13,153 Topics
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OK, here's my last problem for this project I am working on. This may seem very simple to most of you, but I cannot figure it out. I have a simple confirmation page that reads something like: You have successfully created your event, the link for people to signup for … | |
I have made a registration form using C# and the record will be saved in sql. I want to also add a record of the registration date automatically. How to do this? | |
Hi, I have a simple grid view that i want to be able to delete rows from by clicking the delete button that's automatically created. Every time I click on the delete button to delete the row i get the following error: [COLOR="Red"]Incorrect syntax near 'int'. Description: An unhandled exception … | |
I have function that returns string and that works fine but when I call that function from another procedure when it executes function I get a message: [B],,Conversion from 'result' to type 'Integer' is not valid,,[/B] ASP debugger says: [B],,Input string was not in a correct format. ,,[/B] I tried … | |
[B]how do i display the inserted record in gridview in asp.net when i click on button..? [/B] GridView1.DataSource = a.filldata("insert into student(Roll_no,Name,Age,Education,Mobile)values("+txtrollno.Text +",'"+txtname.Text +"',"+txtage.Text +",'"+txtedu.Text +"',"+txtmb.Text+")"); GridView1.DataBind(); [B]i want it should be display right now at runtime record should be added....and displayed... and i also get and error of "," … | |
how to add dropdown list in gridview and how to populate data in that dropdown list Thanks in advance | |
Hi Guys, I just wonder anybody here know how to strip html from the text box ? I just want to make sure that at the time user post something,they dont insert any HTML or javascript ... thanks Johnny | |
I'm trying to insert a record from a DataGridView into a database, but I receive this error: [COLOR="red"]Parameterized Query '(@i1 int,@i2 varchar(50),@i3 varchar(50),@i4 varchar(50),@i5 var' expects parameter @i1, which was not supplied.[/COLOR] I have tested with a BreakPoint that c_id is not null, it does have a value. *Note c_id … | |
Hello. I have been developing on this project for the last month and this particular function is used MANY MANY times throughout the project and I have had 0 problems with it to date. I added a new panel and all of a sudden some of my core feautres started … | |
hi all, i'm going to make an upload picture into database.. in run successfully but now it will store as [CODE] C:\Users\itdept\Desktop\webmaster\image\Desert.jpg [/CODE] but i just want to make it like this [CODE] ~/image/Desert.jpg [/CODE] is it possible? | |
[CODE] <asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" runat="server"> <HeaderTemplate> <table border="1" width="100%"> <tr> <th>id</th> <th align=left>Room Categories</th> <th>single</th> <th>Double</th> </tr> </HeaderTemplate> <ItemTemplate> <tr> <td width="5%"> <asp:Label ID="Label3" runat="server" Text= '<%# Container.DataItem("packageid")%>' /></td> <td> <asp:CheckBox ID="chk_packages" AutoPostBack=true runat="server" Text = <%#Container.DataItem("package_name")%> /> </td> <td><%#Container.DataItem("single_rate")%><asp:CheckBox AutoPostBack=true ID="single" Enabled=false runat="server" /></td> <td><%#Container.DataItem("double_rate")%><asp:CheckBox AutoPostBack=true ID="Double" runat="server" /></td> <td><asp:Label … | |
Hi everyone! I have a query that take 5-10 minutes to run. And I use this query in ASP.NET Web Application. How can I manage to cancel query? For clarification lets say 2 buttons are on the form,one for starting and other for cancelling the query,is it possible if so … | |
Thank you in advance. I have intermittent access to a .xml file in App_Data. The file is only used in a portion of the program but there are times when it throws a "...because it is being used by another process." error. I've included everything I could find that is … | |
Hi all I want to get a file (pdf) via a parameter and stream it to the clients browser (this part works). Now my problem is, that when you click save, it suggests the name of the .aspx with a .pdf extension. How can I change this? Here's my code: … | |
I'm new to ASP.net I am a decent C# programmer, but I usually write windows programs, not web stuff, I did my website in plain html and recently I have started working in asp.net. I've read a few tutorials, but I'm stuck on what to search for, and how to … | |
