13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for ashajahanmca

Hi, In my application, I am using authentication mode as form and cookieless as UseDeviceProfile. i set in sessionstate cookieless as UseDeviceProfile and timeout="60" in global.asax ,Application_AcquireRequestState method i used to redirect to timeouterror page. if i run my application first time it redirects to timeouterrorpage.but it should go to …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for kgenn

Hello everyone :) Please help me in my problem about putting the data from database (MS Access 2003) to a label. What syntax should I use?. I used AccessDataSource for connection and Datagridview for the output.. Thanks! :D Your help will be highly appreciated ;)

Member Avatar for kgenn
Member Avatar for ibdatx

Hi all, I have a textblock that is bound to an xml document. This displays the innertext of an xml-node element and the width of the textblock is fixed at "auto". The issue is that of the display as the innertext may exceed the width of the textblock and therefore …

Member Avatar for abrarHuniedi

I creat small program with windows Application ,Iwant to connected to ASP.Net web site some one tell me it is impossibal so I deployment this program I ask if I can connected with Asp.net website??

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for djzia

I needed to use datalist paging for my recent project. I am developing a photo sharing website like Picasa for "mobile phones".. I have named it [B]PicaShare[/B] I searched for a video tutorial on the internet but couldnt find one. So i decided to make one because i think its …

Member Avatar for pavankumard2079

I want to display Rows in dynamically using ASP.NET with a condition of: If RowCount=7, then 8th Row should display in 2nd column. Ex: ---------------------------------- Theory Practicals ---------------------------------- AAA GGG AAAAAA GGGGGG ---------------------------------- BBB HHH BBBBBB ---------------------------------- CCC CCCCCC ---------------------------------- DDD DDDDDD ----------------------------------- EEE EEEEEE ----------------------------------- FFF FFFFFF -----------------------------------

Member Avatar for ja928
Member Avatar for harrypinto11

I know PHP little but no idea about ASP.NET. But I have few questions regarding ASP, Can anyone use the AJAX code in the ASP code? Suggest for linksys how to use?

Member Avatar for ja928
Member Avatar for Louis_Brasco

hi all, I have a problem in applying timer control on asp.net web pages. in my web application i m having assessment pages, where i am retrieving question and answer from database. everything is working fine but i want some kind of restrictions, like Assessment Time(20 Minute) so user can …

Member Avatar for propertywant
Member Avatar for varsha solshe

Hello everyone, I know ASP.NET little but no idea about PHP. i want to use PHP files in ASP.NET..... Can anyone help... Thanks...

Member Avatar for Mackeny
Member Avatar for erum

see the link [url]http://www.thesmartcodes.com/a-simpl...-from-asp-net/[/url] can any one see this and see if it is working if i specify (for example my gmail address and password ,username) in the variable mentioned over there ?? and lastly called sendMail function just

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Member Avatar for clausont

This should be an easy one but I am missing something and have been working on this for two days now. I am trying to insert a date/time in a short date format (date/time mm/dd/yyyy) into an access database and I get the "Data type mismatch in criteria expression" every …

Member Avatar for clausont
Member Avatar for selicon.valley

Hi Friends well i m developing an application into asp.net database is access now i want to show a particular record into 1 textbox names txtbox1 here is code plz give me code that i can show record into textbox [code] Imports System.Data.OleDb Partial Class Default123 Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for kieky

hi, i really need your help.. this is my code.. BUT it [B]just show 1 document[/B].. [COLOR="Red"]what should i do to show all of document?[/COLOR] can u correct my code? this is very urgent 4 me.. :'( [code] protected void GridView_Main_DataBind(int NewPageIndex) { string username = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name; id_category = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString[0]); …

Member Avatar for MARKAND911

I want to scan a document from my web application using javascript. How can I do this.

