I want to write an assembly program to convert Hexadecimal to Binary in 8086 assembly language. I am using Winasm as my compiler.
However i have no idea how to write this code.
Can anyone shed some light?
thanks in advance!
I want to write an assembly program to convert Hexadecimal to Binary in 8086 assembly language. I am using Winasm as my compiler.
However i have no idea how to write this code.
Can anyone shed some light?
thanks in advance!
I want to write an assembly program to convert Hexadecimal to Binary in 8086 assembly language. I am using Winasm as my compiler.
However i have no idea how to write this code.
Can anyone shed some light?thanks in advance!
how is your hex value coded and stored, char, reg/data segment?
If you want to output the binary (0/1) of a register's content, for example reg bl, you only need to get its bits by left-rotating bl through the carry flag (rcl). But if you really want to convert a hexadecimal number into its binary representation you have to code the hex number like a char priorly.
This macro converts aByte into its binary, converts it to asccii 30h/31h and output the eight figures 0/1 on screen by using dos function 02h (sorry, not tested till now):
bioBin macro aByte ; binary (0/1) output of aByte to screen
local lup ; local symbol
push ax ; save our regs (flag reg should also be saved)
push cx ;
push dx ;
mov bl, aByte ; move aByte into bl reg
mov cx, 8 ; Loop counter, a byte has 8 bits
mov ah, 2h ; DOS function to output one char from dl
; the gist of the matter is the four-line lup
lup: rcl bl, 1 ; left-rotating bl through carry CF
mov dl, 30h ; make an ASCII out of it, ascii = number + '0'
adc dl, 0 ; Add with carry, that is ascii=30h+0 or 30h+1
int 21h ; jump to DOS and execute 2h there
loop lup ; dec cx and repeat until cx = 0
pop dx ; revive our regs
pop cx ;
pop ax ;
endm bioBin
I hope it will work fine (took some code fragments from my older resources and modified them into a macro, not tested till now, yet, i am hopeful it will work) Btw, aByte can be a constant, a reg, also an address like byte ptr [bx].
; How to make use of the macro?
bioBin dh ; reg dh contains a byte to output in a binary way
bioBin 15H ; 15H to output its binary rep. (possibly your case?)
bioBin byte ptr [bx] ; where bx points to a byte in data segment
If you don't care macros:
1. Drop lines 1, 2 and 18, maybe the pushs and pops too
2. In line #6 replace aByte by for example 20H
-- tesu
Hi wayn3san
I have neither MSN nor ICQ. You can easily post your questions here.
Here on daniweb you are really sure that your problems be read and may also be solved by other more adept experts.
-- tesu
its because bro,i dont really get what are you projecting to me..thats why i really need your help.im really weak at this assembly language!
btw,"how is your hex value coded and stored, char, reg/data segment?"
i think i want to store it at data segment. how am i gonna write this in?
and , if i input your aByte macro,will it work to convert my Hexa to Binary? as i've not tried it.im still working on the Input of the program..
and , regarding the last syntax, i dont really get what are you trying to say to me..
enlighten me please ?
title convert from hexadecimal to binary
.model small
.stack 100h
msgstar db 0dh,0ah,0dh,0ah,"*******************************************************************************",0dh,0ah,"$"
msgintro db " PROGRAM FUNCTION",0dh,0ah,
msginput db 0dh,0ah,"Your HEXADECIMAL INPUT (MAXIMUM FF) :",0dh,0ah,"$"
msgafter db 0dh,0ah,"Your INPUT AFTER CONVERT INTO BINARY : ",0dh,0ah,"$"
msgagain db 0dh,0ah,0dh,0ah,"DO YOU WANT TO TRY AGAIN ?",0dh,0ah,"PRESS (y OR Y) TO TRY AGAIN,PRESS OTHER KEY TO TERMINATE:",0dh,0ah,"$"
msgmax db 0dh,0ah,0dh,0ah,"YOUR INPUT HAD REACH MAXIMUM 8 DIGITS / BIT , CALCULATION WILL START NOW",0dh,0ah,"$"
blank db 0dh,0ah,"$"
print dw 0
count dw 0
num dw 0
main proc
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
mov ax,0
mov bx,0
mov cx,0
mov dx,0
mov print,0 ; reset evrything used in program to makesure the calculation will be correct
mov count,0 ; after user request repeat
mov num,0
mov dx,offset msgstar ;display start (decoration)
mov ah,9
int 21h
mov dx,offset msgintro ;display intro message
mov ah,9
int 21h
mov dx,offset msgstar ;display start (decoration)
mov ah,9
int 21h
mov dx,offset msginput ;display input message
mov ah,9
int 21h
mov cx,-1 ; assign -1 into cx to act as counter
input: mov ah, 00h
int 16h
cmp ah, 1ch
je exit
number: cmp al, '0'
jb input
cmp al, '9'
ja uppercase
sub al, 30h
call process
jmp input
uppercase: cmp al, 'A'
jb input
cmp al, 'F'
ja lowercase
sub al, 37h
call process
jmp input
lowercase: cmp al, 'a'
jb input
cmp al, 'f'
ja input
sub al, 57h
call process
jmp input
loop input
process: mov ch, 4
mov cl, 3
mov bl, al
convert: mov al, bl
ror al, cl
and al, 01
add al, 30h
mov ah, 02h
mov dl, al
int 21h
dec cl
dec ch
jnz convert
mov dl, 20h
int 21h
int 20h
main EndP
end main
this is my code but im not able to project the Input that i insert.
whenever i input the number,it automatic will output the hexa into Binary
how can i make it project its Input?
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