13,153 Topics
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hi how i can give session expairy time (about 5 min) in vb.net in pageload event,, pls give me code,,, | |
I am using aspx.vb to create a login page. I would like to create a remember me cookie using a checkbox that will help to remember user ID but will also allow it to be destroy if a different user ID wants to log in with the same computer, but … | |
i have a problem in showing the data in the other page which is saved from one page and should be shown in the other page after immediately saving it. can anyone tell how do it through form collection here is the code [CODE] Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, … | |
[CODE] OleDbDataAdapter o = new OleDbDataAdapter("select * from tblExam1", conn); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); o.Fill(ds, "tblExam1"); DataRow r = ds.Tables["tblExam1"].NewRow(); r["exam1ID"]=324; r["patID"] = patid; r["ypsos"] = 32; ds.Tables["tblExam1"].Rows.Add(r); ds.AcceptChanges(); [/CODE] no error message. execute code normally, but row did not inserted in db what i m missing? its access … | |
Dear All, Have good day, I am trying to attatch file like yahoomail attatchement ,it means displaying name of file and Remove link after Button_click event fire. [CODE] protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { LinkButton1.Visible = false; label2.Visible = false; } [/CODE] [CODE] if (FileUpload1.HasFile) try { FileUpload1.SaveAs("e:\\parimal\\" + … | |
Actually i am trying to find the author of the article in this link. [url]http://authors.aspalliance.com/articles/dynamicbuttons.aspx[/url] But i failed as the provided email address is invalid. So i hope here can find the solution for it. Here it goes from the article exempted source code show on below -------------------------------- [code] Sub … | |
Hi all.. I need to make my dropdownlist disabled (none can change value or it should be read only)..which property should I use as readonly for dropdownlist is not working for me.. PHMO.. | |
hi iam giving a value in text box as " 2010 - 1 " insted of 2010-1 it shows error, please give me the code to avoid blank spaces within a string as given above, iam using asp.net with vb.net please help me....... | |
hi all.........:) actually im new to .net.. can we have routing in asp.net 3.5???? if yes, how? | |
hi i wants to create an dll file for removing blankspaces in a given string.......... here iam writing the code but it was not working..... please give me the correct code.... here iam using asp.net with vb.net [CODE]Namespace fillblank Public Class Class1 Private Sub blankspces() Dim a Dim done a … | |
hi guys!! been thinking about learning some server-side scripting in ASP. is there any use in investing in asp when with the emergence of asp.net? to paraphrase it what is the future of asp at microsoft, will it be there a little bit longer or is a dying horse!! one … | |
its just a prank.. but shows the recatngle arrays and falling pixels in a 25 x 25 region snapshot of yur current screen after 10seconds... then creates a form and further cascades the pixels.. any key press will end it.. but its autostart will wait another 10 seconds and cascade … | |
Im *trying* to design a webpage for my work (a haulage company). I want our drivers to be able to plot out their trip (same way you can do on Google maps) and then for people to be able to log in and say they are in a certain post … | |
hi all.. i need your help.. do u know how to display image according to extension of file with C#? ex : .doc -> image microsoft word, .pdf -> Image PDF, etc thanks before... | |
Hi friends. I have a GridView which has linkbutton column.I Want to change the Text of this linkbutton when user click on it.But when I change the text of clicked linkbutton cell,It will be convert to the label!!!!!!!!! What's wrong?what should I do? THX. | |
Hi Everyone ! I have 2 DropDownList controls inside an UpdatePanel. The first is a dropdown for [B]Country[/B] while the second is for [B]State[/B]. I have set the properties of Country as AutoPostBack="True", OnSelectedIndexChanged ="PopulateState". Selecting a different Country fires the [I][U]PopulateState[/U][/I] function causing the the State to populate itself … | |
I am trying to upload images to the ftp. I need to have it in a compressed folder called by a specific name and then upload that folder to a specific directory. Each time I try, I get an error The remote server returned an error: (550) File unavailable This … | |
What is the connection string to write for importing mixed data from excel sheet to data grid My problem is, I have rows like 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d in excel sheet.But when I imported these rows only 1-9 imported succesfully but … | |
i m developing website in asp.net n page name is 1.aspx i want to show records in table form but my requirement is that it should be hyperlink username when ever visitor clicks on that.next page will come n the username passed to another page <td><%#Container.DataItem("[COLOR="DarkRed"]user_name[/COLOR]")%> </td> | |
I have a pair of questions.. I am quite new to this gridview in asp.net using C#.. I have used the following code to bind the sql database table from my gridview. [CODE]SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("select customerid, customername from table",con); ds.Clear(); da.Fill(ds); gridview.datasource=ds; gridview.databind();[/CODE] And set the autogenerate columns … | |
Server Error in '/PrecompiledWeb4' Application. Parser Error Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately. Parser Error Message: Could not load the assembly 'App_Web_caknetlg'. Make sure that it is … | |
Hello I am building a web page and decided that this time around I would make many user web controls as to have a very modular and customizable site with ease.. Anyways it was going off without a hitch until today I designed a new control. Its a panel with … | |
Hello All, I have a Collapsible Panel Extender inside a datalist.I have a hyperlink inside the panel within the datalist. I want to have a modal popup on clicking the hyperlink inside the panel and I want the modal pop up to be populated with the data from the navigate … | |
I'm really having hard time importing ASPNETDB.mdf to remote server running sqlserver 2005.. I'm using sql server express edition (along with visual web developer 2008) I use the same string [code=asp.net]<add name="aspnetusers" connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\ASPNETDB.MDF;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />[/code] No connection can be established.... Then I changed that to [code=asp.net] <add … | |
I need some help. I have a website where people can create a class or event with times and places for the class or event. Once this instance is created they are supplied a link for people to sign up and a passcode for them to use to modify the … | |
I have 3 dropdown lists, catagory, name, model. Select catagory to enable name and model. select a name or a model and the coresponding name/model will autofill in the other dropdown based upon results of executeScalar. If i have the catagory "Cellular" it works fine with ALL my products. If … | |
I have two different views in my ASP.Net application. I have a list view and a calendar view. I am trying to get the link to perform differently under certain circumstances. If the the class is full the link should be disabled and read class full. If there are available … | |
hi, I have a one que... I have a login page and where i m making dropdown for the qualification(B.E.,mca,bca,B.Tech,M.tech,others)Collections in list.. Here for others value.. I have textbox1 so any pne can enter other value that is not in the dropdown...so in that case how i can pass insert … | |
can anyone tell me how to use if else statement using c# and MS Access database..this is my code.. [CODE] protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string path = Server.MapPath("App_Data\\dnis2010.mdb"); OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + path); //con.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\\Users\\keOn_kAyFar\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2008\\WebSites\\DNIS\\App_Data\\dnis2010.mdb;Persist Security Info=False"; conn.Open(); string str … | |
I am new in asp.net and so want to ask as to how do i pass the datas from the gridview to textbox through query string with only the ID of the selected row being passed as query...Means when i select a particular row all the attributes of that row … |
The End.