13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for plusplus

I have a horizontal menu. I want there to be space to the left of first item like there is to the right of last item. How would I do that?

Member Avatar for ericstenson
Member Avatar for sbv

hi friends, i need your help in my project. i need to group my dropdownlist data. can anyone help me to get "optgroup" functioning in asp.net 1.0 using vb.net

Member Avatar for ra00l
Member Avatar for pranav_jog

how to link css stylesheet file which is stored in database in asp.net please give me complete example

Member Avatar for pranav_jog
Member Avatar for rashmigs84

I'm building a web page that uses a tree view control. If i click on a particular node i want to redirect a value to the next page .. how to do it using the treeview? I would greatly appreciate some insight on this.

Member Avatar for rashmigs84
Member Avatar for bhavna_816

Does anybody know javascript function to call WebService I have a webservice written in .NET2.0 and I want to call the webservice by JAvascript function and store the data got from the function on local comp by opening save dialog box in javascript itself Do anybody have any idea?

Member Avatar for hp900
Member Avatar for cyberjoe

Hi to all! What is the worlds biggest .NET open source project? is it NASAs World Wind project? Regards, cyberjoe

Member Avatar for utkarsh.cse
Member Avatar for komodo891

Here is my problem... I am developing a portion of my website to sell my floor plans online. I have an access database linked to a Datalist that displays a thumbnail elevation and some basic info about that plan. What I am having problems with is once a person clicks …

Member Avatar for srikanthkadem
Member Avatar for someoneelse

I have a detail view that is displaying information from a table called demos. I am currently displaying a hyperlink so that someone can click the link and go a page (intense, I know!) I would like to make the hyperlink go to different pages based on the value of …

Member Avatar for srikanthkadem
Member Avatar for nareshbabukata

hi when i executing the program i recived error your page cnt aceessable problem with 404

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for GL.Za

Hi All Its my first time using LING in vs2008. Im pretty comfortable with do changes to the database (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, etc) using LINQ & the DataContext object. However I'm trying to do a little login page. A user will enter their login details (username & password) into textboxes. …

Member Avatar for GL.Za
Member Avatar for fayenot

[B]Scenario:[/B] I have 2 gridviews, clientgridview for showing the clients and the projectgridview for showing the projects. If I Click on the Client name on the the clientgridview i will be directed to the project gridview to show the different projects of the client [B]Problem:[/B] when i click on the …

Member Avatar for fayenot
Member Avatar for Techbee

Hello Guys Can you please help me, I'm getting an error message: [COLOR="Red"]Element 'html' cannot be nested within element 'div'.[/COLOR] I have been trying for a long time to fix this problem. One of the solutions I tried was to delete that linr completely but nothing was being returned upon …

Member Avatar for komodo891
Member Avatar for ketan_erp

Hi Frd's. I Want to know a site name or book name from where i can learn AJAX from starting to deepely . Thank's in Advance. [URL="http://webaspdotnet.blogspot.com/"]View my Blog[/URL]

Member Avatar for Fungus1487

Basically i have a wizard so a user can setup the web app correctly when installed. This requires them to enter details on a server which houses their database. I would like to return a list of current paths in the local network for ease which they could select etc …

Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for ThaSaint

Hi I have a number of reports developed with SQL Reporting Services. I want to call them from the Reportviewer available in VS 2005. The problem arises when i add the Report Viewer to the we form. I get an error. Type 'Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportViewer' is not defined. I am running on …

Member Avatar for ericstenson

Hi this works in IE6, IE7, but not in FireFox... any ideas? [code] (On PageLoad) ImageMap1.Attributes.Add("onMouseOver", ImageMap1.ClientID & ".src='images/addpatient1.jpg'; window.status='Mouse Over'; return true;") ImageMap1.Attributes.Add("onMouseOut", ImageMap1.ClientID & ".src='images/addpatient.jpg'; window.status=' '; return true;") [/code] The rollover effect just doesn't happen in FF.... grrrrr.....

