13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for Jesi523

OK, here's my last problem for this project I am working on. This may seem very simple to most of you, but I cannot figure it out. I have a simple confirmation page that reads something like: You have successfully created your event, the link for people to signup for …

Member Avatar for crishjeny
Member Avatar for AngelicOne

I have made a registration form using C# and the record will be saved in sql. I want to also add a record of the registration date automatically. How to do this?

Member Avatar for crishjeny
Member Avatar for naka1888

Hi, I have a simple grid view that i want to be able to delete rows from by clicking the delete button that's automatically created. Every time I click on the delete button to delete the row i get the following error: [COLOR="Red"]Incorrect syntax near 'int'. Description: An unhandled exception …

Member Avatar for crishjeny
Member Avatar for jugosoft

I have function that returns string and that works fine but when I call that function from another procedure when it executes function I get a message: [B],,Conversion from 'result' to type 'Integer' is not valid,,[/B] ASP debugger says: [B],,Input string was not in a correct format. ,,[/B] I tried …

Member Avatar for crishjeny
Member Avatar for abhi1625

[B]how do i display the inserted record in gridview in asp.net when i click on button..? [/B] GridView1.DataSource = a.filldata("insert into student(Roll_no,Name,Age,Education,Mobile)values("+txtrollno.Text +",'"+txtname.Text +"',"+txtage.Text +",'"+txtedu.Text +"',"+txtmb.Text+")"); GridView1.DataBind(); [B]i want it should be display right now at runtime record should be added....and displayed... and i also get and error of "," …

Member Avatar for crishjeny
Member Avatar for himvj

how to add dropdown list in gridview and how to populate data in that dropdown list Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for crishjeny
Member Avatar for MiniAdverts

Hi Guys, I just wonder anybody here know how to strip html from the text box ? I just want to make sure that at the time user post something,they dont insert any HTML or javascript ... thanks Johnny

Member Avatar for crishjeny
Member Avatar for jellybeannn

I'm trying to insert a record from a DataGridView into a database, but I receive this error: [COLOR="red"]Parameterized Query '(@i1 int,@i2 varchar(50),@i3 varchar(50),@i4 varchar(50),@i5 var' expects parameter @i1, which was not supplied.[/COLOR] I have tested with a BreakPoint that c_id is not null, it does have a value. *Note c_id …

Member Avatar for crishjeny
Member Avatar for MichaelWClark

Hello. I have been developing on this project for the last month and this particular function is used MANY MANY times throughout the project and I have had 0 problems with it to date. I added a new panel and all of a sudden some of my core feautres started …

Member Avatar for crishjeny
Member Avatar for new SE

hi all, i'm going to make an upload picture into database.. in run successfully but now it will store as [CODE] C:\Users\itdept\Desktop\webmaster\image\Desert.jpg [/CODE] but i just want to make it like this [CODE] ~/image/Desert.jpg [/CODE] is it possible?

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for erum

[CODE] <asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" runat="server"> <HeaderTemplate> <table border="1" width="100%"> <tr> <th>id</th> <th align=left>Room Categories</th> <th>single</th> <th>Double</th> </tr> </HeaderTemplate> <ItemTemplate> <tr> <td width="5%"> <asp:Label ID="Label3" runat="server" Text= '<%# Container.DataItem("packageid")%>' /></td> <td> <asp:CheckBox ID="chk_packages" AutoPostBack=true runat="server" Text = <%#Container.DataItem("package_name")%> /> </td> <td><%#Container.DataItem("single_rate")%><asp:CheckBox AutoPostBack=true ID="single" Enabled=false runat="server" /></td> <td><%#Container.DataItem("double_rate")%><asp:CheckBox AutoPostBack=true ID="Double" runat="server" /></td> <td><asp:Label …

Member Avatar for Finarfin34

Hi everyone! I have a query that take 5-10 minutes to run. And I use this query in ASP.NET Web Application. How can I manage to cancel query? For clarification lets say 2 buttons are on the form,one for starting and other for cancelling the query,is it possible if so …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for scott_rider

Thank you in advance. I have intermittent access to a .xml file in App_Data. The file is only used in a portion of the program but there are times when it throws a "...because it is being used by another process." error. I've included everything I could find that is …

Member Avatar for Audict

Hi all I want to get a file (pdf) via a parameter and stream it to the clients browser (this part works). Now my problem is, that when you click save, it suggests the name of the .aspx with a .pdf extension. How can I change this? Here's my code: …

Member Avatar for Diamonddrake

I'm new to ASP.net I am a decent C# programmer, but I usually write windows programs, not web stuff, I did my website in plain html and recently I have started working in asp.net. I've read a few tutorials, but I'm stuck on what to search for, and how to …

