow login, and connect to the database

Member Avatar for jazz.learner
Member Avatar for salem_abu_sal

hi i need to know how to open video files in asp.net pages when i click to video name thanks

Member Avatar for sierrainfo
Member Avatar for anish.anick

Hi All, I am developing a web application which contains rich set of ajax request from web page and some web service calls using javascript.Our local server was woking fine. But when we moved our application to a remote web server the application(IIS) got stuck after handling some amount of …

Member Avatar for edejonge

Hello All, I've been trying to implement the AutoCompleteExtender control from the Ajax Toolkit. So far everything has been working properly. The only issue I have is that after the webservice call completes the results are not being displayed. There are no error messages being displayed so I'm at a …

Member Avatar for edejonge
Member Avatar for IT_Techno

hi every one, i have create an asp.net application when i worke localy (on my PC) it work well without any erorr but when i deploye it at web server (vps server ) it give me this erorr: [COLOR="Red"] Configuration Error Description: An error occurred during the processing of a …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for Vaishali Chavda

Hi guys.. Please guide me for the database connectivity with sql server express edition 2005 for any website.

Member Avatar for sierrainfo
Member Avatar for justapimp

I have been looking for a way to evaluate if a column in a database has a null value in it. So far, every method suggested have failed and I would like to know anyone else have successfully evaluate a null value in C# Visual Studio 2005.

Member Avatar for Kusno
Member Avatar for speranza

can you help me assign sql query to gridview..i am trying like this but it doesnt work. [CODE] Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Dim con As New SqlConnection("Data Source=SPERANZA\SQLEXPRESS;initial catalog=master;integrated security=true") Dim cmd As New SqlCommand Dim dr As SqlDataReader cmd.Connection = con con.Open() cmd.CommandText …

Member Avatar for reena12
Member Avatar for stoymigo

Hi , what are the steps to make a .net application launch automatically when the computer is booted.I am working with c# , so a solution in VS 2003/5/8 or links would help. Thanks -

Member Avatar for naveen_arc
Member Avatar for jonathan123

Hi everyone. I have a form which has a drop down list bound to my database. When i select an item from the dropdown list, it redirects me to another page register.aspx with a query string containing the value of the course_id. The problem is that i want to use …

Member Avatar for jonathan123
Member Avatar for bryansiegel

Hello to everyone from sunny California. My name is Bryan and I'm 28 years old. I'm a husband father of 3 and I'm trying to switch my career focus from SEO to either Web Dev in asp.net or software dev. I've been doing SEO for 3 years and decided that …

Member Avatar for priyamsc

I am using ASP.net 2.0 with c#.I fetch the data from database using sqldatareader.when i fetch data for one label control it works fine. what i need is, in my web form i have 6 lables named as lbl1,lbl2,lbl3,lbl4...... so i would like to incremement the lable id , i …

Member Avatar for Jihad
Member Avatar for kapil.tandon

i hv a chk box item field and the bound field . and one separate drodown llist i hv added in my code.based on the selection of the chkbox , it will giv me the index and the selection of the calue from the dropdoen list , both the values …

Member Avatar for Jihad
Member Avatar for krany18

i taken the three textboxes and one button to store the data in sqlserver .but the it giving the error. the code is as follows... [COde] using System; using System.Data; using System.Configuration; using System.Collections; using System.Web; using System.Web.Security; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; using System.Data.SqlClient; public partial …

Member Avatar for sierrainfo
Member Avatar for jazz.learner

HI All, Can any one tell me What's the difference between Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock and Page.RegisterStartupScript? Thanks in advance! Jazz

Member Avatar for sierrainfo
Member Avatar for arshadshaikh

How to install fckeditor with ASP.Net. I have downloaded FCKeditor.Net_2.6.3 and source code FCKeditor_2.6.3 and i m using ASP.Net with 2.0 framework. I was helping from the link: [url]http://docs.fckeditor.net/FCKeditor_2.x/Developers_Guide/Integration/ASP.NET[/url] but unable to install and configure. What are the steps in detail to install and configure.

