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Member Avatar for TIP.Synergy

i want a login sample that will display Please Enter your Username: Please Enter your Password: with fixed username and password

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for TIP.Synergy

Hello to everyone, i don't know how to create a simple "if else statement" like this if username=user and password=pass then msg("Access Granted") else msg("Acess Denied") end if Is there anyone who can help me? please... thx

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for LMat619

Hey everyone. I am just learning assembly and I am understanding everything, but I keep having a problem a with this program. The main is in C and is supposed to receive a string from a user. Then, in assembly, I am supposed to count the number of words. But …

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for Rakesh Mall
Member Avatar for Ca67

I have been working on converting a selection sort pseudocode to assembler 370 code. The pseudocode is as follows: [CODE]BEGIN initially is a pointer to the first entry END is a pointer to the last entry I and LOW are also pointers 1 is the length of one entry Do …

Member Avatar for GabrieleCF
Member Avatar for kukuruku

Hi ,I am trying to print this ,so far unsuccessful,I am printing only the first row Thanks [CODE] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 …

Member Avatar for GunnerInc
Member Avatar for charmander

guys please help me to make a program using assembly language in PIC16F84A. I need to make a program that uses 3 inputs... as one button is push it will automatically adds the scores while the other button should decrease and the other should reset.. thank you for your help... …

Member Avatar for kukuruku

Hi,I am trying to do if statement in Assembly but it doesnt work.Could you help me putstr is predifine macro Thanks [CODE].386 .model Flat include Cs266.inc .data mes1 DB "First Greater" mes2 DB "Second Greater" var1 DD 22 var2 DD 9 .code main: mov EAX,var1 cmp EAX,var2 jge else jmp …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for wheats1

Hi there, I have a problem, perhaps you could help me with it. We are discussing to change our IDE. The Project I'm working on is using C with function calls to assembly. Now my problem is that the two compiler use different parameter passing routines. Now I would have …

Member Avatar for wheats1
Member Avatar for theUserMan

As title says Just trying to read in values and store them in an array Then call print function to print them out As of now the program works, but only prints out the last value entered and the other outputs are 0's here is the code... %include "asm_io.asm" segment …

Member Avatar for jdelgado08
Member Avatar for theUserMan

I wrote this code to get a standard deviation from inputs that are stored in an array. I outputted all of my inputs and they are correct, and it's subtracting the mean correctly, hoever when i hit the check flag(if counter is equal to zero) i get a floating point …

Member Avatar for GunnerInc
Member Avatar for Lyunth

Hi I am beginner in assembly and was wondering how the program works below follow the images CheatEngine Pointer: [URL="http://i54.tinypic.com/2l6lue.gif"]http://i54.tinypic.com/2l6lue.gif[/URL] Dissembler CheatEngine [URL="http://i52.tinypic.com/2ekq4uv.gif"]http://i52.tinypic.com/2ekq4uv.gif[/URL] thanks

Member Avatar for lu25

please help with a c program for the following ASM.. [CODE] x is at %ebp + 8, y is at %ebp + 12 movl 8(%ebp), %ebx movl $0, %eax movl $0, %ecx .L13: leal (%eax, %eax), %edx movl %ebx, %eax andl $1, %eax orl %edx, %eax shrl %ebx Shift right …

Member Avatar for lu25

why does this[CODE]movw (%eax), 4(%esp)[/CODE] generate an error messgae after invoking the assembler. using GAS.

Member Avatar for lu25
Member Avatar for imanz

I am new to assembler, using the 68HC11 processor. I need to multiply two SIGNED 8 bit numbers using the partial product-shift algorithm. Some help in the right direction would be helpful. Thanks.

