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Member Avatar for hindiakosiaj

i was unable to attend my classes due to a sickness(chickenpox) and my prof gave us a activity. he gave me an additional 1 week to pass it. but the problem is i don't know where to start @_@ the program that he ask us to make is: a program …

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Member Avatar for cjwenigma

8086 Assembler ...I need the code for the following problems to do a few things.....try and include inline comments so i could understand them better... that could help me out.. PLEASE!..Thanks 1. Count the number of bits, in the double word that starts at memory location DS:1234h, that are 1. …

Member Avatar for sohaibkassab
Member Avatar for Allasso

Hello, I have observed that when generating assembly code from simple C programs using GCC, the stack is initialized as follows: [CODE]pushl %ebp movl %esp, %ebp andl $-16, %esp [/CODE] my question concerns the last instruction where -16 is anded with the stack pointer. Am I correct in assuming that …

Member Avatar for Tight_Coder_Ex
Member Avatar for marktyers

Hi I am new to assembler programming and am trying to get a simple program up and running on a PIC12F675 using a PICKIT2 I have wired up the circuit using pins 1-5 on the PICKIT2 programmer according to this diagram: PIN1 MCLR to PIC PIN4 PIN2 VDD to PIC …

Member Avatar for marktyers
Member Avatar for rawtea

Hi! I'm trying to write a program that converts an inputted decimal number into its hex equivalent. Here is the source code along with the .h files: [code] .286 .model small datas SEGMENT byte PUBLIC 'data' newl DB 10,13,'$' msg_hex DB "Hexa: $" msg_zec DB "Dec : $" tabela DB …

Member Avatar for rawtea
Member Avatar for Allasso

Hello, I am learning ia-32 assembly. I have observed that when creating an object file using gcc from the simple c program: [CODE]main () { char buf[256]; write(1, buf, 256); } [/CODE] it generates the following instruction for the write: (using the data on top of the stack for the …

Member Avatar for Allasso
Member Avatar for dumbterminal

Hello all, i am new here and this is my first post. I am a n00b in this case, and really don't know how to do it. so it would be great if u kindly show me the right way to do it. For instance the following instructions provides wrong …

Member Avatar for Allasso

Hello, Is there a reference anywhere that I can find out the number of cycles each instruction takes for ia-32 processors? I do not find this information in the docs, neither has much googling come up with anything. Thanks, Allasso

Member Avatar for Tight_Coder_Ex
Member Avatar for 3drenderer

In the name of God... ------------- Hi every one. I Have to Files : Main.asm Procs.asm ------------------------------- In Main.asm I have written: [CODE]extrn INCHAR:Far,OUTCHAR:Far[/CODE] And in Procs.asm I have written: [CODE]public INCHAR:Far,OUTCHAR:Far MyProcs Segment Assume CS:MyProcs[/CODE] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I am sure that there is No syntax Error in both source files. …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for aplh_ucsc

[CODE] BITS 16 start: mov ax, 07C0h ; Set up 4K stack space after this bootloader add ax, 288 ; (4096 + 512) / 16 bytes per paragraph mov ss, ax mov sp, 4096 mov ax, 07C0h ; Set data segment to where we're loaded mov ds, ax mov si, …

Member Avatar for Tight_Coder_Ex
Member Avatar for Goalatio

I would like to know, because I noticed how slow it can be when called over and over. How would I go about doing [CODE]xor ah,ah int 0x16[/CODE] Without the interrupt? [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKFY0OivbwE"]Here's a link to my video.. can see small delays keys are pressed quickly or held in near the …

Member Avatar for Goalatio
Member Avatar for azka

Hello, im a bit confused about ASM, i just have a code, i want to add inside it some new instruction, but there isnt enough space for it.... how can i jump to the end of the app and execute it and jump back? is it possible? i got: [CODE]000001: …

Member Avatar for azka
Member Avatar for lee.j.baxter

Hi folks, I just want to be certain on a few things before I continue developing my software (using NASM). I know it seems a bit strange to finally understand addressing AFTER I've already developed a bootstrap loader, but that's the way it's happened!!! :$ I'm currently working in 16-bit …

Member Avatar for Goalatio
Member Avatar for katjaschmidt

Hello i am trying to mask the interrupt for the system timer in my pc, using the 21H adress (Interrupt Mask Register) as adress, and sending the OCW1. However, on none of the computers i ve tried it did work (AMD K6, Pentium 1, AMD Athlon 1400), although they are …

