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Member Avatar for bd338

Hi everyone! I feel like I've come a long way in my "quest" of creating a 16-bit toy os, since I last posted in these forums. Currently, the problem is that my CPU encounters an error, trying to switch to protected mode, and therefore shuts down the computer. This is …

Member Avatar for beddu
Member Avatar for davetheant

Hello everyone. I am wondering how to get started with ASM. I tried a few times to install things like radASM (and others) but I don't really know what they are all for. Can someone just tell me how to get started and about compilers/builders? Thanks.

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for 1g0r

Hi All, I have the following program to convert Lower case character to uppercase letters org $4000 Alph equ 26 26 Alphabets begin lea LC,A0 store lowercase to A0 lea UC,A1 store uppercase to A1 move.b #Alph,d1 sub.b #1,d1 loop move.b (A0)+,d0 convert LC to UC sub.b #32,d0 move.b d0,(A1)+ …

Member Avatar for nezachem
Member Avatar for Spartan_MSU12

I am coming back with a load address error with the first line in main (la $a0, test_str). I have been trying to figure out why. I am probably thinking to hard. Any help would be appreciated. [CODE] .data pali0: .asciiz "Go deliver a dare, vile dog" pali1: .asciiz "Some …

Member Avatar for RaigaX9

Hello, I'm having a small problem with my program for assembly. I have to write an assembly language that finds the maximum of y = x^6 – 14x^2 - 56x for the range -4 ≤ x ≤ 6, by stepping one by one through the range. Here is my code …

Member Avatar for RaigaX9
Member Avatar for spoonlicker

Is it possible to write direct machine language instructions to the processor and have them executed in some manner?

Member Avatar for GunnerInc
Member Avatar for cupcake33

Hi, I wanna ask.. suppose I have an array and a constant called threshold in my data segments [CODE]array db 1,2,3,4,5,6 threshold equ 5 [/CODE] I want to compare my array elements with the constant, and only display/print the number which is less that the threshold, if there are none, …

Member Avatar for cupcake33
Member Avatar for Jononomous

Hey All, Just wanted to know how to correctly use the OUT instruction for the x86 instruction set I'd like to output some data on the serial port which for me is 3F8h IRQ4. So I set up a test program as follows: [CODE] .386 .model flat,stdcall .code main PROC …

Member Avatar for miker00lz
Member Avatar for .:Pudge:.

The code runs fine if the first input integer is the largest, but if the second or third are larger it crashes or stops. I used the error message to determine that the code jr $ra stops the program. If I run another program I made that has that same …

Member Avatar for lochnessmonster

so what exactly is an instruction? 1.) is an opcode considered an instruction? 2.) is an operand also considered an instruction? 3.) is a combination of an opcode & operand makeup a legal "definition" of an instruction?

Member Avatar for GunnerInc
Member Avatar for toodle

can someone add some comments here so i can understand the process of the codes im a beginner here at assembly language by the way im using tasm for assembly [CODE].model small .stack .data msg1 db 13,10,"Enter a string with dollar symbol as a break :$" msg2 db 13,10,"Modified string …

Member Avatar for mjj5020

hi guys i am supposed to design a microprofessor as my university project please help me to program my device, i mean i need the assembly code for programing my device , if anyone knows about microprofessor's code , please let me know

Member Avatar for Goalatio
Member Avatar for Goalatio

I've run into a bit of a problem with my OS.. Displaying large amounts of information; like so- [CODE]mazemsg db 0x70,"Maze game: How to play--",0 db 0x74,"-Arrow keys for movement",0 db 0x7C,"-Move into the red crates to move them",0 db 0x7E,"-Push a crate onto yellow dots to clear both the …

Member Avatar for Kieran Y5

I am writing this thread not to ask how to make an operating system, but to say how to make an operating system. There always seems to be new threads created asking how to make an operating system. [b]The simple answer[/b] There is no simple answer. Making an operating system …

Member Avatar for Beo_Airwolf
Member Avatar for lxricher

Here is my code [code].section .data values: .int 0 array_end: .equ ARRAY_SIZE, array_end - values array_fmt: .asciz " %d" usort_str: .asciz "unsorted array:" sort_str: .asciz "sorted array:" newline: .asciz "\n" maxvalue: .int 1000 format: .asciz "%d" message: .asciz "Please enter a maximum size for the array to be sorted." output: …

