13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for malashukla

hello everyone i might sound stupid but i am having syntax error while adding a variable to the xml file while creating it. please tell me the syntax of writing my code here goes my code: [CODE]imgListSrc="glance\\FlashGallery\\resource\\xml\\"\"" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["albumname"].ToString() + "\"\\slide.xml/>"[/CODE] thanks in advance

Member Avatar for vuyiswamb
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hi there, i have a question in visual studio report viewer. i created a report in microsoftreport view tool and connected to a server, when i run the application in another machine i cannot view the reports, it gives an error saying " Unhandled exception has occured in your application. …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for ccdsystems

We're working on a very large project that has been exclusively written in VBScript/javascript/HTML. We're starting to port it over, page-by-page into C#. We have split out common constants and code into <# Include .asp files, but when we go to try to include these files into out new C# …

Member Avatar for ccdsystems
Member Avatar for leet_uk

i have an asp.net application deployed under IIS on windows 2003 server. It sounds stupid but i deleted most of the files under under C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727 \ thinking it will clear IIS cache.....and my application when browsed through on app server throws runtime error. Can i just copy files from different …

Member Avatar for sachintha81

I have a simple ASP.NET page where after the initial page load the user enters a username and a password to two text boxes. Note that I can not use the built-in login control in ASP.NET, as my purpose of using this username and password is slightly different. Now, I …

Member Avatar for vuyiswamb
Member Avatar for ashishkumar008

hello, any one can tell me how to embed assembly file [COLOR="green"](windows control library)[/COLOR] into resource in window apllication using .net c#. pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for rodce

I'm having a problem solving part of a C# question from a beginning course. If anyone can help, I would appreciate it. The problem and code follows: When the user clicks the Quit button, display a message box that says "I'm going home." Then when the user clicks OK on …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for Eric Cute
Member Avatar for Eric Cute
Member Avatar for irandokht

hi dears i have two tables (Albums,Photos).when i want insert a record in a Photo table i must select name of album so i create a user control that have a dropdownlist and a datasource until when i select a name of album put AlbumID in a Property when i …

Member Avatar for azrysyarry

Hello guys, My name is Azry Syarry and I am an Analyst Programmer for an IT company here in Malaysia. I just got this job and I am going to be given the responsibility of handling some projects. However, I do have to make some decisions first about this upcoming …

Member Avatar for zubairn
Member Avatar for davemac001

Hi, I am trying to create a user login that will allow three different types of users to login...basically an admin, a student and a co-ordiantor. At the moment i have any registered user logging in and being sent to the admin.aspx page, i am not entirely how to differentiate …

Member Avatar for davemac001
Member Avatar for dpreznik

Dear friends, I need to make a report that would let the user to pick which columns he wants to see. I found how to do it here: [url]http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/uditsingh/CR1111022006055359AM/CR11.aspx[/url] This works, but I still have two problems: 1)When you start the report, you see a page with several comboboxes (according …

Member Avatar for amit121
Member Avatar for alc6379

Hey gang, Looking for some opinions here. I'm working in an ASP.Net MVC2 application. We've built a collection of "domain objects", ie, the data that represents our "real world" problem we're going to solve, and it's also the representation of what will be serialized to the database. Each of these …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for erum

i have exception Conversion from string "System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBo" to type 'Integer' is not valid. on these line [CODE] Dim no_single_room As Int32 = CType(DirectCast(dataItem.FindControl("txt_single"), TextBox).ToString(), Int32) Dim no_double_room As Int32 = CType(DirectCast(dataItem.FindControl("txt_double"), TextBox).ToString(), Int32) [/CODE]

Member Avatar for reach_yousuf
Member Avatar for ppetree

It's been many, many years since I have written any ASP code and I dont recall this functionality being present in the past BUT: In php we have a serialize() that takes an array of data and creats a single string representation of that data. The single string can then …

Member Avatar for ppetree
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hi there i have a question i have created the login in C# deshtop application and when the application ruins i have amde the cursor to be focused to the username textbox now the thing is soemtimes the user adds the username and then adds the password a and then …

Member Avatar for judithSampathwa
Member Avatar for Ana D.

