13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for mani508

hello i want to change text while pressing the linkbutton. i want to add feature like and dislike on website.. that's why i add two link button one is Like and other is Dislike... i am so confused about it when user press the like button then change the text …

Member Avatar for mani508
Member Avatar for dskumar_85

hai .... I want to upload the image to database...But my question is how can upload the image without using the fileupload .Instesd of fileupload i have give the specific path of the image likee c:\project\image\winter.jpg in static ..... in the button click i want to upload the image to …

Member Avatar for motrack
Member Avatar for chunkbar

this is our insertion logic. but the problem is that after inserting one record we reset the textfields to clear them.and after that if we again press the insert button it duplicate the previous record into our database.we want to tackle with this??????so that no duplicate entry should be inserted …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for deeps2_daniweb

i have just started learning asp.net and webmatrix a week ago. i read these excellent tutorials http://www.asp.net/web-pages/tutorials/introducing-aspnet-web-pages-2/getting-started and i try to make a similar site that instead of movies have employee records. here is the code of web page which i made by modifying the given codes in thee tutorials. …

Member Avatar for deeps2_daniweb
Member Avatar for georgesk

i was triying to load then get reportsource of my external report.rpt file but it dasnt work with this code dim report as new reportdocument report.load(filepath) report.reportsource here vb does not reconise this namespace any help urgent ?

Member Avatar for willson1
Member Avatar for venkateshyeluri

Here I want to create an anonymous web chat application for my web site, where user just enters into the site and should start his chat conversation with who are online. here are my doubt regarding chat application.. How chat server will communicate with chat client as chat server doesnt …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for Ikram Shams

I am developing a website in which i am showing the hexa code into bgcolor of td of table. The problem is that when someone like that page or print the page then that color is not showing because the color is bgcolor color of td. So, i want to …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for saybabs

I have a csv file i am submitting to database directly. I have tried many means but still not able to bulk copy into the database table. I have suggestions from people. All suggestions are welcome.

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for Goomba79

Hello, In my webform I have a listbox that is populated with document names that it gathers from a folder on the server. there are various document types excel pdf, word etc.. Can I open them in the web browser when hey are selected in the list? I have tried …

Member Avatar for Goomba79
Member Avatar for ravidaniweb

hi i am getting error plz error SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=RAVI-PC\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=personals;User ID=sa;password=sa;Integrated Security=True"); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(" select * from table_2", conn); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); da.Fill(ds, "table_1"); conn.Open(); SqlCommand SQLINSERT =new SqlCommand(); command.Parameters = "insert into table_1(ID,name,address,phone,city)values('@id','@name','@address','@phone','@city')" ; SQLINSERT.Parameters.Add(("@ID",Textbox1.Text.ToLower) SQLINSERT.Parameters.Add(("@name",Textbox1.Text.ToLower) SQLINSERT.Parameters.Add(("@address",Textbox1.Text.ToLower) SQLINSERT.Parameters.Add(("@phone",Textbox1.Text.ToLower) SQLINSERT.Parameters.Add(("@city",Textbox1.Text.ToLower) SQLINSERT.ExecuteNonQuery()

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Goomba79

Hello, is it possible to refresh my gridview table without reloading the page? i'm inserting/updating data on a button click and would like the gridview to refresh when the data has been updated. it is bound to a database, so i guess i could just run the select command again …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Goomba79

Hello (again) I have a problem with my SQL, all the other statements i have written work so I can't understand why this one isn't!! the sql is... sql = "Select * From Skills Where StampNo = " & Stamno & " Cell = " & cell & " And …

Member Avatar for Goomba79
Member Avatar for Goomba79

Hello, I have got a dropdown box that is displaying data from a table in my database. when i select an item in the list i want to change the text in a label to what has been selected in the list. this is the code I am using to …

Member Avatar for Goomba79
Member Avatar for Jigs28

Hello, How to write Code into Hyperlink of datagridviewcell I have a datagridview which is connected to the database and data is coming from the database than how to write code inside the hyperlink???

