2,888 Topics

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Member Avatar for ww33ww

Hello how can i input a number composed from 2 digit and i print it! I tried but i can't mov ah,1 int 21h to input one number like 1 or 5 .... But how can i input number like 34 or 19 ....and i print it!?

Member Avatar for arya.herro
Member Avatar for udorngrul

I need help printing 5 Fibonacci numbers per line. The user is asked how may numbers would they want printed and if the user indicates they want 15 numbers printed then it should look like this: 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 …

Member Avatar for Unimportant
Member Avatar for bettybarnes

So I want to convert this C language program to Assembly: void main { int year; printf("Enter the year: "); scanf("%d",&year); if(year%400 ==0 || (year%100 != 0 && year%4 == 0)) { printf("Year %d is a leap year",year); } else { printf("Year %d is not a leap year",year); } } …

Member Avatar for poloblue
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

The EE Times [URL="http://www.eetimes.com/news/latest/showArticle.jhtml;jsessionid=CK0UKKNE0NKJCQSNDLSCKHA?articleID=213402554"]reported[/URL] earlier this week that the Dell E4200 and E4300 laptops are running both Linux and Windows on the same machine. Why both you ask? The Linux OS provides a quick boot for checking email and other "light" computing duties while the Windows side allows "heavier duty" …

Member Avatar for bustyesc
Member Avatar for enuma.cynthia

assuming you are given a set of signed integers in bytes with the following; +13,-10,+19,+14,-18,-9,+12 and +16,write an assembly language program to calculate the average.show how the flages are affectd on every addition.

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for m_ishwar

Hey guys is there a funtion in python that enables to output values to a bin files? Just like storing strings in .txt files, can we store hexadecimal values directly into .bin files? I am working using Python 2.7.3

Member Avatar for m_ishwar
Member Avatar for rakesh.menon.16

org 00h using 1 jump equ r1 jump1 equ r5 mov r0,#0a1H mov r2,#0ah mov a,#6h jump: sub r2,a jump1: inc r0 jz jump cjne a,#00h,jump1 end assembling e06.asm... e06.asm(8): error A8: ATTEMPT TO DEFINE AN ALREADY DEFINED LABEL e06.asm(8): error A9: SYNTAX ERROR e06.asm(9): error A8: ATTEMPT TO DEFINE …

Member Avatar for CarolJ
Member Avatar for hellogoodday

how to use "**into**"?????? this is my example!!!!!! ......................................... add ax,bx into . . . . . . overflow:push ax push bx push cx push dx . . . pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax iret .................................................... who has other examples of about "**into**"? i want to learn!!!!!! …

Member Avatar for untio
Member Avatar for silvercats

If I write an asembly program to a one CPU, will it also run on the other brand? What CPU is faster?Intel or amd (let's say both are 2Ghz processors. )

Member Avatar for mathematician
Member Avatar for fenri90

I code this exercise in c++ with title: "count number of occurrences of a character in a string" who can help me? thanks very much My code in c++: #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; unsigned count_check(char str[],char a) { unsigned d=0,lenght=strlen(str); for(int i=0;i<lenght;i++) if(str[i]==a) d++; return d; } …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for pbj.codez

Howdy; I am still on my journey into the world of assembly, and feel that I am becoming more comfortable with it, however; there are somethings I am still struggling with. Below I have posted my code, and have inline comments with it. These comments represent my understanding of the …

Member Avatar for Assembly Guy
Member Avatar for fenri90
Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for pbj.codez

Howdy; I am currently working on a program to review what I have learned so far, in the PCASM book written by Dr. Paul Carter. I have accomplished 3/4ths of my overall goal, however; my program doesn't seem to like me especially the division part of it. The goal of …

Member Avatar for Assembly Guy
Member Avatar for pbj.codez

Howdy; I have been studying on my lonesome, in hopes of becoming more in touch with assembly, and feel that I have been doing pretty well so far. However, I do have a few questions, including: - What is the major/minor differences between a signed, and unsigned number? When do …

Member Avatar for ShiftLeft
Member Avatar for MasterHacker110

I am have been programming in C++ for a few years now. Now I would like to also learn assembly language. I have tried NASM, but I dont like it, it works better on linux and my main development platform is windows. I have also tried FASM, its better but …