Hi, In my page I have the following code: [CODE=ASP.NET]<asp:TextBox ID="SearchCriteriaTextBox" runat="server" Text="Enter Search Criteria" Width="150px" ForeColor="GrayText" OnClick="this.value = ''; this.style.color = 'black'" OnBlur="javascript:changeText('<%=SearchCriteriaTextBox.ClientID %>')" />[/CODE] And for the javascript: [CODE=javascript]function changeText(txtB) { var textBox = document.getElementById(txtB); var txt = textBox.value; if (txt = "") { textBox.value = "Enter Search …

Member Avatar for yamanshr
Member Avatar for mykar_88

Hi Please help me out in providing connection string for the SQL datasource at runtime...i need to connect to different database based on the login option....i removed the connection string in the web.config file and tried to select the connection string during page load but it shows an error...can this …

Member Avatar for CrappyCoder
Member Avatar for soroushc

Hi:)the problem im facing is that i created a control Textfield.Example :the user types in 75000 in the textfield and after he or she presses enter the List view appears. But i want them to hit a button so after hitting the button the list view appears?plz help

Member Avatar for CrappyCoder
Member Avatar for perryg30313

Hello all, I have an app that I've developed that has a vb.net front end and a SQL Server 2000 database backend. I currently have it running fine on my machine and it also installs fine on all the users that are inside the domain that the app was written …

Member Avatar for perryg30313
Member Avatar for CharliePrynn

Hey, I need to click this [CODE]<span class="default_message">Like</span>[/CODE] In visual basic, please tell me how.

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for gillivt

I am setting up a shopping cart using foxycart and asp.net(vb) FoxyCart sends me an xml feed by a httprequest (RC4 encrypted and URLEncoded) In order to test my receiver page (datareturn.aspx) I have created a sample test page in vb (sampledata.aspx) based on their own c# version. This loads …

Member Avatar for angele18

hi, I'm doing a Real Estate Website where I have an upload image web form which saves the image paths of the images into my database. I am trying to view details of the property in another web form, but I can't retrieve the images, only the data is being …

Member Avatar for CrappyCoder
Member Avatar for akil007

I have asp:calendar Now i want to select multiple dates from calendar.Is it possible that multiple selection can done or not

Member Avatar for crishjeny
Member Avatar for new SE

i want to make a seacrh page using c# in asp.net.. at the first page, i want to display all the record in a gridview..then,after user click a search button, the result will appear in another gridview.. what should i put to visible the previous gridview and display only the …

Member Avatar for crishjeny
Member Avatar for new SE

hi.. i've review the latest logout and cannot back if BACK button is press.. anyone can help me in clearly how to code it?

Member Avatar for crishjeny
Member Avatar for skyboy

I have a table that looks like the one below: Name Score1 Score2 Score3 TOTAL Dan 71 85 23 ? Tom 58 84 87 ? sam 76 65 64 ? I dont know d command that will dynamically get the total score for each student and put it in the …

Member Avatar for crishjeny
Member Avatar for new SE

Hi all, i am working on converting the asp.net to pdf file.. now i'm using this code,but it give me an error "Type or namaspace name 'pdfConverter' could not be found".. is there any component i need to install..any help plz? [CODE]PdfConverter pdfConverter = new PdfConverter(); pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageSize = PdfPageSize.A4; pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfCompressionLevel …

Member Avatar for crishjeny
Member Avatar for shaqtus

When I set the VisibleWhenLoggedIn property of my Login control to false, my Login control automatically becomes invisible even if I'm not logged in. I've already set the Authenticate event to use my own SQL database, but this problem is still persisting. How do I fix this? Here is the …

Member Avatar for crishjeny
Member Avatar for derozza

Dear all. I need help regarding on my error.. this is the sample code: [CODE] Private Sub GetDetails(ByVal id As String) Dim conString As String = (ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings.Item("ItemListing").ToString) Dim objConnection As New MySqlConnection(conString) objConnection.Open() Dim sdr As MySqlDataReader Dim sSQL As String = " SELECT i.SuppCode,s.SuppName,s.telno,s.Faxno,s.email,s.Salesman,s.Mobileno,s.add1," & _ " i.masterefno, i.invoicerefno,a.remarks, …

Member Avatar for CrappyCoder

The End.