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Member Avatar for shbk

inpstr label byte maxlen db 100 actlen db ? string db '$' dda db 10 if I place data after structure(dda), it will be overlapped by this structure i don't know why it happens. Does anyone have ideas?

Member Avatar for c00l

how can i read a file with numbers in it and give the sum of the numbers in tasm

Member Avatar for shbk
Member Avatar for Josue198s

i need to compile and run my assembly code on windows7 using MasM615..it normally compiles but doesnt created the .exe file..who can help me here please i dont want to run xp...i prefer windows 7 and linux ubuntu...i need solution for ubuntu too..Thanks Guys

Member Avatar for shbk
Member Avatar for satishsingh

can any body tell me how first programming language was written.??and how processor understand that language i wanna know intrinsic subtle details pls help me if u can gie some nice refrences or explain it right here.

Member Avatar for Kieran Y5
Member Avatar for beginner1

Can anybody little bit explain me what are different types of operands in assembly language ,I will be very THANKFUL to u guys.

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for Jreynolds3

Hey people. What I'm trying to do is get a String input from the user. And then displaying that string. I have no idea how to do it. I have most of the code figured out except that one part. Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks!! (By the way …

Member Avatar for vhan
Member Avatar for WithnoMute

Trying to progress in learning Assembly, but can't seem to figure out something. In an example source code, it stores local data and -4(ebp) then does a pushl on it. I don't know what its doing there? How can you push something on the stack? Here is the source code, …

Member Avatar for Auraomega

Trying to write a puts like subroutine in assembly but failing miserably. I'm using BIOS calls only (I.E. I'm not running another operating system). The code is using Intel syntax. What I have so far is: [CODE=asm]; [BITS 32] [GLOBAL hello_world_asm] ; ; a very basic puts function without the …

Member Avatar for freddyvorhees

Good day, my main goal is to create a bubble sort in assembly. You'll input n integer 0-9, (25 >= n > 0). Inputted in one line separated by spaces, then return carriage. So my question is how to accept integer stored in an array. Thank you. P.S. Can you …

Member Avatar for gacha23
Member Avatar for s_jmp

i was wondering what exactly ORG instruction do? i know it sets where the program loads in memory,but how,when you disassemble a binary assembly file you dont see such a thing as org instruction,but when you run the binary file it gets loaded in that address you mentioned in front …

Member Avatar for dan63043
Member Avatar for GWalk612

I am writing a very simple program that subtracts 16 bit integers. After the subtractions I want to view the registers' final values by using DumpRegs. The information displayed seems accurate for EAX, but EBX and ECX have values that don't seem to be correct. Why is this so? [CODE]TITLE …

Member Avatar for Josue198s
Member Avatar for freddyvorhees

found this code here: [url]http://www.codeguru.com/forum/showthread.php?t=435239[/url] [code] .model small .data q1 db "ENTER FIRST NUMBER: $" num1 db 5, ?, 5 dup(?) space db 10, "", "$" q2 db "ENTER SECOND NUMBER: $" num2 db 5, ?, 5 dup(?) msg db 13, 10, "ANSWER: ", "$" answer db "0000", 13, 10, …

Member Avatar for Joslup

Helo Guys, i need your help, because i am searching code to read string in assembler, but i can't found nothing if you can help me, thaks!!!

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for PieterA

Hi everyone First post here on this forum. I'm awfully stuck in an exercice I have to complete as an assignment. I'm studying computer science and this has been my first year. This is what I am supposed to do: Your project consists of implementing the following C code: [code=c] …

Member Avatar for PieterA
Member Avatar for c00l
Member Avatar for RicardoE

Hello All: I'm not quite a assembler developer (C# is my manner), this time I've been asked to come out with a md5 file cypher, can someone please provide some source code? I've tried using asmutils but no luck, please give me suggestions. Thank you very much. P.D: it is …

Member Avatar for uu666

can anybody tell me what is this segment register, which is its purpose and how does it work ? thanx in advance!

Member Avatar for L094129
Member Avatar for Master Rattley

I have recently been working on old Compaq Evos, they are a large build, just a little warning, don't accidentally misplace a screwdriver inside of one when playing with them, took me ages to find -__-

Member Avatar for Cristiane

.model small .data x db 20 dup(0) y db "enter the nos $" z db 0ah, 0dh, "Sum is $" .code .startup mov ah,09h lea dx,y int 21h mov si,00h mov bh,00h l: mov ah,01h int 21h cmp al,0dh je l1 sub al,30h mov x[si],al inc si inc bh jmp …

Member Avatar for Kieran Y5
Member Avatar for Swiftle

I'm preparing for my ASM exam and I'm having trouble understanding the concept of passing parameters via the stack. Usually we must use local variables when writing recursive procedures. Here's a little code snippet that I'm unable to test atm: [code] procedure1: PUSH EBP MOV EBP, ESP PUSH EAX PUSH …

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for jwebbo

Hey everyone, i am new to the Pic 16f877 microcontroller and am having trouble doing analogue to digital conversion. can any one help me or even give me the codes. i would be very grateful.

Member Avatar for jwebbo
Member Avatar for Ahmed-mii

This program you can say I've done the fist two,but the last three I couldn't do If you can help with I'm using TASM 1. Create file "data.txt" in your working directory. The file should have 10 numbers each between 0 and 100 and separated by a space. 2. Write …

Member Avatar for c00l

hi, I need help for my project in tasm 1. Create file "data.txt" in your working directory. The file should have 10 numbers each between 0 and 100 and separated by a space. 2. Write code to do the following: a. search for the file; exit with error message if …

Member Avatar for chaitanyahegde
Member Avatar for MinimalStress
Member Avatar for jeevsmyd

I am a 2nd year Computer Science and Engineering student from India .. My Computer Organization sir gave this statement while teaching implementing parameter passing using stacks mov Ro,20(SP) To me it looks to be incorrect ! How can you move an item to any location other than the top …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for Garrett2011

Suppose we've got two integer and character variables: [CODE]int adad=12345; char character;[/CODE] Assuming we're discussing a platform in which, length of an integer variable is longer than or equal to three bytes, I want to access third byte of this integer and put it in the character variable, with that …

Member Avatar for r.evrard
Member Avatar for hunhistory

Hello everyone, I am learning 16-bit 8086 assembly(for DOS). I would like to know how to make/draw/display VGA graphics with code, like making a "picture". I googled a lot, but I couldn't find anything to solve my problem. All I need is a code for 16-bit Assembly that draws/displays some …

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for darknoobie

Im having trouble understanding offsets in computer science. SO far i know that the segment registers work along with the offset registers like this segment_register:Offset_register. Not sure if this is right but would this be the same 0:10 where 0 is the start of a segment of memory and 10 …

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for Cristiane

model small .data x db "enter a no. $" y db "factorial $" .code .startup mov ah,09h lea dx,x int 21h mov ah,01h int 21h sub al,30h mov bl,0ah mul bl mov bl,al mov ah,01h int 21h sub al,30h add al,bl mov ah,09h lea dx,y int 21h mov bl,al l: …

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The End.