2,888 Topics
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A books says that a register is abt 1KB.the books is trustworthy.But aren't they supposed to be 32-64 bits? http://oi45.tinypic.com/24lpjt3.jpg Inside the Machine: An Illustrated Introduction to Microprocessors and Computer Architecture screen capture from the book | |
Hello, I am solving the assignment by Faculty Dean.but I face with that problem CS=1000; AX=0001; IP=0006; SP=0038; DS=2000; BX=0004; BP=0005; ES=4000; CX=0005; SI=0008; SS=5000; DX=4477; DI=0009; SUB [BX],CL; and another problem ADC DL,[BX]; footnote:these problems do not depend on each other | |
So I am trying to convert some C into mips and I am running into a problem. So here is the C and the mips. My question is a few things, 1, all the times I have done a comparasin, > < == in the past there has been an … | |
hi i am trying to build an application coded in C# and i has using MSFileIO = Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO; and giving an error "Error 1 The type or namespace name 'FileIO' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft.VisualBasic' (are you missing an assembly reference?) UZipDotNet " how do i add the … | |
let's say we have a Single core, 2 cores and a 8 cores processors. Do people have to write codes sepearatly to take advantages of multiple cores and single core? I have seen same software runs on t 2 cores and a 4 cores prcessors. how could this happen? | |
Can I print letters in assembly graphics mode by using some commands, or do i have to draw everything pixel by pixel? If so, how? | |
Assume that the variables a, b, c and d are signed integers held in registers $s0 to $s3 respectively and put the result of the expression into register $t0. Also assume that the result of the multiplication will fit in 32 bits. (a + 2) * (b + c) * … | |
I'm always confused(actually, no idea) how kernel interacts with hardware. Before that, I wondered how softwares run, how OS works. How things OS interacts with the hardware. Then I get to know that OS talks with the kernel. Now I don't have the slightest idea that how assembly language or … | |
I'm trying to install MASM 8.0 but the instaler stops before the end! I already downloaded visual Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition but then it disappears and nothing else happens. | |
Hi. This is my code for creating a calculator gui in assembly language. What I want to do is to click any number from 1-9 and it will show inside the textfield. Unfortunately, I'm still confused on what to do. I hope you can help me with this. Thank you. … | |
Hi. Can anybody help me how to shorten my code? This is for a calculator gui using assembly language. .model small range macro x,y ;set cursor mov ah, 02 mov bh, 00 mov cx, 00 mov dh, x mov dl, y int 10h endm display macro char mov ah, 02 … | |
So here is what I asking: lea eax, [esp] push 104h ; Count push offset a__2 ; ".\\" push eax ; Dest call _strncpy add esp, 0Ch Can you please explain me this asm code snippet. The eax register late is assigned as an character pointer to an global variable. … | |
can anyone give me a simple assembly program in win32 and how to compile in | |
Hello world, Lately I bought a TI-84 (Graphing calculator) for my Math classes. I started wondering how to program it using assembly. Over the internet I found tutorials about this using TASM (+other building tools), but this isn't quite what I want. I've much experience with NASM, so it would … | |
is there a compiler(software) for MIPS (Assembly Language) that let me write and run programs? for ex Java -> eclipse. | |
....do not exist really,they are just the registers in the Programming architectutre and there are more processors on a CPU physically. those cx,ax etc... are there to simplify programming as there are a lot of other real registers in the processor???? I thought those places were real! | |
Someone explain it briefly Is it a software or a hardware or both? | |
Hey everyone, this is my first day coding in assebly! I was wondering if this code has any errors, well no errors per se, but like bad practice i guess section .data x: dd 6 y: dd 7 msgx: db "X greater than y", 0xa msgxlen equ $-msgx msgy: db … | |
1. Is a 32bit register 32 bits in size and a 64bit is 64bits? 2.What is decoding in a processor? 3.Are there real pcitures of processor registers? where? | |
There are so many services which can be used with the interrupt 10h, I'd like to ask the question about two of them whom with i am confused First is, AH = 06H SCROLL UP WINDOW AH = 07H SCROLL DOWN WINDOW While coding in DOS what is meant by … | |
can anyone tell me if there is such thing as 64 bit assembly if so can you give me an assembler | |
Hey everyone, I was wondering if there was a way to cycle through the individual bits of a port without having to write each one out individually i.e. P1.0, P1.1..etc. I need to light up some LEDs and just wanted to save myself from lengthy code. I'd be particularly interested … | |
I already download MASM but it won't worked. I cannot see the MASM icon needed to compile the program. I downloaded visual 2005 also although I can see the MASM in control panel uninstall program. .model small .data x db "Hello World", '$' .code main proc near mov ax, @data … | |
Hi there, I know this is probably a really stupid question, but I'm new to MIPS programming, and I was wondering, do you know if there's anything wrong with this code? This definitely isn't like high-level programming when the compiler shows you where the syntax error is. Not even sure … | |
Hi everyone I'm stuck on a school project. The Following is the prompt: > Write an assembly language program that prompts the user to enter a string to be interpreted as an 8-digit hexadecimal number. Your program must convert the ASCII string representation of this hexadecimal number into a 32-bit … | |
Hi, i need help. I have project in assembly that controls the rotation of a dc motor device with the use of l293d ic and TASM. I want to know how am i able to control it using keyboard as an input device,what service number and interrupt number am i … | |
AOA can any one help for the transmission of simple 1 byte from PmodRF1 by using 8051 i have problems in understanding its datasheet ? thanks | |
Hi, I decided that my operating system needs some graphics. I have seen loads of tutorials on drawing pixels, and I have used some. I now want to use 32bit protected mode (before I was using real mode) and I can't find any tutorials or documentation on drawing with VESA … | |
I have to do an assignment for class, I have it all complete as far as the math needed but i need to output to a file and can't seem to figure it out. I have to print out prime numbers and I'm trying to follow the example on this … |
The End.