Member Avatar for imanz
Member Avatar for cableguy31

Here is what I need to do. I have a very small C program that takes user input and passes argv to a function written in GNU assembly language that will then count the number of characters in the string. The function seems to work fine when I enter a …

Member Avatar for untio
Member Avatar for hzcsdtc

add, addi, lw, sw, li, la, syscall, move, jal, jr, bgt, j. Assume that: all registers are addressed by $register-name (like $s1; see your textbook for range of valid register names and numbers); the end of program is recognized by the end instruction, the program is loaded into memory at …

Member Avatar for GunnerInc
Member Avatar for egompaki

i'd like some help cause i'm new to assembly language i have this program in c and i have to convert it to assembly language int R[100]; char S[100,100]; int process(int rows) { int i; for (i=0;i<rows;i++) { tmp=strlen(&S[i])): R[i]=tmp; if (tmp==0) return i; } return i; } this function …

Member Avatar for boxofyuvi
Member Avatar for blackrobe

Hi, I'm really new to assembly language and trying to write an assembly program that includes some arithmetic and I would like to know how to do two things: 1- I want the input entered by the user to be between 0 and 9, meaning a digit not anything else. …

Member Avatar for AMPON
Member Avatar for notinasia

I'm using windows xp with a 32 bit processor. I would like to write a program which at the least: 1. observes data addresses of data on a FAT32 SDHC 4GB flash drive 2. makes an index of data location addresses and stores the index at a specified data address …

Member Avatar for RaigaX9

Hello, I'm having another problem with assembly. I'm writing a Fibonacci sequence in assembly and I think I got all my stuff set up, but after I try to convert from .m to .s using gm4, I'm getting this here: NONE:0: gm4: ERROR: EOF in argument list Can anyone tell …

Member Avatar for kukuruku

Hi ,I am trying to count all characters in entered text ,putch and putint are macroses for printing int and char What I am doing wrong Thanks [CODE] .386 .model Flat include Cs266.inc .data count DW 0FFH .code main: mov BX,count here: getch cmp EAX,-1 INC BX je exit putch …

Member Avatar for untio
Member Avatar for kukuruku

Hi ,I am new in Assembly and I am trying to print the first element of array putint is macros include in Cs266 [CODE] .386 .model flat include Cs266.inc .data Arr DW 1,2,5,9,12 .code main: mov AX,[Arr] putint AX ret end [/CODE]

Member Avatar for GunnerInc
Member Avatar for Whilliam

Hello. Im very new to assembly. Like, 2 weeks new. Im an IT student and I want to practice assembly in my very own laptop. I want to download assembly resources but Im not sure what. I know this exists in the assembly resources thread but Im really clueless. It …

Member Avatar for Goalatio
Member Avatar for rcossy1023

Ok So im trying to understand flags.... when i set $eax = 0x80000000 and set $ecx = 0x90000000 I want to compare and jump for flags so cmp EAX, ECX j(o,s,z,c) I do not understand how comparing these two numbers get a carry flag but not an overflow flag. I …

Member Avatar for -Powerslave-
Member Avatar for Goalatio

I wrote an operating system in 16bit asm (NASM), and thought it was easy. Then I came up with the crazy idea that I could learn 32bit asm.. And quickly became disgusted. All of the 32bit tutorials out there TELL you to use C or a similar language; I want …

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Member Avatar for spoonlicker
Member Avatar for Hesham Moustafa
Member Avatar for Hesham Moustafa
Member Avatar for lilpinay

problem You are to, given the data below, design an IA-32 assembly language program to find the max and min of the array in X and save them in A and B respectively. X sword 100,200,-100,-200,150,-150,300,250 A sword ? B sword ? what i have so far: 1. irvine32.inc 2. …

Member Avatar for lilpinay
Member Avatar for rotexhawk

Hello, I am trying to compare two characters of different strings but it quits the loop. I know i am accessing the right chars caz i have tested it with print multiple times. [CODE].data mainNumPhrases: .word 4 mainPhrases: .word mainPhrase1 .word mainPhrase2 .word mainPhrase3 .word mainPhrase4 mainPhrase1: .asciiz "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" mainPhrase2: …


The End.