13,153 Topics
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hello, i just started to code aspx, but i found troubles adding the connection string in the web.config i was trying to code the "populate the listbox" tutorial, and in the part of pasting the connection string in the above mentioned file, i'm getting this error "Only elements allowed" The … | |
Everytime i try to log on to blackplanet.com web site the page will not fully load up it keeps saying Page Cannot Be Displayed or it will load up halfway and stop. I never had this problem before. | |
i am working with a client who has their Inventory stored in a FoxPro database. i need to pull that info from the database and publish it on their website. i have read & read & read but cannot figure out what i'm doing wrong!! here's the code: <HTML> <HEAD> … | |
hey there i just wanna ask... i am new to web design thing and i have a domain.... and used ASP.NET to create a website and i wanna publish this website on the domain!! how can i do it?!!! | |
[COLOR=darkblue]I have a datagrid in my webform with two columns namely empno and empname. The column empname is a hyperlink column. When the page loads both the columns are displaying data from the emp table. There are totally 5 records in the emptable. So five rows are getting displayed in … | |
I am using visual devloper express, and i have been following allow in the "starter videos". for lesson 8 (editing and insterting into a sql express db file on the local host), the example worked fine, but when i try to replicate the example with a SQL database (external one) … | |
[COLOR=#0000ff]hye i m working on a n autocomplete textbox. here the text box is binded through only specific values defined in array. i want to bind the text box through the values selected from data base . how can i retrieve the database values here. the code is as follows … | |
Hi All.. I have a datagrid holding values in it..I have a button below that datagrid(print button)..If i click the print button the datagrid values should be sent to the printer and the print out must be taken..I have the datagrid in as .aspx page(ASP .NET) Someone help in this … | |
I am performing a calculation inside a FormView Insert Template using Visual Studio 2005 and C#. The calculation works fint until a TextBox is left empty. Then I get an expected error message; Input string was not in a correct format. There are 100 TextBoxes on this form at which … | |
hey what's the differentce between ASP.NET and ASP i've taken ASP.NET, but is the asp is different!! or almost same thing? | |
Hi everyone, I am not sure if this is the right forum for this, but I have a question about Microsoft Sharepoint that I cannot seem to find. I am wondering if it is possible, for example, to add a link to the quick launch sidebar where this link only … | |
Hi all.. I have two dropdown list boxes in an aspx page to which i have to load items from the database..When i run the application i am getting the following error... Auto- attach to process '[3236] aspnet_wp.exe' on 'machine 171' failed Someone help in this regard..very urgent.. Regards, Balaguru | |
what is wrong with my code? Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load MyConnection.Open() Dim strSQL As String = "SELECT * FROM Question WHERE SurveyID=83 Order By QuestionNum" Dim cnCommand1 As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(strSQL, MyConnection) Dim Rdr As SqlDataReader = cnCommand1.ExecuteReader() 'execute reader to … | |
[color=#000000]hi All,[/color] [color=#000000] [/color] [color=#000000]am Newbie To Asp.net, I Want To Allow The User To Upload A Text File From Any Client In The Network To The Server And Then Insert The Contents Of This File Into A Table In Oracle Database,[/color] [color=#000000]contents Of The Text File Looks Like (employee … | |
I am relatively new to all of this, but I have a form on my website that emails the results to me. It is using an asp file from my host. I also want to connect to the database hosted by my provider and record the data there. If you … | |
I hope someone can helkp me. This is driving me nuts. I have the following code that produces this error " [B]Exception Details: [/B]System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user 'selfmadeBrowser'." The entire code is as follows (please note, this script came DIRECTLY off of [URL]http://www.expertrating.com/courseware/DotNetCourse/DotNet-ASP.Net-4-3.asp[/URL], I also am able to cnnect … | |
Im developing a website for a company. please help me how to introduce autocomplete textbox in ASP.NET using c#. :icon_smile: thankyou | |
hi. i use a textbox (i also tried with a textarea) in asp .net2.0 to show some text from a data base. till this point, everything's ok. my problem starts when i try to change the text and update the new value to the data base. the value updated is … | |
Hi, I have datagrid control which contains textboxs in ItemTemplate. I need to set attribute to the textbox for the purpose of accessing the client side java script function. Here is my code snip. [INLINECODE] <asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="Fld Date"> <ItemTemplate> <%# (DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"DATE","{0:d}").ToString()) %> </ItemTemplate> <ItemStyle VerticalAlign="Top" /> <EditItemTemplate> <asp:TextBox id="txtDate" runat="server" … | |
Hi all I have this program i writing using C# 2003 and ASP.net, When i try to connect to the database it gives the error below. I do not know what is wrong, please help. [ [B]Server Error in '/BookFlight' Application. [/B] [B][I]The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the … | |
I am trying to implement a pop up control, but so far, all the examples I found seem to be a 3rd party application. Is this so, or shoul dI be able to find one? Does anyone have an example of a pop up control, preferrably moveable (like drag and … | |
What is the difference between Namespace and Assembly ? | |
Hi there, Looking for ASP.NET 2.0 hosting I have the right one for you check it out [url]http://www.webhosting-rated.com[/url] | |
I am new here. I am new here, I am working on school project i need some tutorial for making forum in asp.net and c# language. anyone can help me. | |
hi all, i hav to submit by final year btech project. plz give me some good ideas and guidance to make the project in asp.net. plz its urgent. ruchika | |
Can anyone give me a coded example for this or a really easy tutorial to follow? I'm a total newbie to this side of ASP.Net! I want a form that just has a textbox for their username, subject, message and then on submit it sends the message to the admin … | |
hi.. i want to ask if anyone knows how to do this.. i have a datagrid at my "home.aspx" with attribute 'Survey Title' and 'Description' i also have an edit button that will redirect user to "surveyeditor.aspx" in "surveyeditor.aspx", there are 2 textbox..which can be used to edit the 'Survey … | |
hi..good day to all.. i have a datagrid that combines 2 related tables as below: <body> <asp:datagrid id="dlQuestion" runat="server"> <ItemTemplate> <b>Question :#</b> <%# Container.DataItem("QuestionNum") %><br> <%# Container.DataItem("Question") %> <asp:DataList runat="server" Id="ChildDataList" datasource='<%#Container.DataItem.Row.GetChildRows("myrelation") %>' RepeatColumns="1"> <ItemTemplate> <%# Container.DataItem("OptionList") %> </ItemTemplate> </asp:DataList> </ItemTemplate> </asp:datalist> </body> the code behind as shown below: Dim … | |
Hi, i was trying to use timer in asp.net. The purpose is like this, there will be a server(ASP.NET) and a client(Web Application). I was trying to implement a timer in the client so that, for a specified period of time say 10 seconds, a function has to be called … | |
how can i upload file without browsing .the file full path is known to me.i want to upload file when user hits upload button.i don't want to use activex control.any solution? |
The End.