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Member Avatar for gelmi

We have this subject called Computer Oraganization... we are now using dos debug commands but the problem with my laptop is that when I type debug command...it will prompt 'debug' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

Member Avatar for mann_cool36
Member Avatar for steven.myers.3726

**Assumptions** > variables f,g,h,i and j are assigned to registers $s0, $s1, $s2, $s3, and $s4 respectively > The base addresses for the arrays A and B are in registers $s6 and $s7 addi $t0, $s6, 4 #load the forth element of array A into $t0 add $t1, $s6, $0 …

Member Avatar for sepp2k
Member Avatar for fanaticlatic

Hello all, I am writing assembly based off the following example paper: http://lestourtereaux.free.fr/papers/data/yuvrgb.pdf It is attempting to convert YUV values to RGB. It does this by using precomputed values in lookup tables for each possible Y,U,V value. Here is an example lookup table: static const unsigned short CoefficientsRGBU[256][4] = { …

Member Avatar for krosty4782

Hello, im new to asm, and im trying to code some kind of notepad. At the moment, my program create a file, and open a file. Now i want to be able to edit the opened file. I ve thought in one option: When i open the file, it shows …

Member Avatar for shriekyphantom

Hey! I'm a beginner in Assembly language. I want to know the difference between a declaration enclosed with ' ' and without it. For example, variable1 db '0' variable2 db 0 I know that the one with '' is when printed, it will show what's inside the ''. Thanks~ :)

Member Avatar for shriekyphantom
Member Avatar for akashsinha23

Hello everyone.. i am quite new to TASM.. i desperately need help with a few programs.. will rilly be grateful if u can provide me the code for them... **Using 32-bit processor and assembler develop programs:** 1) WAP to read a 32-bit interger, store that number in EAX register and …

Member Avatar for nchy13

hi all. i have implemented Karatsuba algorithm for multiplication of large numbers . when i compile .c file it is giving correct output using followin commands in **linux** terminal. **gcc ulti.c ./a.out < hi.txt** But problem arises when i try to run it in **ARM** using following commands. it give …

Member Avatar for edwarddaniel.baldeviano

Hi, everyone! This is my first post ever here in Daniweb. I experienced a problem in printing the sorted array of 5 numbers, as the following code only prints the first iteration of the loop, and it does not print the array input. Here's the code: section .data i db …

Member Avatar for zukushikimimemo

mov eax, 4 mov ebx, 1 mov ecx, msg1 mov edx, len1 int 80h mov eax, 3 mov ebx, 0 mov ecx, num1 mov edx, 2 int 80h mov eax, 4 mov ebx, 1 mov ecx, msg2 mov edx, len2 int 80h mov eax, 3 mov ebx, 0 mov ecx, …

Member Avatar for nchy13

i want to ask if i can take input from .txt file to run a source file(.s) **using arm-elf-run abc.s** hi.txt. but giving hi.txt is not working like in c ./a.out hi.txt. any help whatsoever is appreciated.

Member Avatar for asrockw7

With code like so: [BITS 16] ; 16 bit code generation [ORG 0x7C00] ; Origin of the program. (Start position) ; Main program main: ; Put a label defining the start of the main program call PutChar ; Run the procedure jmp $ ; Put the program into a never …

Member Avatar for asrockw7
Member Avatar for CreationK

Are the following MOV instructions correct? MOV DS,[SI] MOV [SI],DS MOV [SI],2000H Thank you.

Member Avatar for ShiftLeft
Member Avatar for risen375

I need help with this program. It take in a number from the user and displays their grade. For example. If the user inputs 77. The program prints out "Your grade is a C" jmp firstLine ; m1 dw ? prompt db 'Enter a number between 1 to 100: ' …

Member Avatar for hr.Ziggurat
Member Avatar for ellosbibu

I created a program that : 1)write by keyboard a number A of 5 number digits 2)write all the combinations ( 2 digit ) using digits of number A 3)order the combinations MY PROGRAM DO ALL THIS , but i don't know how to limit the combinations from 4 digits …

