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Member Avatar for kris222

here's what i ve done so far can anyone please check for the error i made cause the output is wrong: .model small .stack 100h .data disp db "Enter Choice:$" disp1 db "a-IT22A",0ah,0dh,"$" disp2 db "b-IT22B",0ah,0dh,"$" disp3 db "c-IT22C",0ah,0dh,"$" disp4 db "Choose Behaviour Level:$" disp5 db "1-Excellent",0ah,0dh,"$" disp6 db "2-Normal",0ah,0dh,"$" …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for silvercats

Assembly Language Step-by-Step Programming with DOS and Linux(2000) Assembly Language Step-by-Step Programming with Linux(2009) Linux only(both are by jeff duntamann) I am beginner. So which book should I choose If I want to write apps to Windows later.new book or old book?Is there a big difference? how about learning Linux …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for surajrai

Hi, I am trying to put a dll to GAC. The assembly is signed. 1.I tried draging and droping (nothing happens) 2. I tried command gacutil /i abc.dll, from visual studio command prompt. It says Assembly successfully added to the cache but when I open windows\Assembly folder, I cant see …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for zifr

how can i write a program, which accepts the starting address (in BX) of a text (terminated by a “%”) stored in data segment and replace all lower-case letters by their upper-case counterparts. Non-alphetic characters will remain as is.(8086)

Member Avatar for spixy
Member Avatar for kris222

what are the other types of variables in tasm ex: bh,bl,cx what else is there that i can use?

Member Avatar for kris222
Member Avatar for userct

I need to Compute 2x4 +7x3 -15x2 +3x+2 Using Horners Method. When I run this in QTSpim it doesn't give me any errors but I'm just wondering if everything is running completely right. For instance did I call "x" correctly? I'm trying to load the value for x from memory …

Member Avatar for kris222

.model small .stack 100h .code start: xor cx, cx mov ah, 1h @loop: int 21h cmp al, 0dh je @end push ax inc cx jmp @loop @end: mov ah, 2h dis: pop ax int 21h loop dis mov ah, 4ch int 21h end start

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for kww228

Hi all, I am at a lost and do not know where to start from. Here is what I have to do "Given the data below, you are to design an IA-32 assembly language program to sort array X by the number of binary 0's in each member and save …

Member Avatar for kww228
Member Avatar for scottd82

Hey everyone, I am trying to create a random number generator with MIPS assembly. I have most of the code written, I just need to change my set number for a guessing game to a random number. I also want to ask the user if they'd like to play again. …

Member Avatar for nasmnoob

Hey all, admittedly this is some homework help. I'm trying to write a program which takes a string in of hex characters, calls an assembler function which gives me the decimal value of the hex string. That assembler function calls a "checker" function in C which makes sure each character …

Member Avatar for pgcoder
Member Avatar for FireBlah

Hey guys. I was running assembly lang on visual studio but when I debug it, the cmd prompt window doesn't stay on. It displays the output and disappears immediately giving you no chance to take a really good look at your output. How to solve it? Thank you.

Member Avatar for FireBlah
Member Avatar for utkarshsahu

I am a beginner in learning assembly language. I wanted to know which assembler would be best to use between NASM and MASM in today's context. Also, can you give a link to documentation on these assemblers?And tutorial specific for these assembler (as assembly is not standardized)

Member Avatar for utkarshsahu
Member Avatar for smoothe19

Here is the instructions given: Use a loop with indirect or indexed addressing to reverse the elements of an integer array in place. Do not copy the elements to any other array. Use the SIZEOF, TYPE, and LENGTHOF operators to make the program as flexible as possible if the array …

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for stamatt45

I have 9 decimal numbers in A3, i need to output them 3 at a time and I'm not sure how. EX) A3 holds '14 8 6 8 5 4 6 4 4' [INDENT]It should display[/INDENT] 14 8 6 8 5 4 6 4 4

Member Avatar for efficacious

hi all, total noob here with assembly. I'm working on a project for one my classes and for some reason we all keep getting segmentation faults when attempting to run the program. I can't for the life of me figure out what the heck is going on and why this …