Member Avatar for pbj.codez
Member Avatar for Rasool Ahmed

Hello guys, I'm using MapViewOfFile to map a file and try to edit its data and save it on the file. The problem I have extra data to the file required to expand its size. So, how to append data to the end of memory mapped file using CreateFileMapping and …

Member Avatar for Rasool Ahmed
Member Avatar for trebla21

Somebody help. This is for my special project and to be submitted on monday. It's 11:09pm (saturday) here. i have a problem with my codes. its about when you input a CAPITAL LETTER the output should be in lowercase and vice versa. and also my problem is i dont know …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for pbj.codez

Howdy Friends; I have just started learning assembly, and am currently working with NASM, in Linux. I am not creating anything close to advanced, yet because I would like to know if I am on the right path with what I am learning. The code that is posted below is …

Member Avatar for Assembly Guy
Member Avatar for Evenbit

It is about time we start building a Sticky in this forum listing some resources so the newbies will have an easier time finding the information they need. I will start with these valuable links: x86 Assembly Language FAQs Wikipedia: Assembly Language Wikipedia: List of assemblers Links at Webster MASM …

Member Avatar for pbj.codez
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

Hello, I only have a basic knowledge of ASM because every tutorial I have found (including Narue's) is based on using some kind of high level library or another. However when I look through disassemblies of pretty much any program I notice that all such library calls are gone. My …

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Member Avatar for ppajak

Hey guys, I wrote a program that reads a file and then displays its 8, 16 and 32 bit checksum as well as the XOR values. I've managed to do it and it works fine under windows(using qtspim) but on centos(using mars) I get the following errors: Line 7 column …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for faisalahammad

I am not know When Facebook Lunch his first Smartphone? But one Blog Published news about that. They told: "Facebook is planning an Android phone, ready to start the brand social network, according to the report.' Please told me about this news. Thanks

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for shamsidini

hello guys,,,am facing a little problem around here.. I want to write a code in assembly language(tasm) which requests the user to enter the name of the file and then open that file...and count the number of words in it and display the results...

Member Avatar for Assembly Guy
Member Avatar for Rasool Ahmed

Hello guys, can someone show me how to add new section to PE header in masm32?

Member Avatar for Rasool Ahmed

Hello guys, I have problem with reading or writing files in C++ and MASM32. The problem is when calling the ReadFile or WriteFile the program give an exception saying "Access violation at address 0000". This is the code in MASM32: LOCAL Kernel32:DWORD LOCAL CreateFileA:DWORD LOCAL GetFileSize:DWORD LOCAL ReadFile:DWORD LOCAL pBytesRead:DWORD …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for DarkLightning7

I could not get c function calls to work inside of nasm so i wrote my own read integer procedure. Im sure its inefficient and could be greatly imporved but right now I'm interested in where the negative sign went. Any help is greatly apreiciated. ;---------------------------------------------------------; ;reads a 64 bit …

Member Avatar for Assembly Guy
Member Avatar for DarkLightning7

So ive been teaching myself x86 over the last couple days now im trying to call c functions and am getting segmentation faults. if someone could explain how to call them properly that would be great. here is my code: print integer is just he control string %d as i …

Member Avatar for DarkLightning7
Member Avatar for patrickgormally

I'm writing a program in .asm which prompts the user to enter a sentence. I have no problems with this but one requirement of the program is to change the format of the sentence by replacing all the spaces (" ") with underscore characters ("_"). How do I go about …

Member Avatar for Assembly Guy
Member Avatar for RYAnn191

Would this decryption decrypt this encryption? encryption: push eax and eax,0xAA not al mov edx,eax pop eax and eax,0x55 xor ecx,edx xor ecx,eax rol cl,1 rol cl,1 mov eax,ecx sub al,0x20 decryption: add al, 0x20 mov eax, ecx ror cl, 1 ror cl, 1 xor ecx, eax xor ecx, edx …

Member Avatar for Assembly Guy
Member Avatar for kS_100

Dear all, in order to fulfill my report on how to improve the performance of non-recursive binary search in MIPS, I need the code for a non-recursive binary search in MIPS. please help me with providing either the code or any source i can utilize to aquire the code. big …

Member Avatar for venom61991

The End.