13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for rado

I need to create connection pool i think shared connections and controlled through semaphores. or its only on connections string level? , i saw code in java but NET nothing.

Member Avatar for csnegi

I've just finished a long term contract and looking for another big project; 3-6 month contract or a full time offsite position as an ASP.NET developer/architect. I have 6 years of a full cycle development experience with ASP.NET 2.0 (C#) and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 development. * I have strong …

Member Avatar for jamello
Member Avatar for usershan

Hi all, I am trying to insert date but not able to, im using SQL server. This is my code: [COLOR=#0000ff]Dim[/COLOR] str [COLOR=#0000ff]As[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]String [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]Dim[/COLOR] cmd [COLOR=#0000ff]As[/COLOR] SqlCommand [COLOR=#0000ff]Dim[/COLOR] con [COLOR=#0000ff]As[/COLOR] SqlConnection [COLOR=#0000ff]Dim[/COLOR] sql [COLOR=#0000ff]As[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]String [/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Function[/COLOR] AccessDate([COLOR=#0000ff]ByVal[/COLOR] dateandtime) [COLOR=#0000ff]Dim[/COLOR] myday [COLOR=#0000ff]Dim[/COLOR] mymonth [COLOR=#0000ff]Dim[/COLOR] myyear myday = Day(dateandtime) [COLOR=#0000ff]If[/COLOR] …

Member Avatar for jamello
Member Avatar for Ponte_64

Hi there, Looking for ASP.NET 2.0 web host I have the right one for you check it out [url]http://www.thehosting-review.com[/url] Ponte.

Member Avatar for jamello
Member Avatar for vimalv

[COLOR=darkblue]i have a dataview contains a column age (datatype as string)....with the data like "35/5" (i.e 35 years and 5 months) ,"9/6","101/4","23/3"..... when i am trying to sort the gridview by age asc..it diplays the result as 101/4,"23/3","35/5","9/6" it is sort with the first char of each data...but i need …

Member Avatar for vimalv
Member Avatar for DeOiD

hi i'm using a dropdown to enable the users to choose the product family in (or on, i donĀ“t know... :-( ) a form. when the user clicks in the save button, it saves all info into the database, including the family_product_id, with the [INLINECODE]selectedvalue[/INLINECODE] property... the problem is that …

Member Avatar for kokkee
Member Avatar for aerian

can any body helpme on this point! i have the merge module MSDE n i have to deploy website to another PC i dont want that i install mysql there i want to attach just a fileor dll of database to the project set up . so i will not …

Member Avatar for kokkee
Member Avatar for vimalv

Hai all i need to concate more than one colunms and show it on dropdown list ( each columns have a regular intervals.)..how can i solve this pls give some guidelines,,, Thanks, Vimal.V

Member Avatar for kokkee
Member Avatar for r_jack

I have an SQL database and an ASP.NET home page. I want to add, delete, update/create data directly to the database from the home page. How can I do this. Give an example if possible

Member Avatar for r_jack
Member Avatar for sibotho

[COLOR=green]Hi all[/COLOR] [COLOR=green][/COLOR] [COLOR=green]I have been trying to send email from my asp.net website using c#. the code runs without any errors, but when i click the send button i get this error.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]/*System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: Failure sending mail.---> System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to remote server -->System.net.sockets.socketException: a connection attempt failed because …

Member Avatar for NET-Developer
Member Avatar for kapil.goyal

I have created a widows application.the set up is created successfully. now when i install it on target machine without framework it ask to install framework first.Client needs that framework should be install automatically if not rpresent already on machine. i.e first the application should check whether the required version …

Member Avatar for cutepinkbunnies
Member Avatar for thirunavukaras

i created one web form the form contain two label box and text box in the form one button is placed i click the button the page redirect to next page window.location.href="fdfgd.com"; but i wll send textbox value and label box value in the corresponding redirect page.. pl help me...