Member Avatar for shelen
Member Avatar for ranu jain

[CODE]Protected Sub btnSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click Dim j As Integer Dim conn1 As New SqlConnection Dim cmd1 As SqlCommand Dim dp1 As New SqlDataAdapter Dim ds1 As New DataSet Dim str1 As String str1 = "Insert into Feedback( Title,UserName,EmailId,Feedback,) Values('" & ((txtTitle.Text).Trim).ToUpper() & " …

Member Avatar for crishjeny
Member Avatar for Sinha's

Hello Frends I am getting an error. The details are follows, ERROR: Exception Details: System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format. Source Error: Line 36: if (rdr.Read()) Line 37: { [COLOR="Red"][B]Line 38: matured_month = Convert.ToInt32(rdr.GetString(0));[/B][/COLOR] Line 39: matured_year = Convert.ToInt32(rdr.GetString(1)); Line 40: conn.Close(); CODE: protected void Page_Load(object sender, …

Member Avatar for Sinha's
Member Avatar for new SE

Hi now, when i download the image, the path will be in this format [CODE]C:\Users\itdept\Desktop\webmaster\image\Penguins.jpg[/CODE] how can i make it save only the filename [CODE]Penguins.jpg[/CODE]? this is my code [CODE] if (FileUpload1.PostedFile != null && FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName != "") { byte[] imageSize = new byte[FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentLength]; HttpPostedFile uploadedImage = FileUpload1.PostedFile; uploadedImage.InputStream.Read(imageSize, 0, …

Member Avatar for crishjeny
Member Avatar for devloper

i m new in asp.net.. asp.net CheckBoxList control does not have the CheckBoxList.CheckedItems.Count like the one in the windows Application. i am manually converting a windows app to asp.net , i need to use the functionally of that Method .. any help please

Member Avatar for crishjeny
Member Avatar for Diamonddrake

I am kinda new to asp.net. I used asp backing flash for most of the site work i have done, but I have shied away from flash and I am having some issues understanding asp.net membership. I am currently using the web.config file to set the credentials for forms authentication. …

Member Avatar for crishjeny
Member Avatar for jv_web

Im sure this is real easy... Please forgive my limited .Net abilities... The script below genereates the correct value I need... I just want ot place the value obtained by dblTotal into a flash param... the param below is what I imagine it would look like. [code=c] <script Language="c#" runat="server"> …

Member Avatar for crishjeny
Member Avatar for Shlesh
Member Avatar for Sinha's

Hello Frnds, I have an application developed in ASP.Net(C#) and MS SQL, its working fine and fulfilling the requirements. Now the problem is I have a [I]MS Access Database[/I] from where I have to read some data and feed it into ASP.Net form and then save it to [I]MS SQL …

Member Avatar for crishjeny
Member Avatar for ajwposh

I am new to asp.net after previously coding in classic asp. I am needed to do a loop in VB.Net but don't know how to do it. I need to loop through a data set of 3 records and then place each record in the relevant section on the image …

Member Avatar for crishjeny
Member Avatar for ligas84

image of my listview: [url]http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/4043/listview.png[/url] I want to total every row from my listview tallies total infected people and percentage ____________________________________________________________________ CityID | City | Population | Male | Female | Total | Percentage | Population, male, and female columns are user inputs total column is male+female textbox value per …

Member Avatar for crishjeny
Member Avatar for Netcode

Am using asp.net/vb. How do i make a navigation button to link another page using vb.net ans CSS.

Member Avatar for catherine sea
Member Avatar for 080346

hello everybody; i have a aspx file in which i have made a table with 1 row; now i want to get the data of the user from database who have logined; i have written correct the sql query and it retriving the data, but i dont know how to …

Member Avatar for croker10
Member Avatar for jingo1126

btw any tutorials out there on how to create database with vb.net with mssql just to let me get started, i was hoping for a simple db to practice on like id,name. ive made db with php and mysql but vb.net is a bit far from php and mysql though …

Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for k_ramprasad87

[code] Shared Sub Export(ByVal recordSet As DataTable, ByVal fileName As String, Optional ByVal ExportData As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal IncludeDummy As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal header As Boolean = True) 'Try Dim C_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT As String = "Content-Disposition" Dim C_HTTP_ATTACHMENT As String = "attachment;filename=" Dim C_HTTP_INLINE As String = …

Member Avatar for haripriyamca05

i have bulletedlist control with two items and its display mode is linkbutton. In same page i have html table row hidden with some other controls. i want to make display of that hidden row in onclick of bulletedlist listitem. The problem is that when i click the listitem hidden …


The End.