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Member Avatar for muzaheed

i am a computer science student.i have no interest on assembly.just doing it for my course. so can anybody suggest me any good assembly compiler? in my university lab they use Masm. but it is too old and do not show in which line error is and no auto code …

Member Avatar for GunnerInc
Member Avatar for nuliknol

Hi, I am writing my own OS for 64bit processors and I am stuck with the problem of general protection. My OS will not rely on page fault to implement user space protection mechanism, so I found there is a way to do it with segment limit checking: This presentation …

Member Avatar for nuliknol
Member Avatar for Javano

Hi Everyone, i have recently started learning assembly and so far i do enjoy it , however my recent problem has me stumped ... The question is : ask the user to enter a keystroke and then determine whether its a decimal # or lower case char or printable symbol, …

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for jdm

I'm working on a program that will find the prime factors to an unsigned integer that is entered by the user. I just have to make sure the program can handle a number up to 1000. I'm writing assembly in x86. I have already got a prompt for the user …

Member Avatar for jdm
Member Avatar for youngyou4

[CODE]SORT STM 0,15,SSAVE Store registers to SSAVE LM 2,3,0(1) Load in parameters LA 3,0(3) Pointer to end of table LA 4,0(2) Pointer to first table entry DO1 CR 4,3 Compare table entry to end of table BH ENDDO1 Branch if L 6,0(4) Value of Low LA 5,4(4) Pointer to Index …

Member Avatar for phfilly

Ola! I'm still kind of new with the whole assembly language and just need some help with this program i'm writing. What I want it to do is to ask a question -like for a number and then store that inserted number in a variable. And then test whether its …

Member Avatar for AceStryker
Member Avatar for joker22xx

heres my C code this was easy: -Chris g [CODE=c]#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> extern int numodd( int array[], int size ) ; int main( int argc, char * argv[] ) { int numarray[] = { 2, 3, 1025, 3024, 4057, -3, -1025, -3578 } ; int size = sizeof(numarray) / …

Member Avatar for joker22xx
Member Avatar for jenxin

Hi guys/girls. I have a program due soon for my assembly class. My teacher expects us to bruteforce through this program, but I'm wondering if theres any other way. Here's my code basically, edx is the pointer to the value located at a position on a sudoku matrix. ie. [edx …

Member Avatar for jenxin
Member Avatar for andy8521

Hey guys I have this problem in this question. Q: Write a program to read in a set of numbers(one number per record) and print the sum of the numbers. A header should be printed at the top of the page, each number should be printed(one per line), and the …

Member Avatar for dancks

A lot of problems here. I was to write a program that sorts an array. I had problems overwriting data in an array so I thought I could store the sorted array in another array. Basically it looks for the smallest value, stores it in the first spot, then finds …

Member Avatar for dancks
Member Avatar for Bartim

Hi, I need to write a program (on emu8086), which would convert hexadecimal number into decimal number. I have to do it until tomorrow, but I don't know where to start. Please, someone, help me to write that program. :'(:

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for stillfly122

Hi guys. so i wanna code my own Simple Dos-like OS that boots to a prompt with the simple command of "Hello" which should load a message that says "Hello, World!". Would someone be generous enough to give me some source code that just boots and has the command "Hello". …

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for poloblue

Good Afternoon, I'm new to assembly and I have to do a small MIPS program. The details of are: You can simulate the algorithm for 16 bits integers, not 32 bits integers. More specifically, we have two integers of 16 bits as input, add those two integers and get a …

Member Avatar for AceStryker
Member Avatar for inagumi

Hi, i have a problem in displaying the added value of two numbers. I know how to convert the input number into decimal. So after converting it, i added those value and got it stored in a register. My problem is how can I display if the sum is like …

Member Avatar for inagumi
Member Avatar for dsotelo91

Hi there. I am trying to make a program that outputs the word "MATRIX" on every line, with the past line being cleared and making some kind of falling word effect. I am beginning learning assembly, and I need some ideas as to how to make this happen. I am …

