13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for ali_ggl

Hi i have a datagrid i want to populate its cells color on some if else statements bases then how to do this. second i want to edit some cells value then how to edit grid row cell value and last is it possible to assign color for each row …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for greeny_1984

Hi, I have a page containing categories and subcategories. Iam using datalist to display categories. I want ot get subcategories based on categories selected. On clicking on again subcategories i need to display subsubcategories. ex: Agriculture | V plantproducts | V beans | V green beans | V product page. …

Member Avatar for menelaussa

Hi, can someone to help me to write an regular expression for a number from 1-100. I need to validate an age field. Thank you

Member Avatar for nandhinijp
Member Avatar for williamku87

how i want to solve this problem my visual studio.net has detected that the specified web server is not running ASP.NET version 1.1. ? which mean me cannot create a new asp.net application.... who can help me?

Member Avatar for WhYuLoOkIn

I am trying to run a script when a button is pressed on my Login.aspx page in Visual Studio 2008. I have set the Sub routine which is located within the script to redirect me to a certain page when the script is run for testing purposes. When I press …

Member Avatar for WhYuLoOkIn
Member Avatar for yassar

Hi, I am making an asp website using visual c#. I am working on visual studio 2008. I have a problem with selecting data source from the database for UI components. For example, i added a "dropdownlist", clicked to select data source appeared on the right. I entered my hostname, …

Member Avatar for ertugrul
Member Avatar for dotNetDummi

Hi experts, I used Window.showModalDialog to open comment.aspx. I need to disable the X button(top right button of IE) in my comment.aspx as entering comments is compulsory. I've done several days of research but to no avail. I'm guessing that it's not possible even if I use javascript. Any ideas …

Member Avatar for viv.shankar
Member Avatar for nmpgaspar

Hey. Ok, i already asked this question on asp.net and sqlteam forum, but without any luck. Hope it will be diferent here :) So, here the thing: I have created some users to my site using the WAT tool. Therefore, the users information was automatically stored in ASPNETBD.mdf file. When …

Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for znetweb

well guys please help me,first of all its a course projects,well in the home page i need to create a login form for both normal users and administrator.Because after logging administrator will come on a page where they can update a database,whereas normal users wont have this function on ther …

Member Avatar for nmpgaspar
Member Avatar for painthu

hi, i am creating a custom control- a grid view.. i have been asked to create search options such that under each column's header in the grid view there will be a textbox and then when the user types something in any of the textboxes and hits search button ,he …

Member Avatar for anitha joe

Hey frens, I am entirely new to asp .net and when I was asked to create a web form and send the form data to a database created using Microsoft Access, I had no clue as to how I should do this. I have created a form in my web …

Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for binoj_daniel

Hi, Can anyone help me with Inline Editing one row at a time Also inserting a row. Iam binding the gridview dynamically using C# codebehind with DataSet. I did not find any good posts on this. FYI: Iam calling a SP in the Business Layer to populate the Data in …

Member Avatar for binoj_daniel
Member Avatar for painthu

hi, I am trying to create a web custom control- a grid view that inherits from the system.web.ui.webcontrols.gridview class,, the functionality that i am trying to add to this custom control is-sorting with up and down arrow keys on the header, i found a control on the net that does …

Member Avatar for a496761
Member Avatar for sapamtiken

I have a web site [url]http://ssimphal.nic.in[/url] Here I want to have a feedback page and I want the comments to go directly in my hotmail email id instead of going to the database. Please help me with the code. I am using Visual Studio . Net. I am writing in …

Member Avatar for sebastian3
Member Avatar for bhavna_816

There is aspx page where I am displaying a GridView with some data about basic details about a person. In that GridView there is a hyperlink, which navigates to a new aspx page where I am displaying the detailed information about particular person in some controls like text boxes etc. …

Member Avatar for bhavna_816
Member Avatar for rashmigs84

hi all, Please can anyone tell how to create a custom tab control in asp.net 2005. please let me tknow the source code too. thank you.

Member Avatar for rashmigs84
Member Avatar for braineles

Hi, I am trying to create a menu list in asp.net 2.0 and want to use shortcut keys for the same. The menu contains links to other pages which i want to view. The back end is C#. Kindly guid me through the process of achevining the same. the code …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur

I dont want the windows media player automatically open the wmv files as streaming videos. I want the wmv links to open as download dialog boxes. I know one approach is to zip the wmv files but i dont want this. How can i achieve this?

Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for toton

Hi, I have an application which sends emails for survey.These emails are coming from a particular table in database.Within that table email column consist several emails with different domains. Ex:toton@xyz.com,toton1@abc.com,toton2@def.com etc. now I have to send emails only in @xyz.com and @abc.com but not in the @def.com. Can any body …

Member Avatar for sonia sardana

From form1 I m passing the values of two textboxes & on form 2 I m receiving it--- FORM1 CODE- [code=asp]protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Redirect("default4.aspx?roll="+TextBox1.Text); Response.Redirect("default4.aspx?name="+TextBox2.Text); }[/code] FORM2 CODE-- [code=asp]protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Label1.Text = Request.QueryString["roll"].ToString(); Label2.Text = Request.QueryString["name"].ToString(); }[/code] But the error is …

Member Avatar for sierrainfo
Member Avatar for ABDUL HAYEE

Hello! I have just developed, as an assignment , a small conventional website, commonly used for “Log in “purposes. User enters the UserID and password. User ID is compares from the customer Table, to verify, if the name already exists in database. If yes, he is directed to main page. …

Member Avatar for sierrainfo
Member Avatar for Yogesh Sharma

I try the foll. code--- protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int i; for (i = 0; i <= ListBox1.Items.Count - 1; i++) { ListBox1.Items.Remove(ListBox1.SelectedValue.ToString()); } } But it's not working.

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for thakaresanjay

Web application installer gets intrruped wihout any error. Ask to restart the setup and agin the same eeror.

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for u4umang2001

string abc="40+40*4.2%+120"; how can i get the result??? means it should be computed as::: double xyz=40+40*4.2%+120; how this is possible????

Member Avatar for sebastian3
Member Avatar for Raghu111

Hi all, I am creating a typed dataset in asp.net. One of the columns in the table is NVARCHAR2 (31), now when I create a typed dataset for this table the MaxLength property of this column becomes 15. But I need it to be 31 itself. I understand that NVARCHAR2 …

Member Avatar for sharif_mehdia

I am doing a project on asp.net.but problem is that i cannot connect database(ms access)from page.how can i get this connection?can any one send me source code to solve this problem?or give any better solution as soon as possible please..

Member Avatar for mkp007patel
Member Avatar for painthu

hi , i am trying to create a custom control- a grid view that is capable of sorting with up and down arrow keys...in the header, i did find relevant material on the net but u see,those things work fine when we use a datasource like an sql or access …

Member Avatar for nortcoll

I have created a search/results page in Dreamweaver 8 using ASP.NET that references a SQL database. Searches are done using HTML form. The dataset that I have created in dreamweaver quite happily filters the results but the page is pulling back all entries in the database. Has anyone seen this …

Member Avatar for cyberjoe

Hi, I would like to ask you what is the best way to localize applications in .NET 2.0 and how Microsoft do it in Vista? cyberjoe

Member Avatar for Byaptia
Member Avatar for sudhakary_rao

Hi I have one .aspx page and image.when i scroll down the page the image should come vertically down as page scrolls.

Member Avatar for peter_budo

The End.