Member Avatar for ellosbibu
Member Avatar for walid86

i've recently published an app but i keep getting this error on machines other than mine. unable to load DLL acbpdf8-64.dll, module cannot be found HRESULT:0x8007007E I've copied all the dll's into the /bin folder, so i get the debug and release folders, along with all the dll's, but still …

Member Avatar for erici
Member Avatar for delphi5

hi everybody i m bigner in assembly i want to start a project using assembly language this program must change my keybord from english to another language such as turkish in MS-DOS environment in google i search and cant find any link for this anybody can help me regards

Member Avatar for DrunkenCoffin

Hello! I've recently started learning assembly so I can begin writing full-fledged languages instead of wrappers. Today, while trying to learn the cmp function, and using je and jne, I've came upon a problem. I tried using cmp to compare two values, and then je and jne to jump to …

Member Avatar for DrunkenCoffin
Member Avatar for ChuckFinley

A Friend has an old assembly language program he wrote that is 16-bit (did I say old?). He needs to rewrite it for 64-bit. What's the best way to do that (i.e., what program should he use, etc.?) Thank you for any help. CF

Member Avatar for CreationK

Hello! I'm learning 8086 programming and our college uses ESA 86/88E microprocessor. I have recently downloaded a 8086 simulator and tried to execute this indirect addition program : MOV SI,2500H MOV AL,[SI] INC SI MOV BL,[SI] INC SI ADD AL,BL MOV [SI],AL INT 03 But I have no idea how …

Member Avatar for matant86

i had a question in exam in the question we need to convert an int64 number to string how can i do that i really dont know that plz someone help me

Member Avatar for ShiftLeft
Member Avatar for Huck44

I was assigned to write a program that asks the user to enter an integer test score between 0 and 100. The program should display the appropriate Letter grade. I have already written this code. Now I have to run in a loop so multiple test scores can be entered. …

Member Avatar for ShiftLeft
Member Avatar for Nathan Campos

Hello, I'm starting on Assembly and i want to know how i can clear the screen in Assembly, because of my OS. When i run it in Bochs, that boot messages are there and i want to clear they, for a better visual of my OS. Thanks, Nathan Paulino Campos

Member Avatar for jrandom
Member Avatar for Huck44

I am trying to write a program that prompts for 5 signed integers that need to be put into an array. and then I have to do a 4th degree polynomial. The array stores a,b,c,d,e and there is a seperate x value. Can someone help please?

Member Avatar for GunnerInc
Member Avatar for fbudek

I have been working on an assembly OS with a bootloader and console type thing, it is now getting too big for the 512 bytes allocated as the bootloader so I was wondering how I could link in an external assembly file to use without any size limit, which would …

Member Avatar for prashant14214
Member Avatar for risen375

Can someone please help translate this statement to assembly language if X <= Y then if Y = V then call Path1 end if else if X > Z then call Path2 else call Path3 endif endif

Member Avatar for ShiftLeft
Member Avatar for peterbob

Hey guys, I am new to assembly and I am having a problem compling the code. section .text global _start _start: xor eax,eax push eax push dword 0x71242776 push dword 0x76747977 push esp pop esi mov edi,esi mov edx,edi cld mov ecx,0x80 mov ebx,0x41 xor eax,eax push eax lodsb xor …

Member Avatar for peterbob
Member Avatar for risen375

Im have trouble trying to calulate this 3*a-4*c. The program calculate only 3*a and produces no errors. call getPos M1 dw ? mov M1, AX call crlf call getPos M2 dw ? mov M2, AX call crlf call getPos M3 dw ? mov M3, AX call crlf mov BX, 2 …

Member Avatar for mathematician
Member Avatar for AlitaMixx

Here's the problem, I was wondering if i am right to assume that when a three-digit input is entered, i.e. 123, then the string 1 will be stored to al, 2 to ah, but i'm not sure where the 3 goes, or if ever it's plain wrong to look at …

Member Avatar for GunnerInc
Member Avatar for lorrainecarla

Hello. I would like to ask about adding two-digit numbers. There is a part there where it has to be converted to ascii code, my question is why it has to be converted to ascii code? What will its effect? Thank you for your help. I really need this problem …

Member Avatar for resha.mendoza.3

The End.