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Member Avatar for silvercats

A books says that a register is abt 1KB.the books is trustworthy.But aren't they supposed to be 32-64 bits? http://oi45.tinypic.com/24lpjt3.jpg Inside the Machine: An Illustrated Introduction to Microprocessors and Computer Architecture screen capture from the book

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for Tuna_1

Hello, I am solving the assignment by Faculty Dean.but I face with that problem CS=1000; AX=0001; IP=0006; SP=0038; DS=2000; BX=0004; BP=0005; ES=4000; CX=0005; SI=0008; SS=5000; DX=4477; DI=0009; SUB [BX],CL; and another problem ADC DL,[BX]; footnote:these problems do not depend on each other

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for calvintmoss

So I am trying to convert some C into mips and I am running into a problem. So here is the C and the mips. My question is a few things, 1, all the times I have done a comparasin, > < == in the past there has been an …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for anisha.silva

hi i am trying to build an application coded in C# and i has using MSFileIO = Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO; and giving an error "Error 1 The type or namespace name 'FileIO' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft.VisualBasic' (are you missing an assembly reference?) UZipDotNet " how do i add the …

Member Avatar for nmaillet
Member Avatar for silvercats

let's say we have a Single core, 2 cores and a 8 cores processors. Do people have to write codes sepearatly to take advantages of multiple cores and single core? I have seen same software runs on t 2 cores and a 4 cores prcessors. how could this happen?

Member Avatar for mathematician
Member Avatar for shenamae.borja

Can I print letters in assembly graphics mode by using some commands, or do i have to draw everything pixel by pixel? If so, how?

Member Avatar for mathematician
Member Avatar for Bradoz

Assume that the variables a, b, c and d are signed integers held in registers $s0 to $s3 respectively and put the result of the expression into register $t0. Also assume that the result of the multiplication will fit in 32 bits. (a + 2) * (b + c) * …

Member Avatar for abhi.blog

I'm always confused(actually, no idea) how kernel interacts with hardware. Before that, I wondered how softwares run, how OS works. How things OS interacts with the hardware. Then I get to know that OS talks with the kernel. Now I don't have the slightest idea that how assembly language or …

Member Avatar for aiwasen

I'm trying to install MASM 8.0 but the instaler stops before the end! I already downloaded visual Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition but then it disappears and nothing else happens.

Member Avatar for GunnerInc
Member Avatar for Maria Jose

Hi. This is my code for creating a calculator gui in assembly language. What I want to do is to click any number from 1-9 and it will show inside the textfield. Unfortunately, I'm still confused on what to do. I hope you can help me with this. Thank you. …

Member Avatar for untio
Member Avatar for Maria Jose

Hi. Can anybody help me how to shorten my code? This is for a calculator gui using assembly language. .model small range macro x,y ;set cursor mov ah, 02 mov bh, 00 mov cx, 00 mov dh, x mov dl, y int 10h endm display macro char mov ah, 02 …

Member Avatar for Maria Jose
Member Avatar for sasho648

So here is what I asking: lea eax, [esp] push 104h ; Count push offset a__2 ; ".\\" push eax ; Dest call _strncpy add esp, 0Ch Can you please explain me this asm code snippet. The eax register late is assigned as an character pointer to an global variable. …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for bobejoe

can anyone give me a simple assembly program in win32 and how to compile in

Member Avatar for untio
Member Avatar for FallenHero

Hello world, Lately I bought a TI-84 (Graphing calculator) for my Math classes. I started wondering how to program it using assembly. Over the internet I found tutorials about this using TASM (+other building tools), but this isn't quite what I want. I've much experience with NASM, so it would …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for hwoarang69

is there a compiler(software) for MIPS (Assembly Language) that let me write and run programs? for ex Java -> eclipse.

Member Avatar for nmaillet
Member Avatar for silvercats

....do not exist really,they are just the registers in the Programming architectutre and there are more processors on a CPU physically. those cx,ax etc... are there to simplify programming as there are a lot of other real registers in the processor???? I thought those places were real!

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for silvercats
Member Avatar for Angeljruiz

Hey everyone, this is my first day coding in assebly! I was wondering if this code has any errors, well no errors per se, but like bad practice i guess section .data x: dd 6 y: dd 7 msgx: db "X greater than y", 0xa msgxlen equ $-msgx msgy: db …

Member Avatar for silvercats

1. Is a 32bit register 32 bits in size and a 64bit is 64bits? 2.What is decoding in a processor? 3.Are there real pcitures of processor registers? where?

Member Avatar for mathematician
Member Avatar for Xufyan

There are so many services which can be used with the interrupt 10h, I'd like to ask the question about two of them whom with i am confused First is, AH = 06H SCROLL UP WINDOW AH = 07H SCROLL DOWN WINDOW While coding in DOS what is meant by …

Member Avatar for mathematician
Member Avatar for bobejoe

can anyone tell me if there is such thing as 64 bit assembly if so can you give me an assembler

Member Avatar for mathematician
Member Avatar for nickcolb

Hey everyone, I was wondering if there was a way to cycle through the individual bits of a port without having to write each one out individually i.e. P1.0, P1.1..etc. I need to light up some LEDs and just wanted to save myself from lengthy code. I'd be particularly interested …

Member Avatar for mathematician
Member Avatar for aiwasen

I already download MASM but it won't worked. I cannot see the MASM icon needed to compile the program. I downloaded visual 2005 also although I can see the MASM in control panel uninstall program. .model small .data x db "Hello World", '$' .code main proc near mov ax, @data …

Member Avatar for mathematician
Member Avatar for dark_sider_1

Hi there, I know this is probably a really stupid question, but I'm new to MIPS programming, and I was wondering, do you know if there's anything wrong with this code? This definitely isn't like high-level programming when the compiler shows you where the syntax error is. Not even sure …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for meda.gharib

Hi everyone I'm stuck on a school project. The Following is the prompt: > Write an assembly language program that prompts the user to enter a string to be interpreted as an 8-digit hexadecimal number. Your program must convert the ASCII string representation of this hexadecimal number into a 32-bit …

Member Avatar for jaylordamar03

Hi, i need help. I have project in assembly that controls the rotation of a dc motor device with the use of l293d ic and TASM. I want to know how am i able to control it using keyboard as an input device,what service number and interrupt number am i …

Member Avatar for cheetha07

AOA can any one help for the transmission of simple 1 byte from PmodRF1 by using 8051 i have problems in understanding its datasheet ? thanks

Member Avatar for Kieran Y5

Hi, I decided that my operating system needs some graphics. I have seen loads of tutorials on drawing pixels, and I have used some. I now want to use 32bit protected mode (before I was using real mode) and I can't find any tutorials or documentation on drawing with VESA …

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Member Avatar for bobejoe
Member Avatar for emorales

I have to do an assignment for class, I have it all complete as far as the math needed but i need to output to a file and can't seem to figure it out. I have to print out prime numbers and I'm trying to follow the example on this …

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The End.