Member Avatar for arash_total

hi , Code calculator in error, please help resolve this error. I compile code calculator emu8086 I'll error on line 71. The second question: this calculator in 10 base worked. How can the numbers in binary form as the input received and as output . to download emu8086 http://www.emu8086.com tnx …

Member Avatar for Marceli

Hi, I am looking to find 3 and 5 digit characters convert into hex byte or word. For example 69 string represents 69 decimal and 45 hex. Then '6' = 36h and '9'= 39h. 43690 = AAAA example. I need done it in Freescale (motorola) assembly for my communication machine …

Member Avatar for arash_total

Hi A calculator that I wanted to assembly language into binary numbers (hexadecimal) as the input received. This sum calculator "+" multiplication "*" into "/"and subtraction "-" to do. I also need the program source. I'm grateful too to download source put Thank you very much

Member Avatar for Trentacle
Member Avatar for AntonyLini

Hello all, I am writing a WPF application and used pages for navigation, The thing I want to know is that , [B] [COLOR="Red"][COLOR="red"]How can I get the Relative Uri`s of pages from the assembly dynamically[/COLOR][/COLOR][/B]. I don`t know what to do with this. I know how to get a …

Member Avatar for mcheung63

If you are an operating system developer and using bochs as your simulator, you will love it. [URL="http://code.google.com/p/peter-bochs/"]http://code.google.com/p/peter-bochs/[/URL]

Member Avatar for Allasso

Hello, I have broadened my question posted yesterday. I would like to know how to approach writing system functions such as open, write, read, etc, without using syscall. I am using GCC. eg, I can call these functions using c, yet I understand that the compiler uses functions from a …

Member Avatar for Mittwaffen

C-programming --> Assembly code I have been busting my *** with this, its very simple for someone who has experience they likely wouldnt even bother coding it out. I'm posting my code.. [CODE]#include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int led[4] = {0}; int ledSwitch[3] = {0}; int value = 0; while(value …

Member Avatar for 3drenderer

In the name of God . Hi every one . I have started to learn x86 assembly . I am going to define[COLOR="Green"] array of 70000 bytes[/COLOR] . Which it gives me failure by using command below : [CODE]arr db 70000 dup(0)[/CODE] ------------------------------- ASSEMBLER :< MASM > OS :Windows ---------------------------- …

Member Avatar for Tight_Coder_Ex
Member Avatar for Allasso

Hello, I have been trying to learn assembly code for PPC on a Mac OS 10.5. I have wanted to see how, when compiling a c program, GCC uses libraries on the Mac to insert instructions to perform functions such as malloc(), write() and printf() in a way that is …

Member Avatar for bigwhiteegg

I'm a newbie in assembly Google search was not helping much can some1 tell me how to write %2 in assembly? ps. there might be more question coming up since I'm trying to finish my HW

Member Avatar for Goalatio
Member Avatar for waphon

An instance of pivot computation: Kindly give me your advice, please. And now, let me hear more about the problem of asm expert. Deviation_ratio PROC USES eax ebx ecx ; assumed that GENERATES deviation ratio VALUES and STORES in an ARRAY. ; RECEIVES: ESI POINTS to the ARRAY, ECX = …

Member Avatar for Goalatio
Member Avatar for khulaffu

can anyone tel me if doing some games in tasm assembler possible? if yes can someone give some tutorials on how.. and any idea will be much appreciated to start doing some

Member Avatar for prvnkmr194

Please help on creating my own operating system ............. I try too much to search on google but I did not get any help for me.......... I hope some good enough too help.... I have knowledge about c/c++. Thanks.

Member Avatar for michaelrules
Member Avatar for John_123

Hey, I have a very basic question regarding the stack in x86 assembly. If I’m correct the main operations on the stack are push and pop (I know there are others). Next to this the stack will grow (keep the location) when the program goes to a subroutine (call) and …

Member Avatar for 3drenderer

In the name of God. hi everyone . I am going to code a program which get chars and print '*' character instead . ----------------- Here is Code : [B][I][COLOR="Red"]Now the problem is here : How can I Show the typed password ?[/COLOR][/I][/B] [CODE] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;Purpose : Reads a String …

Member Avatar for 3drenderer

In the name of God Hi . I have wrote an assembly source code which draw lines . Put when I compile it to an exe file , the exe file gives me an error : The System Doesn't support fullscreen mode . My OS : Windows Seven 32 Bit …

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The End.