2,888 Topics

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Member Avatar for jason007thomas

In assembly language how do I write code to take input from a sensor and turns on a LED? I'm writing an assembly program that will read information from a sensor that will detect whether its raining or not. the sensor will be the input and the LED will be …

Member Avatar for sbesch
Member Avatar for salma.zaki.31
Member Avatar for Fix_It

I need help with this code. It isn't working correctly. ; last error in is LASTERR Error No impersonation token ; ; reparieren.asm Help from Fetten,Dave,Frank K.,Qword,TightCoderEx, ; To err is O.K. as long as it isn't too many. ; .386 ; .model flat,stdcall ; option casemap:none ; include masm32includecomdlg32.inc …

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Member Avatar for MrMicro

i have problem in this code it work well in 1st loop then its bug as si and di still the same and making alot of jumps without any change this code sorting descending jmp strXt0 arr dw 0x1,0x9,0x3,0x2,0x7,0x3,0x6,0x4,0x9,0x5 arr_e equ $ strXt0: mov si, arr mov di, arr+2 mov …

Member Avatar for ShiftLeft
Member Avatar for Bailey98

Is it possible to make drivers from scratch in assembly and how easy is it???? anyway im also new to this forum. im almost 15 and really enjoy learning about programming.

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for tamas.vincze.714

I have a course (reverse engineering) in uni and i have a homework. I got a .obj file (which was compiled with visual studio 2008), and i have to disassemble it, figure out the control structure and call it in a little c program. I used IDA decompiler, here is …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for silvercats

1. Do virtual PCs have their own virtual processors that is a piece of a hardware? (I know that both ues the same physical processor, but how does a Guest os in a 32 bit virtual machine sees the processor as a 32 bit processor , eventhough it really uses …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for Sasquadge

Hi guys I got a question about how to reversethe little endian. My questions is how do I do it. Say the user inputs hex 4423, how do I get it to reverse in the program to read as 2344? and help would be greatly appreciated. I need this because …

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Member Avatar for Goldfinch

I'm learning the PIC16F690 and I'm trying to program it to do a simple operation, move over one led each time the single button is pressed and then reset. I'm not asking for code, just if I can bounce ideas of how to implement this off someone who can maybe …

Member Avatar for Goldfinch
Member Avatar for zeroliken

I bet all Computer Science related courses would learn low level or machine level languanges in due time and in our university we used the portable 80x86 assembler NASM for our Assembly code So here's my experimentation on how to use "functions" and recursion using a Fibonacci Solver as a …

Member Avatar for StNtMaN

**C++ Code:** #include <iostream> using namespace std; int sum(int n) { if (n <= 0) return 0; else return n + sum(n-1); } int main() { cout << "Range num? "; int num; cin >> num; cout << sum(num) << endl; return 0; } **My Pep/8 try at it:** br …

Member Avatar for Sasquadge

So my program is supposed to ask the user for a hex and decode the Mpeg for the Version, Layer Description, and sampling rate. So My problem is getting the smapling rate any suggestions? TITLE CS2650 Assembler Assignment #3 Template ; Student Name: Cody Squadroni ; Assignment Due Date: 11/25/2012 …

Member Avatar for eggshell5150

I'm about at my wits' end trying to figure this out. This is homework, so any hints would be appreciated. I was tasked with filling in a few blocks of code (these are denoted by comment lines with a number resting in the middle) involving function calls in MIPS. The …

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Member Avatar for programmmer

What I need to know to create simple MIPS simulator program in Java? I have to create MIPS assembly simulator in Java language, but I don't know where to begin. Could anyone tell me what I need to know (if possible with some resources ) before beginning this? I already …

Member Avatar for StNtMaN

Create a program that will input a sentence and push each character onto the stack all the while counting the number of characters. Then pop off each character and print them backwards (natural with a stack) and print the length. Like so: **I like burgers!** **!sregrub ekil I** ***The number …

Member Avatar for StNtMaN

Create a simple calculator that has the following menu: A – ADD S – SUB N – NEG Q – Quit Input option: A Input number: 11 Ans = 11 Input option: S Input number: 5 Ans = 6 Input option: N Ans = -6 Input option: A Input number: …

