2,888 Topics

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Member Avatar for baldwindc

Hi, in a given c program where you have [CODE]myvar = sumR(char * arg1, int arg2)[/CODE] sumR is a function in an assembly .s file. I have done all the calculations, but I have no idea how to return the value to the calling c program. Any ideas? Thanks so …

Member Avatar for GunnerInc
Member Avatar for zemzela

Print all small Cyrillic letters from A to Z with spaces between letters: A B C D ... Jay Z using the instruction LOOP. I need help to solve this task, if someone know please help me...

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for Adola

Good evening! Can someone help me understand how to execute a .bat file using MASM assembly? I'm on windows, and using an Intel processor. (The reason I need this is kinda silly, so if anyone knows a better way, please help. But I need it so I can run my …

Member Avatar for Adola
Member Avatar for dmtYork921

Hi, I created this student calculator code but in MASM32 it keeps giving me errors. I've modified it about 10 times but it's still wrong. Could anybody help me? [CODE].data ;the terminators NULL EQU 00H CR EQU 0DH LF EQU 0AH ;number of test scores allowed MAXSCORES EQU 5 ; …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for vs49688

I'm trying to write a procedure to write a string directly to the video memory. It expects the address of the string to be in SI, the length of the string in AH and the offset in video memory to be in AL. The code correctly handles the length of …

Member Avatar for kikiritce

I don't know how to solve this task,could anyone help me... Print all small Cyrillic letters from A to Z with spaces between letters: A B C D ... J. W LOOP instruction using?

Member Avatar for polska03

hi, i have an assignment where I need to create a person walking from one end of a screen to the other. I know you can change the colour of pixels ( som simply all I have been doing is changing the default black pixel to a red pixel using …

Member Avatar for silas101

Hello there, I am currently working on a pic assembly project converting the results from an acceleromet into an 8 bit LED bar graph. I can get output from the accel but now i need to convert the results into bar graph and i'm looking for an efficient way to …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for dedmon

my code tester prcedure is given me problems,,,, it compute the entry values that are least and equal to but when I try to validate it I get errors.... Can someone help me. with the code in the red? [ICODE] integer_count = 20 .data prompt1 byte "How many integer will …

Member Avatar for dedmon

My decision statement operates okay, but I'm having a difficulty time figuring out why the decision statement that control the number of trys not responding. I can I create this? INCLUDE Irvine32.inc ARRAY_SIZE = 20 .data str1 BYTE "Enter a signed integer: ", 0 str2 BYTE "The sum of the …

Member Avatar for tformed

[ICODE] org 0100h mov dx, msg mov ah, 09h int 21h mov ah, 4ch int 21h msg db 'Hello Wold! \nThis is my first program using Assembly', '$'[/ICODE] Hi guys, I'm learning Assembly Programming using NASM and had a question. Would it be possible to break lines in Assembly? Say …

Member Avatar for tformed
Member Avatar for nicck0

on my homework it says, Bootstrap loader: int 19h now on my reading it's like restarting the computer.. i just really don't know how to apply it on a tasm.. i wish someone can help me or teach me how to use this 'int 19h'.. even just for a simple …

Member Avatar for emerak
Member Avatar for dedmon

I need some assistance in my program: I suppose to select an array size: array_size = 20 array dword array_size dup(?) And, create a new procedure that prompts the user for the number of integers to be processed, and pass the same value to the promptForIntegers procedure. How many integers …

Member Avatar for dedmon
Member Avatar for naveedqadri

Dear Experts, Thanks in advance for helping me I have installed an application (APWebGrabber) on my VPS, that application is being used in my website. APWebGrbNET.DLL is already in BIN Folder of my site. I am getting this error. Plz Help Me. ERROR CODE: Compilation Error Description: An error occurred …

Member Avatar for crishlay
Member Avatar for desertblown

I am writting a program in PCSPIM and I need help with taking user input and adding it to an existing string in my data declaration. I only need this little tidbit. Thanks :)

Member Avatar for desertblown
Member Avatar for jasp3r

Hello, I have a set of assembly instructions that I am trying to assemble with nasm and execute however I am receiving errors and i am not sure why. The result of executing these instructions should print out a sting. Any help would be much appreciated. [CODE]xor eax,eax push eax …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for dedmon