Member Avatar for mna79

Hi forum, I want to implement X.509 Certificate for our asp.net webservice. Can some one tell me its proper way of implementation? How I can call and use it both on server side and client side where it is being used. Thanks in Advance. --MNA

Member Avatar for yeap7

I'm new to .NET , Ill appreciate any help . I have created a user control in a class library and embeded it in an ASP web site. (for now the control does nothing , just dispalys a button ..) I have given it a strong name , and addede …

Member Avatar for harish.msn

a sample application (vs 2008) is needed to get started with Microsoft Enterprise Library (dlls used as data access ). If someone has used Ent Lib please give web.config settings and a sample code of any one page using libraries. I am facing problem in configuring for data access like …

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy

Hey, I created a datalist with a nested repeater. In the nested repeater, I need to limit the amount of records shown (only 10 allowed). However, just limiting the second query into the dataset doesn't work, only grabs 10 records. So I need to figure out a way of only …

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for schandrashekhar

i am developing code for private chat application in asp.net(vb code) i have finished work upto private chat,but my problem is,if i selected for chat window opened in my system but it does't open in recever side system (like gmail chat)plese any one can help regarding this. Thank u sani

Member Avatar for schandrashekhar
Member Avatar for kiel19

Hi, I have finished creating interfaces for my site but I don't know to connect them to my database that I created using mysql. How can it be done to support: 1. Inserting data into the database 2. Deleting data from the database 3. Applying the login feature on the …

Member Avatar for kiel19
Member Avatar for asp_seetha

Hai , I am trying to upload a file from a local disk to server. Itz working fine when I upload from d: or c: drives. But it is not uploading When I upload from desktop or Mydocuments. It is giving the following error. System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A0035 (CTL_E_FILENOTFOUND). …

Member Avatar for asp_seetha
Member Avatar for kausar4u

[code=asp.net]singlecourse = Session("singlecourse") ename.Text = singlecourse.CourseName Session("testname") = singlecourse.CourseName Seclist = que.GetSection(singlecourse.CourseCode) Qnolist = que.GetQnumber(singlecourse.CourseCode) Session("totsec") = Seclist Session("totqno") = Qnolist Session("queslist") = queslist t1.Text = Profile.Ttime pos = InStr(t1.Text, ":") h1.Value = t1.Text.Substring(0, pos - 1) 'h2.Value = t1.Text.Substring(pos, 2) h2.Value = Right(t1.Text, t1.Text.Length - pos) End If Else …

Member Avatar for itshibu

Hi, I am making a small project in asp.net. I designed my menus are in flash bar and opening urlds in an iframe. It working fine. but unfortuantely once i opening url first time it going the load event [Postback] but if i am trying to open another page and …

Member Avatar for itshibu
Member Avatar for coachHinesfan

Hello everyone, I had a simple question about the Microsoft Visual Studio software. I don't understand what ASP is or rather ASP .NET ? And also what exactly in crash course style is CLR ( Common Language Runtime ) ? And how is it all different to developers ?

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for johnny.g

hi all i m using asp.net 2005 and sql server 2005...i have a dropdown list in my page...i have a table called as details...all i want to do is bind the fname from details table to dropdownlistbox...but the thing is tht i want to each and every step through coding...is …

Member Avatar for jpramac
Member Avatar for plugsharma

Hi, I have to display a logo in crystal report in runtime. I have tried two solutions given in [url]http://www.devx.com/codemag/Article/33658/1954[/url] (Tip 6: Better Handling of Dynamic Images) Dim data As New DataSet() Dim row As DataRow Step1 (Passing Image URL into dataset): my code is as follows [code=asp.net]Private Sub LoadImgUrl() …

Member Avatar for spr_vivega

hi viewers, am vivega,i need info abt drop down list(ddl).could u plz tel me how to display date-month-year in ddl using asp.net?it's very imp n urgent.

Member Avatar for spr_vivega

The End.