13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for nathmaniedeo

Hi friends, I'm confused - does ASP.NET work with HTML5, or just the older versions- will this new HTML5 make some of ASP.NET obsolete...not sure I understand how it all works together? (I'm a newbie, just learning C# right now) Thanks for the help... Nath :-)

Member Avatar for ja928
Member Avatar for RunTimeError

Hey guys, For some reason I cannot get an image I have uploaded to display when I try to render it through an <img> tag within a response.write() API Call in C#. Here is my code: [CODE=C#]protected void uploadFiles(object sender, EventArgs e) { HttpFileCollection allFiles = Request.Files; for (int i …

Member Avatar for CrappyCoder
Member Avatar for Ashfaq2679

I need to add orkut like functionality on my site. When user Logs in he should see images of all of his contacts. When he clicks on an image his profile should be loaded. I need guidance achieving this. Presently I have created the hyperlink images at runtime in a …

Member Avatar for Ashfaq2679
Member Avatar for niths

hi all, i am having a page of some images thumbnails. so now wen i click on image i need to get a lightbox popup. so for that i am using jquery. so wen i run the application i am getting error like this.. so can anyone helpme. this is …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for MARKAND911

How can i set my web page title as rotating. I have a page named "dog.aspx" and its title is "Dog Selection". I want this title to rotate continuously. How can i do this in ASP.net(C#).

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hi there, i have a text box in a form to enter a float value.say that the user types in 1234567789.09 it should be formatted and display as 1,234,567,789.09 how can i do this. i am using a text box. please can someone help me in this or give me …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for atticusr5

Hello out there. I had a professor who had a login section for his course website that allowed the student to enter a unique id# and submit to get there course grade. Now that professor is no longer here but I know the page was of type .asp. Now I …

Member Avatar for atticusr5
Member Avatar for Suganya B

I need to bind purticular external webservice webmethods name with in asp:dropdownlist at run time. anybody can help please.. Thanks in advance.. Suganya.B

Member Avatar for CrappyCoder
Member Avatar for arunvb

Dear Sir/Madam, We are using NSIS to install an application. and we have a MySql Script file, which is using inside the installer class. This file is working with Mysql but not from the installer. This is giving a ERROR 42000 syntax error. Any help will be appreciated Arun G.K

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Mareachi

Hi .... I need to have an idea about the project..... kindly give me idea about projects that are some robotics or involving intelligence .... or any software development type .... plzz Regards...

Member Avatar for JSPMA1988
Member Avatar for sakhi kul

hi all, I am creating my own project template, now I want user should face my own wizard to choose filename etc. I want to ask user about database that he want to connect in project so i want to put my own wizard. is it possible..? plz help me?

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for abrarHuniedi

I want to coded NumericUpDown betwwen to Numbers 2,5 How I can do that???

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for omeralper

Hello, I am newbie at ASP.net. I got stuck at a point that hopefully you can help me. I use mssql as database and fetch all my records and images from there by using <asp:SqlDataSource>. I also use [CODE]<asp:Repeater>[/CODE] to show data at every iteration. After fetching data from database, …

Member Avatar for omeralper
Member Avatar for ritika_khanna

i am doing onine railway reservation project .i have taken a ticket booking form where user can enter passenger detail .i have taken 6 textboxes for name,dropdownlist for age,berth,sex,class. i have written following code for ticket booking but this code is not working when after entering details this code does …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for MARKAND911

How can i get DataSource property & Databind method of HTML Table. Do i have to make a new control for it? if yes then how can i do this.

Member Avatar for CrappyCoder
Member Avatar for varsha solshe

i have VB2008 and i m creating website using asp.net but i have to explicitly add images to the project where as on other machines they are automatically added... what settings do i need to change?? :S:|

Member Avatar for varsha solshe
Member Avatar for Netcode

Hi everyone, pls i need serious help. I got a free template which am editing in asp. the template just has header, footer, sidebar and others but i want to add multiple textboxes for data entry and also a submit button. pls how do i go about it because the …

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for stoymigo

I downloaded a project made in an old version of VStudio, either 2003 or earlier version. Anyway this is what the app looks like in the development environment(I upgraded to VS 2008) [url]http://img89.imageshack.us/i/devvn.jpg/[/url] and this is what the app looks like when I run it [url]http://img251.imageshack.us/i/runn.jpg/[/url] One can see the …

Member Avatar for satiss7pwr

Hello, I have one asp.net application at server side, having oracle database, Now my question is what is minimum requirement at the client side i.e, should i install oracle at client side to access database from client side? Thanks

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for kiran.madke

Guidance for live online exam project I'm new to s/w development as well as .NET .Plz provide me with guidelines for my project. 1.) It's an online live MCQ exam project using ASP.NET with sql connectivity. and c# lang. guide me theoritically & if possible plz. provide the source code …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Ycefire

Hi there, I was really hoping I could find a person which could help me with my server setup to get it fully working for ASP.NET web applications under Win 7 Untimate (32bit). I'm trying hard to setup but I still can't get into the database file. I want to …

Member Avatar for Ycefire
Member Avatar for nirveshverma

hey buddies:) here is login page for begining purpose in asp.net i hope you will enjoy it and it is expected there is some mistakes also so please feedback it. Thanks

Member Avatar for umamahesh2020
Member Avatar for wbrands2

1. I am having a real struggle trying to accomplish something for work. I have a starting page with a textbox and a button. I want to be able to post the value entered in the textbox to an iframe, but the iframe is on another another web page called …

Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

i have a datagridview in that i have two combo box columns, i want to make one of the combo box to be a text box as well as a combox but the other combo box i want to leave it as it is? how can i do this??? i …

Member Avatar for zeetec

Hi, I have a datalist which contains a linkbutton. The LinkButton is populated with templatename which is a field from my Database table. My LinkButton has an onclick event which attempts to populate the clicked templatename's value into my textbox (called txttest). Here is my front-end code:- [CODE]<form id="form1" runat="server"> …

Member Avatar for jlego

i have a few habbits in vb .. 1) ME before anything local in a form, example: me.label1, me.textbox1 and so on. 2) string.empty or in vb6 vbnullstring instead of = "" 3) put call infront of a function call... call pull_data instead of pull_data 3) instead of using if …

Member Avatar for haripriyamca05

I have gridview for file download with linkbutton which keeps filename as commandargument and one more column with number of files to be downloaded. Condition is that if have more than one file i redirect to another page otherwise i can download my file there itself. I am having my …

Member Avatar for Dragonbaki

I am new to ASP.net.. Can anybody explaine me how to do number validation..? I need for phone number, age etc... very urgent.. Pls..

Member Avatar for CrappyCoder
Member Avatar for Eric Cute

Hello to all. First of all, I would like to say that Im jst a newbie to ASP.NET development and Im just trying to explore the VWD IDE. So here's what happened: 1. Tried to add SQL DATABASE under App_Data Folder. (good) 2. Tried to add table. Created table definition. …

Member Avatar for lbmanikandan

Hi, I am using asp.net with SQL2008 facing a concurrent user issue, if 2 users launches the application and clicks save then it is allowing to save the record twice. I need to avoid saving duplicate record. How can i acheive this? 1 thing i thought of taking Modifiedat value …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati

The End.