Okay! this subject is difficult for me to start. I want to write a short test program that calls BetterP from a loop that repeats 5 times, and display each randomly generated value. This is what I got... but I'm stump... assistance from the experts is appreciative. Description: create an …

Member Avatar for assembly101

I am trying to get this program to use LOOPZ instead of LOOPNZ to find the first positive value in an array but I am not sure how to go about it. Any hints or ideas behind doing it would be much appreciated. This is the code below: .data array …

Member Avatar for hillary janlosi
Member Avatar for river_9x

[CODE] ;---------------------------------------- ; Set System Date | ;---------------------------------------- INCLUDE lib1.asm .MODEL small .STACK 100h .DATA setdate db 13,10,'Enter newdate: $' gc db '/ $' .CODE PS: mov ax,@data mov ds,ax clrscr HienString setdate call VAO_2_SO mov dl,al HienString gc call VAO_2_SO mov dh,al HienString gc call VAO_SO_N mov cx,ax xor …

Member Avatar for VengefulToast

Hi forum, I am just wondering how I could just use the last two digits of a four digit year the user inputs. For example, I want to drop the [19] from [1960] and just use the [60] which should be 3C in Hex so the registers would read it. …

Member Avatar for VengefulToast
Member Avatar for VengefulToast

Hi forum, I just need help on my code. I am trying to find all the Armstrong numbers from 100-999(i.e. when the cubes of three digits added together equal the number - 1^3 + 5^3 + 3^3 = 153.) My code works until it gets to line 93, then it …

Member Avatar for skaa
Member Avatar for baldwindc

ARM's ASM is a breed in it's own. AMD and Intel, although different, have more closely related assembler than most. Someone mentioned the other day that AMD is just an Intel repeat, basically copying engineering designs and repeating them with reduced cost (as they don't pay to have it designed, …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for BabiesGame

Hi i am intrested in learning assembly for the reasons of getting to desgine all the workings of my program, decide precisely all the binary code of it. I am stupped to find a book or some place that i can learn how to do graphics with assembly. I need …

Member Avatar for N1GHTS
Member Avatar for coastin

i am using arrow [CODE]page 60,132 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Name: ; Description: Template for assembly language programs. ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;stack segment sseg segment para stack 'stack' db 120 dup(?) ;reserve 120 bytes for the stack sseg ends ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;constants ;Define your constants here (EQU) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;data segment dseg segment para 'data' …

Member Avatar for murnesty

I'm using ARM nxp lpc2368. When I tried to add a assembly code in startup file. It show me a compilation error "invalid constant (e002c00c) after fixup". where the code is [CODE] mov r2, #0xE002C00C //address of PINSEL3 : 0xE002C00C[/CODE] when I refer to this link [url]http://www.ee.ic.ac.uk/pcheung/teaching/ee2_computing/arm/Refcard.pdf[/url] It said in …

Member Avatar for murnesty
Member Avatar for Aryan7Shining

Hi I have question about controlling segments with the ASSUME directive I know its not necessary to use assume for code segment( every program have cs , ??) but why and when we use " assume cs:xxxx" ? What does it say to cpu(8086)? can anybody explain me use of …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for Netoff

I need to draw rectangle where coordinate x1 y1(left up corner)left mouse button click and x2 y2(right down corner) - right down click this how I draw rectangle [code] prug: ;cx - x left up ;dx - y left up ;si - x right down ;di - y right down …

Member Avatar for vita333

Hello everyone . i need help with some home work.. i need to write an assembly code on this e^x=1+x+x^2/2!+..+x^n/n! please

Member Avatar for reemhatim

I'm doing a small program where i input an array and then get the maximum and minimum number in it . I've succeeded in getting the minimum number but there is a problem in having the maximum number any help what's the problem my code : [CODE] INCLUDE Irvine32.inc Arr_size …

Member Avatar for untio
Member Avatar for adnanshahid89

Write an assembly language program that will calculate the number of 1’s in the binary representation of last four digits of your roll number. For example if the binary representation of last four digits of your roll no. is 1101001100001 then the number of 1’s will be 6. The total …

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The End.