2,888 Topics
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I'm coding MIPS on MARS 4.0.1 and I'm trying to add letter '1' into an array but it doesn't work. Here is my code. Can somebody help me, please :( .data time: .space 12 .text main: la $a0, time li $t0, 49 sb $t0, 0($a0) addi $a0, $a0, 1 sb … | |
hi guyz, currently i am using cortex m4, and i have to make a string reverse function that print the strings back ward. this is what i have done so far....* #include "derivative.h" #include <stdint.h> #include "clock.h" #include <stdio.h> #include"freedom.h" #include "uart.h" void stringreverse(char array[3]); int main(void) { clock_initialise(); char … | |
I have this code snippet: for (i=0; i<=100; i++) { a[i] = b[i] + C ; } I am trying to figure out what this would look like in MIPS assembly with these rules: > Assume that a and b are arrays of words and the base address of a … | |
I am trying to reverse a string input by the user and reverse the string whenever * is hit. For example, if i put abc and hit * i should get abc**cba back. There're 2 functions used it this recursive function which are echo (obtain the input key) and putchar … | |
hai.,. I'm struggling now to solve this problem., I could not able to save the string inputed by the user., the emulator responces error: [code=text]INT 21h, AH=09h - address: 07140 byte 24h not found after 2000 bytes. ; correct example of INT 21h/9h: mov dx, offset msg mov ah, 9 … | |
This language is built with python to give me a dynamic backend to make this possible. The language is based off ASM opcodes but generalizes them into basic coding practices. More info here: http://tcll5850.proboards.com/thread/271/umcsl note: WIP the language is meant to make it possible to convert between ASM and other … | |
.code tetrabonacci PROC push ebp ;save previous pointer mov ebp,esp ;save current pointer sub esp, 4 ;make room for local variable ptr mov eax,[ebp+8] ; get n ;if ((n==1)|| (n==2) return 1 else do recursion cmp eax, 2 ;n>2? ja recursion ; yes: continue to recursion mov eax, 1 ; … | |
so im tasked to write a program that converts decimals to binary numbers; the only problem is that im having trouble writeing this program. Write an HLA Assembly program that prompts for an int8 value to inspect and then prints it in binary format. For example, here would be the … | |
Hi everybody, I'd like to ask you if there are some ways how to protect .NET exe and dlls against decompilation. [B]I am not interested in any form of obfuscation[/B], only methods based on (or equivalent to) compiling traditional compilers to machine language. There doesn't matter if commercial or open … | |
hello to all I want convert this code to assembly for mac osx intel 64 : #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <netdb.h> //#define RCVBUFSIZE 4096 int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { int sock, length; struct sockaddr_in server; char *command; // … | |
Hi. I need help to write one program in Assembly Mips. << read the characters typed by the user and store these characters a string. This string is later converted to an integer. If the user tries introducing non-valid characters (that is, other than the numerals 0 to 9) the … | |
I'm working on an assignment where I have to reverse an array (from bigEndian BYTE 12h,34h,56h,78h to littleEndian WORD ?) I have an idea of what I want to do, but **how exactly do I assign array elements to *littleEndian WORD ?* ?** I know it probably involves looping? Any … | |
Having trouble starting this program which states that i have to create a 4x4 table using int8 which a user in puts a number and that number appears as an x paatern on the table with the rest of the numbers that fill in postions be less than nputed number. … | |
Hi, I was wondering if anyone could clarify what this question is asking for? *Write a program with a loop and indexed addressing that exchanges every pair of values in an array with an even number of elements. Therefore, item i will exchange with item i+1, and item i+2 will … | |
How can you view the values of the registers in Visual Studio? I think they should appear in the Output section at the bottom of the screen. I'm using Visual Studio 2013 for Desktop. | |
Alright i have written my code to reverse a byte string character by character in-place using a loop. We have to utilize the SIZEOF and OFFSET operands and use indirect addressing, However my issue is that I am still getting the string displayed forward and not in reverse. I think … | |
For this programming exercise, you may use ONLY these instructions: and nor or ori sll srl xor Start a program with the instruction that puts a single one-bit into the low order bit of register eight ($8 or $t0): ori $t0, $0, 0x01 Now, by using only shift logical instructions … | |
For this programming exercise, you may use ONLY these instructions: and nor or ori sll srl xor Run the programs by verifying the value of the PC is 0x00400000 (right-click the field and use Change Register Contents to set it) and then single stepping (pushing F10) and observing the results … | |
What is wrong in my code??? Please HELP. :( .model small .stack 10h .data prom db 0ah,0dh,"Enter the 1st no.:$" promp db 0ah, 0dh,"Enter the 2nd no.:$" result db "The answer is$" num db 2 dup(?),'$' stop_num db,10,13,'$' .code mov ax,@data mov ds,ax mov ah,9 lea dx,prom int 21h mov … | |
Hi all, I'm learning GAS assmbler, and I've written the following test program: .code32 .section .data values: .int 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 output: .asciz "current value %d" .section .text .globl _start _start: movl $10, %edi loop: movl values(,%edi,4),%eax pushl %eax pushl $output call printf addl $8, %esp dec %edi jnz loop pushl $0 … | |
Hi, I want to download TASM fro Windows 7 32 bit. Please help me to download and install it. Thankyou. | |
please can you give me a exact code for converting decimal to binary using 8086 assembly language; | |
Can someone suggest a code that accepts (hh:mm:ss) and counts down until all variables reach 00 | |
I want to change text and background color without clearing the screen. Ive used this code but it always clear the screen. mov ah, 2 ; use function 2 - go to x,y mov bh, 0 ; display page 0 mov dh, 0 ; y coordinate to move cursor to … | |
Here is the simple program for addition when running in tasm it gives some garbage value and I cannot figure out what is the error hi Please any help will be apperetated Thank you .model small .data opr1 dw 1234h opr2 dw 0100h result dw 001 dup(?),'$' .code mov ax,@data … | |
We received a project to make calculator in assemly I want to check the result of the numbers actually in the range. that I don't have pverflow or undeflow. But it does not work .. Can you let me know where the problem so I could fix? here is my … | |
please can you give a code for converting hexa to binary using 8086 assembly language | |
please can you give me an exact code for converting decimal to binary using 8086 assembly language; | |
please can you give me a code for converting decimal to hexa using 8086 assembly language; | |
please can you give me a code for converting binary to octal using 8086 assembly language; |
The End.