Member Avatar for efficacious
Member Avatar for cookiemonstah

Hey guys, first, i wanna say sorry if i'm not making any effort on doing my job here, but im really new to assembly language, i just started like a month ago without any good source. I got a problem here, i was asked to make a program which a …

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for luiseduardo14

Hey guys, i'm trying to compile this piece of code with nasm in Ubuntu. It's a boot loader for a simple operational system i'm doing as a university project. [CODE][BITS 16] ; 16 bit instructions [ORG 0x7C00] jmp word load db "ONYXDISK" ; OEM Label String dw 512 ; Bytes …

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for utkarshsahu
Member Avatar for utkarshsahu

I am new to learning assembly language. I wanted to know if using HLA assembler by Randall Hyde would be a good option for a beginner like me? It seems good on documentation and educational material available on author's site but i wanted to take recommendations from you guys on …

Member Avatar for nandosss

I need help creating a two dimensional array in mips assembly. I am new to this kind of programming and i do not know how to approach the problem. i have to create an array max size 20 by 20 and then fill it up with data entered by the …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Desi991
Member Avatar for pgcoder
Member Avatar for Thermalnuke

Hey I need some help with this question Write a function in LC-2200 assembly language to compute pow(n, m), that is, n raised to the mth power. (For Example, pow(2, 4) should return 16. but my function has to be recursive. thanks

Member Avatar for WithnoMute

Hey, i am learning from Programming from the ground up. I am having a bit of trouble with the pushl and popl commands. I'm a newbie with ASM and really just starting out on it, i am on a x86-64 im presuming it will run the x86 32bit code. I …

Member Avatar for jmarbas
Member Avatar for johnpaul22

Choose in the following to make a ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PROGRAM in EMU8086 .. Analyze and make a program on the ff. problms. 1. Given is based on the given average and their assign grade a. If average is greater than or equal to 90, assign remarks is outstanding. b. If …

Member Avatar for johnpaul22

Help me plz... I need it BADLY.. And ASAP ... :( This for emu8086 ... 1. Given is based on the given average and their assign grade a. If average is greater than or equal to 90, assign remarks is "outstanding". b. If not, if average is greater than or …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for txhornsfan

I am having some problems with my "sum of numbers program," and cannot figure out why I am not getting the correct answers. This is my first Assembly programming class, so take it easy on me, please. The assignment is: Prompt a user for an integer n, compute the sum …

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Member Avatar for remusogarius

Hi all, Ive searched all of the web to help me, and Ive asked various people. Ive got a binary search tree program to write in MIPS, but I really have no idea where to start. Ive got the program in C++, but I dont have linux to attempt to …

Member Avatar for gingy
Member Avatar for valox

//int main(){ //char8 au8_X1[6]={0x91,0xD4,0x80,0x70,0x81,0x20}; //char8 au8_X2[6]={0x6E,0x2A,0xF5,0X8C,0x7A,0xF8}; //i8vec_add(char8* pi8_a, char8* pi8_b, uint8 u8_cnt) // This subroutine adds the contents of two integer arrays // The number of elements to add given by cnt #include "pic24_all.h" #include <stdio.h> void i16vec_add(int16* pi16_a, int16* pi16_b, uint8 u8_cnt) { while (u8_cnt != 0) { //do …

Member Avatar for valox
Member Avatar for Thermalnuke

Given the following instructions ADD Rx,Ry,Rz ;Rx <- Ry + Rz ADDI Rx,Ry,Imm ;Rx <- Ry + Immediate Value NAND Rx,Ry,Rz ;Rx <- NOT (Ry AND Rz) Show how you can use the above instructions to achieve the effect of the following: CLR Rx ;Rx <- 0 I am a …

Member Avatar for vjnguyenv

I have been working on this problem for days. The object is to add two numbers from user input and display the answer in 32bit. So far I've got the messages to display and accept user input, but I'm getting a segmentation fault which happens after "Total Sum is: ", …


The End.