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for ShaggyDogg

I would apprecaite any assistance with this task.. SourceForm.aspx contains a databound gridview which I have added a checkbox column for multiple row selection. OnClick of a button I want to display any selected rows on another page, Target.aspx So far I have successfully captured textbox input properites using PostBackUrl …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Goomba79

Hello, I have got an image at the top of my page, in the div logindisplay container. in design view it looks alright but when i preview it in the browser it doesn't! how do i get it to display correctly? I am really new to asp.net so I imagine …

Member Avatar for Goomba79
Member Avatar for Maha Sh.

Hi all, I want to change the format of the DetailsView. I tried to change the code but it gives me error. What i want to do is switch the postion of one column with another one and i want to control the size of the text box in the …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for GTTravis

hi guys, i have a database with a bunch of start and end dates for various users what i envision to do is depending on the user logged on that user only sees calendar values for the start and end range example: User Travis Start 21/06/2012 End 21/09/2012 Hence on …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for nuevoenjava

Hi guys, I have a dropdownlist binded to a sqldatasource and the result set contains about 394,000 serial no. This is making the page crash and i cannot mess with the table architecture. I would like to know if trhere is a way to limit the results and then retrieving …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for abathurst

Hi, I'm trying to upload multiple image to folder and insert the image information into a database. I have been successful in being able to upload the images to the folder (thanks to a tutorial online) but when I try to add the code to insert the image information to …

Member Avatar for abathurst
Member Avatar for fishky

Hello guys, I'm trying to learn asp.net mvc 3, but am having real nightmare with database queries :( I added a new sql server database in my project under app _data folder and created this little table where account_id is primary key and identity column. I added new ADO.net entity …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for awslc

Hi everybody, Wondering if you could give me some help with an error I have with NuSoap and my C# .NET project. I am trying to return an array of arrays from my PHP NuSoap Web Service to my .NET application. My PHP Code: $server->wsdl->addComplexType( 'GraphData', 'complexType', 'struct', 'all', '', …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for shers

Hi, I'm working with Visual Web Developer Express 2010. I have a registration form that looks as in the attached file. I'd like to get some suggessions on the design of the form as it doens't look professional. The 'Batch' section has to be improved. Please advice. Thanks

Member Avatar for shers
Member Avatar for Zeenat Jahan

hi, i m doing a project in asp.net using visual studio 2005, the topic is Hospital manage ment. I couldn't understand how i will start this project i m getting confused!!!! plzzz help me how i will make this website!!!!

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for Goomba79

Hello, I am trying to make a web site. i have started to play about with the style sheet that is auto generated the make it how i like, My question is how can i put a background image in the .LoginDisplay class? I have tried editing it as follows …

Member Avatar for Goomba79
Member Avatar for ChrisHunter

I just got an error when I clicked on the tutorials tab on the ASP.NET page, is this just something to do with my settings or is it an issue ? Cheers

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for mani508

hello i want to paging in repeater control asp.net using c# .i want to 10 record show in one page how its possible..??

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for jateshs1007

Guys i was trying to make some changes in the default ASP.net project file. I am making a modal dialog box for login with the help of a video on [youtube](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLiEutUlqok) (click on the link for that video) in ASP.net. Now here is the problem. I took the guidance of …

Member Avatar for alzz
Member Avatar for Goomba79

Hello, I have got a message box that is displayed when a database is successfully updated. my problem is when it displays the msgbox it is behind the browser. how can i make it so it is displayed on top of the browser? can i also get it to run …

Member Avatar for Goomba79
Member Avatar for nikki05

Hi, I am able to delete the data from database. My Problem is how to delete a file from the folder that is linked to the database using c#, asp.net. Below is my code snippet for your reference. I would greatly appreciate your help/suggestion. Thank you. protected void lnkdelete_Click(object sender, …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca

The End.