Member Avatar for wildplace

can someone please explain why that is the answer to the question. for question 3, i thought it would be a) and c) thanks, 1 Circle which of the following (it could be any number of them) are flags that will be set (to 1) when 0x80 and 0x40 are …

Member Avatar for wildplace
Member Avatar for rcossy1023

My homework says: Write an assembly language program that, when given an integer n, will calculate the value of the expression (2n^2-1)2 + n^3. Your program is to get the value for n from ECX and is to leave the value of the expression in EAX. (Note: The name of …

Member Avatar for untio
Member Avatar for trouty323

[CODE]# Fahrenheit to Celsius .data # Following are data prompt: .asciiz " \n Please input degrees in fahrenheit: " # prompt user for input result: .asciiz " Degrees in celsius is: " # display degrees in celsius bye: .asciiz " Program terminated " # display when program terminates .globl main …

Member Avatar for trouty323
Member Avatar for ThatGuy2244

I have tried to set the colors of the vga color palette here is my code: [CODE] mov ax, 0x13 int 0x10 mov ax, 0xa000 mov es, ax mov al, 2 mov bh, 63 mov bl, 0 mov ch, 0 call SetPalette mov si, 344 mov byte [es:si], 2 Hang: …

Member Avatar for kukuruku

Hi ,I just started learning assembly ,and I have a question when we add unsigned 255 and 1 in 8 bit registry CF=1 and OF=1 right, and how do we realize if this numbers are sign or unsigned Thanks

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for RobiBobi

I'm trying to code a VERY simple PE compiler/assembler that uses calls to the Win32 API, but I can't work out from the documentation what memory model a loaded PE "sees". It seems to be flat, but in that case how does the OS/processor handle near (16 bit) jmp/call instructions? …

Member Avatar for assembly_11

Im trying to create a small program where it asks for a number (radius) and then calculates the area of a circle. BUT when I square the input and multiply it by pi, i get a whole number. I need it in decimal. Could someone explain? Thanks. [CODE]TITLE Area of …

Member Avatar for davio1
Member Avatar for azka

Hello, in IDA i have: [CODE] mov ecx, offset dword_000001 mov eax, ecx mov ecx, [eax] [/CODE] why i can not change this to: [CODE] mov ecx, offset dword_000001 mov ecx, [ecx] [/CODE] ? thanks

Member Avatar for GunnerInc
Member Avatar for Harvarde

Hi folks! :) I'm here with a problem of Assembly 8086 (x86) (NASM). I´m trying calculate the sum of all numbers, which are odd, lowers than X (X = number defined by user) Already solved the problem in C # and C + +, but i need the Assembly Code. …

Member Avatar for davio1
Member Avatar for chamnab

can everyone tell how to write emu8086 to solve this question : - sum=1+2+3+...+2n-1 - p=1*2*3*...*10

Member Avatar for davio1
Member Avatar for Marwan_Wareth

Hello Guys I want to make an assembly program that get 2 inputs and compare between them if equal or not and if not I want to say which number is the maximum and which one is the minimum I did the Equal part , I need help with the …

Member Avatar for davio1
Member Avatar for Fabii23

[CODE]; A NOR B = NOT(A AND B) ;NOT(A AND B) = NOT(A) or NOT(B) .ORIG x3000 LD R1,DATA1 ; load in data LD R2,DATA2 ; Load in data AND R1,R1,R2 ; AND THE TWO VALUES NOT R1,R1 ; NOT THEM HALT DATA1 .FILL #5 DATA2 .FILL #6 .END[/CODE]

Member Avatar for davio1
Member Avatar for davio1

Hi, We had to program a 8086 assembly program for an university project, for which I found a very good guide (Art of Assembly), which explains very well how to use the basic CPU & FPU instructions. I got very intrested in assembly language, and would like to learn how …

Member Avatar for ThatGuy2244

I have read about how multicore processing works of the Intel. The manual that I read had left out a part that would of been useful how to actually use multiple cores. It just explained how all the different parts of the CPUs interact with each other, so could someone …

Member Avatar for GunnerInc
Member Avatar for ThatGuy2244

I am wondering how to change the VGA resolution and the video memory pointer in real mode assembly (nasm). I have no idea how to do this, so can anyone help me?


The End.