Member Avatar for Wh1t3gh0st

Hello again I am writing a program that takes the users input and finds that many primes; not the primes of the number from the user just that many. The problem is when I input the amount of primes to generate I don't get all the values from primes variable …

Member Avatar for Wh1t3gh0st

Hi, I am having trouble when I read in an integer from the keyboard and I try to display it to the screen back as the same integer. It pops out as an ASCII character. Am I doing this wrong or is there a way to read it as an …

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Member Avatar for stayyaba

Hi I am trying to write a program that counts the number of letter in a string. My code compiles fine but doesnt work when I run it. My output should be "Capital letters appear x times in y" Where x is the num (from my code) and y is …

Member Avatar for ShiftLeft
Member Avatar for faithful4ever

Hi, Am trying to do up a Fibonacci sequence for MIPS (School requires us to make use of HASE Simulator). I have done up the following code but the output seems to be a tad wrong. ADDI R2 R0 1 ADDI R3 R0 1 ADDI R4 R0 1 ADDI R1 …

Member Avatar for faithful4ever
Member Avatar for ssfox

Hello everyone,I'm new in MIPS programming, can anyone show me how to write code for these two programs. 1)Write a procedure called order that accepts two arguments. The first argument is the address of the array and the second argument is the index of an array element i. The procedure …

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Member Avatar for Tiger909

Hi Guys , I am stuck in finding first 29 numbers in the Fibonacci sequence.I already have the code that can display the first 11 Numbers, Here is my code : .MODEL SMALL .DATA NUM_1 DB 0 NUM_2 DB 1 NUM_3 DB ? .CODE MAIN PROC MOV AX,@DATA MOV DX,AX …

Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I need help with this script, i can't seem to use this to switch beteen dll files that contain a form eg. if i use it to open a form from the dll file called "Dll One" then when i click the button again it still opens the …

Member Avatar for nitin1

i am using masm to write assebmly language codes. can you please tell that how can i change binary numbers to its ascii ? like 10 is given what will be its ascii value ? i know that 30h is ascii value of 0 ans so on. please help.

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Member Avatar for arieszbby

.class public Contest .super java/lang/Object ; ; Team members: Bianca Cutler ; ; ; ; ; Your assignment is to fill in the fibs method below ; so that it creates (exactly) the output you see in ; fibsgolden.txt ; ; The contest will be won by those entries that …

Member Avatar for Rileyh

I am writing a program to get an integer from the user, and then print out all the numbers from 0 up to the number. My code gets the input fine, but when printing it out, it prints continuously in what seems to be an endless loop. Here is my …

Member Avatar for dancie reeves
Member Avatar for luisnaxxario

;I wrote this program that will display a calendar for 3 months.I try to run it with NASM and TASM but i keep getting errors . Can somebody run it and tell me what to do . thanks .MODEL small .386 .STACK .DATA inBuffer DB 80 DUP(?) scrBuffer DW 25*80 …

Member Avatar for freedomflyer

I want to know how I can access the data stored in these variables...but I have no idea what N0$ for example stands for and how to extract the data from there into a register, for example. N0$: .byte DASH,DASH,DASH,DASH,DASH,END ; 0 N1$: .byte DOT,DASH,DASH,DASH,DASH,END ; 1 N2$: .byte DOT,DOT,DASH,DASH,DASH,END …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for Enders_Game

Pretty self explanatory code. Why doesn't it work! #include <stdio.h> int main() { __asm__("number dw 0"); // declare number? printf("%d",number); __asm__("mov %eax,number" "inc %eax" "mov number,%eax"); printf("%d",number); return 0; } cc ex1.c -o ex1 ex1.c: In function ‘main’: ex1.c:22:17: error: ‘number’ undeclared (first use in this function) ex1.c:22:17: note: each …

Member Avatar for Enders_Game
Member Avatar for silvercats

I mean physically harm it. damage the processor by overheating,memory etc?? Also "Does the programmer have to control memory manually in Assembly ?"

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The End.