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Member Avatar for dedmon

I kind of lost here... I have the book but it does not show the loop... I want to use je 100 but this is not the same language Using the IAS computer instruction set to write a program for the following C(I)=A(I) + B(I) for I = 1,2,... 100 …

Member Avatar for silvercats

what is the NASM-IDE used by most and what is the best one so far? provide a donwload link if possible

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for reynaud0000

Hi guys i need a little help fast i have a calculator and its giving me some problems This calculator reads from a text file the result shows in the terminal but its giving me some troubles For one only the + operator works I cant use the overflow function …

Member Avatar for reynaud0000

Hi this my first post here XD Its like this i have the code writen but it gives me this error Segmentation fault (core dumped) Can anyone tell me why? [code] MAX_BUFFER equ 10240 ; Constante que sera' usada como tamanho maximo de cada linha lida do teclado (10kb) FICH_ABERTURA …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for silvercats

I used debugger(windows) to view a text file(20 bytes only). books says it shows the whole 128bytes section and we have to decide where our files end. Why does it have to be 128? why not only the file size or 512 or a 256 or something? Books calls the …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Zssffssz

Earlier when I came here I had only a minimal set of utilities and a WinXP comp.. Now i'm here and serious, with kubuntu (and Internet!!!!) and willing to learn all of that dd, mov, eax, and bochs stuff. Here is my delemia: I have a C++ Program, have no …

Member Avatar for Zssffssz
Member Avatar for silvercats
Member Avatar for silvercats

I've dumped hexadecimals of a text using windows debugger. So if those hexa values represent every single character by a single hex value,does it mean its binary is that hexa's converted binary value and pc deals with that character using binary but assembly language and people convert and use it …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for scottd82

Hi everyone. I am doing my homework for my computer organization class and I'm running into a small problem. Before I explain what I've done, what I expect to happen and what is happening, I want to assure everyone that I am not looking for an answer to my homework, …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for DeanMSands3

In my wayward youth, I learned a little bit of inline assembler in Turbo C. And that was fun. Then I got into DJGPP which came with GCC and Bell Syntax. And it was confusing. And I gave up. Fast forward 12 years. I'm 30, finishing a bachelor's in CS. …

Member Avatar for DeanMSands3
Member Avatar for juce

Matrix given in memory to print the spiral in opposite direction from clockwise (left column down the right lower range, right up column, a series of upper left, etc. until you get to the middle) I'm new here, I have to write code for the task above in assembly,could someone …

Member Avatar for Hugo123007
Member Avatar for JRE.A

I have a problem when adding 2 numbers in assembly because we are using hex. When add 4+5 (34h + 35h) the output is 9 but if I add 5+5 (35h + 35h) the output displays colon(:) or 3ah instead of 10. Here's the sample image when i generate the …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for Desi991

Hi all my assignment is too add and multiply 32 bit signed numbers. [CODE]INCLUDE Irvine32.inc .data z BYTE "Enter first integer: ", 0 c BYTE "Enter second integer: ", 0 outpt Byte "The addition of two integers is: ", 0 val dword ? .code main Proc call clrscr mov edx, …

Member Avatar for JoderCoder

Firstly, this is not directly assembly question but quite close, it is machine code. I am asked to add two numbers using stack. The question was actually asking for [COLOR="Green"][COLOR="Red"]1. write a program that adds the numbers 2 and 9 together. The number 2 is stored in memory-address 300 and …

Member Avatar for rumencho

Hi all,I'm beginner in assembly language. I use TASM and it works well,but I should place all my .asm text files in /TASM/BIN directory ,because only there assembler see the files. and this is quite annoying,I want to have special folder for this purpose and place it whenever I want.

Member Avatar for amar.chukki
Member Avatar for megan11

Greetings forum, I have an assignment for my architecture class which to implement a 31 backgammon game in MIPS assembly, I have done alot so far, and I have been using 2 arrays to display the board, I used 0s to indicate empty fields and other numbers for example 13 …

Member Avatar for BleepyE

Im using MIPS and im looking to display the numbers between two other numbers. For example; $t1 = 5 $t2 = 9 Display = 56789 Ive only just started learning the language so im still struggling to get used to it. Thanks

Member Avatar for BleepyE
Member Avatar for silvercats

I downloaded NASM and NASM-IDE.Is there any specific good IDE? I am going to need windows debug as book says.But there is no debug in windows 7. Where can I download? Any alternatives? DO you think learning assembly will be useful in 2012?

Member Avatar for AceStryker
Member Avatar for SamY

hi, i have been able to map the 1st 4MBs of the memory but now i am trying to create an allocator. it 1st checks for enought memory using the BITMAP method, then after that it allocates areas where the PDE and all its PTEs will stay. Now i need …

Member Avatar for stakeMyHeart

please help me. i dont understand this: Create routine to display * based on AL w CR AL=07 CALL 120 & RET output: ***** my professor said cr is call routine, that's all, he didnt tell us what does that mean help me please

Member Avatar for Zssffssz
Member Avatar for iPanda

I'm trying to check the length of a string, its the most simple way there is but for some reason it says the the length of the string is 14h [CODE] org 100h mov cl,len mov si,offset src mov di,offset dst rep movsb mov ah,0 int 16h ret src DB …

Member Avatar for dheaven
Member Avatar for ydan87

Hello all, I need to implement iterative (non-recursive) binary search in assembly. The array has 10 elements, starting from 0x10000100, in address 0x10000004 there's the element to search for, and the answer should be put in address 0x10000008 It should be for MIPS and I ran it in QTSpim Here's …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for kikic

Here I have code in C, I need help to translate this in assembly emu 8086. Please help me if you know. [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(void) { int **mat; // Pointer to pointer int rows, cols, i, j; printf("How many rows you want "); scanf("%d", &rows); //rows = …

Member Avatar for mohamed moamen
Member Avatar for asmfreak

hi can someone tell me how to write a code in assembly language to implement a simple countdown timer (only seconds) display on the command prompt screen? thanks

Member Avatar for lulabylove
Member Avatar for squares86

It is from Chapter 10 of jeff duntemann's book on assembly language. I tried to write some code by myself but I can't get it to work properly. I need some insight please. [CODE] ;Library Name:hexasc_lib;used as library for hexasc.asm section .data DumpLin: db " 00 00 00 00 00 …

Member Avatar for sbesch
Member Avatar for hsetaknev

Hi guys, Am a begginer learning assembly .I am using Instruction set of 8085 for simplicity in the understandind. I've down loaded a soft called GNUsim8085.. I dont know how to load a loop n a simulator,and dont know how o input user values.PLEASE guYS tELL ME HOW IF U …

Member Avatar for squares86

I an a newbie to assembly language, been reading jeff duntemann's book, and I have been trying to write some code by myself too. There is an example in the book on converting binary values to hex values. I decided to re-write the code again by myself for self-practice but …

Member Avatar for squares86
Member Avatar for kikic

I made a code in assembly 8086. I load matrix (array) in memory with dimension 3x3. but this code works just for this dimension of matrix 3x3. Could someone give me an idea how could i make it to work with dimension m x n? the array is loaded in …

Member Avatar for kikic
Member Avatar for kamyarn

Hi I want to read a string (Last name) from keyboard, concatenate it to another string (First Name) and then print it on screen. (Windows, EMU8086, EXE Template) First I declare the variables in data segment [CODE] msg1 db 0ah,0dh,"Enter your last name: $" ;prompt message msg2 db "Kamiar " …

Member Avatar for kamyarn

The End.