Member Avatar for MARKAND911
Member Avatar for sasivashok

[B][I][COLOR="Red"]HI friends, I am using report viewer in my Asp.Net application. In the report viewer loaded, i got export,refresh,paging,search options .But print option is not showed in the report. I set "showPrintButton="True"".And Install ActiveX control also.But again i couldn't get the print icon. I am asking so many forums. But …

Member Avatar for imtiyaz.shaikh
Member Avatar for Pari13

Hello Developers, [B]How to Retrive values from ObjectDataSoruce at .cs file?[/B] I want to know is there any record in objectdatasource ? will you please proved code to know this thing? Thanks in Advanced....

Member Avatar for jockey
Member Avatar for abrarHuniedi

If I have tow textbox and 2 button first button ok and secon is clear or reset how i can clear the input and input another values??

Member Avatar for harrypinto11
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hi there, i have a code to validate a tel number but the thing is i want it to restrict it for 10 digits. currently i can add any number of digits how can i restrict it to 10 digits the code is below [CODE] public bool ValidateTelNo(string TelNo) { …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Tejashri

I want to scrap data from a site. I have successfully scrapped the data on 1st page, but the data id divided into some 10 to 12 pages. How do i scrap data of other pages. The other pages have the same address as the 1st one. I guess it …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for vegascasino21

Hello sir, I am using this code to solve canonical issue but when i type [url]http://vegascasino21.com/[/url] it redirects to [url]http://www.vegascasino21.com/index.aspx[/url] . but i don't want index.aspx with it. Please suggest me something so that i get desired result. [code] void Application_BeginRequest(object sendr, EventArgs e) { if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.ToString().ToLower().Contains("http://vegascasino21.com/")) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Status = …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for ncnet

Hi, I have an issue uploading images to a server. This functionality works perfectly within our network. But attempting to upload images to the same server from outside of our network, I get an error - Could not find a part of the path 'E:\inetpub\wwwroot\Folder1\Folder2'. Below is a portion of …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for krunalkakadia

Hello all, CalendarExtender to my textbox.I am success to first load year. function ChangeCalendarView(sender,args) {sender._switchMode("years", true);} Is it possible to change its behavior so that initially it shows only year to text box and not navigate to month. Thanks, KK

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for mukeshgaharwar

i what to create an web application in which the user will be seen at top of page and the other users which are (online)using that application they are also be seen at the same page. cobe in C#

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for maleke

Hello, I have a custom control I have made and I would like to use a dynamic variable assigned in the code behind of the aspx page. I would like to pass a variable called topic to the control. Here is the property of the control: [CODE] Property Topic() As …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Pari13

Hello Developers, I am developing an web application and i need to create report using reportveiewer. I am successully able to fetch and display record in reportviewer now, But if no record found then it will disply only header with all Fields. Insted of this fields ,I want to Display …

Member Avatar for Pari13
Member Avatar for malashukla

hello to all i am here to clear my one confusion as i am stuck in somewhere logic part. i have four tables in database : state region district circle on page load i have to show the states from the database in the form of checkboxes. and when user …

Member Avatar for malashukla
Member Avatar for bh_superman

Just a couple of problems I'm working on-- can anyone help. Thanks. 1. You are making changes to an existing ASP.NET application. The application contains a DataSet object, dsProspect. The page you are changing displays prospect data from the dsProspect DataSet and includes an Update button. You define a new …

Member Avatar for Shoaib Siddiqui
Member Avatar for asifakhtar

Hi, How can I create an excel file or XML from pdf bookmarks? My bookmarks consist of 3 thing separated by “:” It is “DATE: AUTHOR: DESCRIPTION” I want my excel sheet or XML should look like the following: Date Author Description October 19, 2010 Dr. ABC (MD), Omega Medical …

Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

Hi I have a question regarding the datagridview cellFormatting event in C#, [CODE] if (e.ColumnIndex >= 0) { if (this.dgvSubContractor.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].Name == "TelNo") { if (e.Value != null) { this.dgvSubContractor[3, row].Value = c.CheckingValue(e.Value.ToString()).ToString(); } } return; } [/CODE] I wrote the below code to format a 10 digit number to (456) …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for haripriyamca05

I binded the gridview from database with dataset. Now i want to add new row dynamically with already existing gridview when user clicks add button

Member Avatar for malashukla

The End.