Member Avatar for a496761
Member Avatar for pranav_jog
Member Avatar for vishakha_ate

Hi All, m very new to ASP.Net, but creating one social network site. m saving Video path in database and Video at Server, but when i display it i want to show just an image first and after clicking on it it ll show video. So i want to save …

Member Avatar for menelaussa

Can some one help me to write this in asp? Is it possible? [code=ASP.NET]<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Release"> <ItemTemplate> <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Release" )%> </ItemTemplate> <EditItemTemplate> <asp:TextBox runat="server" id="txtRelease" Text= '<%# if (bdirty) then DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Release" ) else GetDefaultRelease()%>'/> </EditItemTemplate>[/code]

Member Avatar for menelaussa
Member Avatar for nandhinijp

One of my web page contains dropdown and gridview only.There is no button.I want to validate that dropdown when i click the gridview.(OR) validate when control moves from that dropdown.Help me.

Member Avatar for nandhinijp
Member Avatar for fayenot

what could be the possible reason why the gridview and formview doesnt appear when i debug my program.. i connected it to a datasource and have them databound, also already set its visibility property to true...please help..

Member Avatar for nandhinijp
Member Avatar for pranav_jog
Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for ricksvoid

First of all here is how i created my SQL database and established a connection in visual studio 05. I go into the server explorer and right click on the data connections node and and select "create new SQL database". A window then prompts me for a server name and …

Member Avatar for ricksvoid
Member Avatar for szmitek

I have problem with LINQ. I have created SQL Server 2005 database Database.mdf in App_Data folder with two tables - Pages and PagesGroups. Table Pages consist of fields PageID, AspxForm, DescriptionEN, DescriptionPL, PagesGroupID, NavNameEN, NavNamePL, PageActive, NavToolTipEN, NavToolTipPL and table PagesGroups consist of PagesGroupID, NavGroupNameEN, NavGroupNamePL, NavGroupToolTipEN, NavGroupToolTipPL, GroupDescriptionPL, GroupDescriptionEN, …

Member Avatar for DATABASE

this the the code for inserting data in a database [CODE]Dim cn As New Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source= " & Server.MapPath("database.mdb")) cn.Open() Dim cmdr As New Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand cmdr.CommandText = "SELECT [Customer_ID] FROM [Customers] WHERE FirstName LIKE '" & User.Identity.Name & "'" Dim id As Integer cmdr.Connection = cn id = System.Convert.ToInt32(cmdr.ExecuteScalar()) Dim …

Member Avatar for ericstenson
Member Avatar for thebigo

Hello I am re-writing an application from VS2003 to VS2008 (.NET 3.5). In the older version there was a file named 'AssemblyInfo.vb' that held version numbers, copyright information etc. I can't find anything to replace it in VS 2008. Basically I want to create an About Box for my web …

Member Avatar for ckehrer

Hi I am new to ASP.NET and to programming in general. I am trying to pass values from two drop down lists which will be display in a lblResult. My page load looks like this: [code=ASP.NET]protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { { ddlCompany.Items.Add(new ListItem("ABC Company", "0.15")); ddlCompany.Items.Add(new ListItem("XYZ Inc", …

Member Avatar for ckehrer
Member Avatar for WhYuLoOkIn

Cool that worked, maybe you could help me with the overall problem also. I am trying to insert a picture into my database. Now that I have the invalid column name solved I have another error. The error is stating that I cannot insert a null into the column and …

Member Avatar for a496761
Member Avatar for menelaussa

Hello, How can I put conditions on a cell from a gridview in edit mode? For example I have the dataview called grdSeasons with the columns From, Until, MinStay, MaxStay, Release in edit mode From, Until, MinStay keep the value data that was saved before when add a new row …

Member Avatar for alexmaster85

Hi everybody! I want to edit a source file at runtime automatically. This already works. My problem is that the made changes will not take effect. They are not recognized. This source file is in my App_Code folder. If I edit a code behind file (for example Default.aspx.cs) these changes …


The End.