Member Avatar for sibotho
Member Avatar for johnroach1985

Hello. I am currently working on a simple blog-like site. That works with asp.net and access. However now I am just stuck and seem to not be able to get out of where I am stuck. The problem is from the admin panel if I am trying to create new …

Member Avatar for johnroach1985
Member Avatar for plakelly

I am creating a website for a homework assignment & I need help will the login page. I am using an access database with a users table. the username and passwords are stored there. My two text boxes are txtusername & txtpassword. And I would be putting the code into …

Member Avatar for cutepinkbunnies
Member Avatar for MiyaoMiyao

Hi all! I am new in this forum! Its really nice to see forum members helping each other out. Anyway let me cut to the chase, I have been programming in VB.NET since last year. Even though I'm not very good at it, but at least i was able to …

Member Avatar for MiyaoMiyao
Member Avatar for 7arouf

hey guys a small quick question please its urgent i am creating a website but there seems to be a problem with the layout the problem is here in the screenshot i uploaded [url]http://img174.imageshack.us/img174/9404/problemlayoutaz5.jpg[/url] you can see that the table is covering the 2 footers i tried to play with …

Member Avatar for 7arouf
Member Avatar for vidbee

I am writing an ASP.net application (with VB.net). Users are allowed to register and upload files. I want to allow them to download the files at a later point. How should I do this? Any help is appreciated.

Member Avatar for pandiyarajan
Member Avatar for someoneelse

I would like to highly customize my detail view. For instance, it is pulling info from a table, and one field in the table is cateogoryID. This relates back to another table where all the cateorgy types are declared. (Main table is demos, and then there is a table called …

Member Avatar for DeOiD

hi i have another problem with my DB... until yesterday everthing worked fine but suddenly the entire project stoped working. i use this method to connect to the data base: [INLINECODE]Imports System.Data.OleDb[/INLINECODE] ... [INLINECODE]Public Class func Public Shared Function seleccionar(ByVal comando As String) Dim DBliga As OleDbConnection Dim DBcomando As …

Member Avatar for sadhanasingh

i am a beginner we are making a website during registration process i faced this problem that i am posting below please help error is:- System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: The system cannot find the path specified. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070003) at P3ADMINLib.P3DomainsClass.get_Item(Object vIndex) at register.AddPop3User(String MachineName, String DomainName, String UserName, String Password) in …

Member Avatar for prodigygroup
Member Avatar for aerian

hello, i m editing my data through command button of edit update cancel. now when in editing mode all the field convert into textboxes i want to validate the regular expression so that the user cannot enter numerical value in name text box. i need help on this

Member Avatar for Shruthi_R

i have a webpage where i have used master page and inherited code behind file of the webpage when i use the code in codebehind file to databind the dropdownlist to database values i get the following error The name "DropdownlistCategory" does not exist in the given context i tried …

Member Avatar for sibotho

Hi all I want to select data from a database and display it on a GridView. My problem is it doe not return anything when i use the WHERE clause but when i use SELECT * it works. I am new in ASP.NET, please help. here is the code i …

Member Avatar for w_3rabi
Member Avatar for sibotho

Hello there I want to retrieve data from the sql database according to departure plase and Destination selected on the dropdownList, Something like "WHERE departurePlace = @DeparturePlace AND Destination = @Destination", I want to display the results on a different page (i am not sure if its possible). Can you …

Member Avatar for ManicCW
Member Avatar for DeOiD

hi i want to obtain a value of a table with date restrictions, so i created two fields, one for the inicial date and other for the final date. when i try to do that the result is always null...i don't no why... i use this statement: "SELECT caminho_foto FROM …

Member Avatar for DeOiD
Member Avatar for greeny_1984

[COLOR=#0000ff]hi everyone, iam a newbie in asp.net.even it sounds silly doubt to u ,plz help me.i want parameters in a sql query to insert a record.i wrote the program like this,but iam not able to insert the data.so,plz say my mistake . Dim[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] str [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]As[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]String [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff] [/COLOR]con = [COLOR=#0000ff]New[/COLOR] …

Member Avatar for ManicCW
Member Avatar for Shruthi_R

i have an XML in the format below i need to load them to treeview as it is with all the node and attribute name and values. can anyone help me with any coding example on how to do this if i use the xmldatasource ,only the node name is …

Member Avatar for srik22

Hi In my LogIn screen , Including username and password we have provided secure card. This secure card displays three alphabets randomly with three textboxes to enter. like ( G __ C __ B__ ). There are 10 two-digit values are stored in LogIn table (from A to J). These …

Member Avatar for tuyen42d1150

Icon(Print, fist, last, next, perious,....) in toolbar of report can not appear

Member Avatar for sidereal

I am trying to add a <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> validation to my web project. However, it is contradicting with my AJAX controls. Once I add the DOCTYPE line to my master page all of my styles get messed up. The only way I can get …


The End.