[CODE]Protected Sub btnSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click Dim j As Integer Dim conn1 As New SqlConnection Dim cmd1 As SqlCommand Dim dp1 As New SqlDataAdapter Dim ds1 As New DataSet Dim str1 As String str1 = "Insert into Feedback( Title,UserName,EmailId,Feedback,) Values('" & ((txtTitle.Text).Trim).ToUpper() & " … | |
Hello Frends I am getting an error. The details are follows, ERROR: Exception Details: System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format. Source Error: Line 36: if (rdr.Read()) Line 37: { [COLOR="Red"][B]Line 38: matured_month = Convert.ToInt32(rdr.GetString(0));[/B][/COLOR] Line 39: matured_year = Convert.ToInt32(rdr.GetString(1)); Line 40: conn.Close(); CODE: protected void Page_Load(object sender, … | |
Hi now, when i download the image, the path will be in this format [CODE]C:\Users\itdept\Desktop\webmaster\image\Penguins.jpg[/CODE] how can i make it save only the filename [CODE]Penguins.jpg[/CODE]? this is my code [CODE] if (FileUpload1.PostedFile != null && FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName != "") { byte[] imageSize = new byte[FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentLength]; HttpPostedFile uploadedImage = FileUpload1.PostedFile; uploadedImage.InputStream.Read(imageSize, 0, … | |
i m new in asp.net.. asp.net CheckBoxList control does not have the CheckBoxList.CheckedItems.Count like the one in the windows Application. i am manually converting a windows app to asp.net , i need to use the functionally of that Method .. any help please | |
I am kinda new to asp.net. I used asp backing flash for most of the site work i have done, but I have shied away from flash and I am having some issues understanding asp.net membership. I am currently using the web.config file to set the credentials for forms authentication. … | |
Im sure this is real easy... Please forgive my limited .Net abilities... The script below genereates the correct value I need... I just want ot place the value obtained by dblTotal into a flash param... the param below is what I imagine it would look like. [code=c] <script Language="c#" runat="server"> … | |
any body tell me how can i restrict pasting and drop in asp.net? | |
Hello Frnds, I have an application developed in ASP.Net(C#) and MS SQL, its working fine and fulfilling the requirements. Now the problem is I have a [I]MS Access Database[/I] from where I have to read some data and feed it into ASP.Net form and then save it to [I]MS SQL … | |
I am new to asp.net after previously coding in classic asp. I am needed to do a loop in VB.Net but don't know how to do it. I need to loop through a data set of 3 records and then place each record in the relevant section on the image … | |
image of my listview: [url]http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/4043/listview.png[/url] I want to total every row from my listview tallies total infected people and percentage ____________________________________________________________________ CityID | City | Population | Male | Female | Total | Percentage | Population, male, and female columns are user inputs total column is male+female textbox value per … | |
Am using asp.net/vb. How do i make a navigation button to link another page using vb.net ans CSS. | |
hello everybody; i have a aspx file in which i have made a table with 1 row; now i want to get the data of the user from database who have logined; i have written correct the sql query and it retriving the data, but i dont know how to … | |
btw any tutorials out there on how to create database with vb.net with mssql just to let me get started, i was hoping for a simple db to practice on like id,name. ive made db with php and mysql but vb.net is a bit far from php and mysql though … | |
[code] Shared Sub Export(ByVal recordSet As DataTable, ByVal fileName As String, Optional ByVal ExportData As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal IncludeDummy As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal header As Boolean = True) 'Try Dim C_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT As String = "Content-Disposition" Dim C_HTTP_ATTACHMENT As String = "attachment;filename=" Dim C_HTTP_INLINE As String = … | |
i have bulletedlist control with two items and its display mode is linkbutton. In same page i have html table row hidden with some other controls. i want to make display of that hidden row in onclick of bulletedlist listitem. The problem is that when i click the listitem hidden … |
The End.