Member Avatar for dsotelo91
Member Avatar for Justinedeleon

Can someone help me with TASM? i need a simple shape like sun or anything that is not very basic but hard to do. please i need help. this is one of my gf's finals project requirement :(( please i really need help in this. (i dont know much about …

Member Avatar for Justinedeleon
Member Avatar for bettybarnes

hi i just wonder how to limit an input when a user types a certain number. for example: Input: 5 Input: abacd Output: dcaba here my problem is when a user inputs 5, then the allowed number for inputting characters is 5 only. and then it reverses the string. I …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for cyberkenji08

i need a password program in assembly language that if you put a password it displays an asterisk (*) instead of the input characters... hope you can help me. thanks

Member Avatar for angeliecarias
Member Avatar for datdude07

I have a problem getting my assembly program designed to get the first 47 numbers of the fibonacci series to output to a file. I'm not getting any errors except for when opening command window. This is the exact question on my homework problem if this helps : Using Programming …

Member Avatar for datdude07
Member Avatar for sowdust

Hello everyone! I need to anticipate that I am very new to the Microsoft developing world, therefore I am not confident with Visual Studio. I need to write an application for a windows server that works with excel. Looking on the web I found that the best method would be …

Member Avatar for skatamatic
Member Avatar for sergent

Any decompiler/debugger can convert machine program written in C/C++ to Assembly, but that Assembly is really hard to read, and corresponds to each particular instruction in machine language, not to a C/C++ instruction. So my question: is there a decompiler, that decomplies the C source code to Assembly, not to …

Member Avatar for GunnerInc
Member Avatar for vitcous

Hi all, I am looking for an assembler compiler. This is what I need for, Language Resources XDS-68 Assembler version 3.0 with source files extensions are .MOT .MAC .MAR This source files actually have compiled on VAX running VMS on Motorola M68000 chip. How can we complile multi assembly files …

Member Avatar for chinesethunda

How do I convert this to assembly? [CODE=c]static unsigned char i, j, aResult[15]; /* Define Vars */ static const unsigned char aData[]={0xA0,0x1F,0xA5,0xB2,0x00} ; /* Define Data */ /* Initialize aResult array to all zeros */ for(i=0;i<15;i++){ aResult[i] = 0; } i=0; /* Set index for aData array */ while(aData[i] != …

Member Avatar for skaa
Member Avatar for poly712

hi everyone! i need help on this code it is a calculator that asked the user to input an expression (eg. 56+2) in one line and output the answer..it suppose to manipulate mdas. please help me fix this code.. (i mean this is not really my code but i did …

Member Avatar for saintrenz

i made a code to program a clock but there's a problem #1, its a bit messy when i view it in command prompt, the words i typed doesn't disappear so that i view the clock neatly.. also it blinks.. #2, how can i have it on marquee up and …

Member Avatar for saintrenz
Member Avatar for nuliknol

Hi, is there a way to do 128 bit comparison in one instruction with SSE 4.2a? I need to compare if the XMM0 register is 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF If not, what would be the fastest way to compare with two steps of 64bit comparisions? Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for untio
Member Avatar for football.12345

[CODE]TITLE Copying a String Backwards (CopyStr.asm) ; This program copies a string backwards. INCLUDE Irvine32.inc .data source BYTE "This is the source string",0 target BYTE SIZEOF source DUP('#') .code main PROC mov esi,0 ; index register mov ecx,SIZEOF source ; loop counter L1: mov al,source[ecx-1] ; get a character from …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Dewey1040

I'm creating a fibonacci program in mic1, which is a little more readable than other assembly languages so even if you don't know the language it shouldn't be hard to figure out what the code is trying to do if you are good with stacks and recursion. This is the …

Member Avatar for nobita11

can somebody tell me how this program works line by line or how the program works as a whole .. this is the code: org 100h mov ax,0013h int 10h mov cx,0000h mov dx,0000h move: cmp dx,00c6h je row cmp cx,013bh je row2 add dx,9 add cx,9 mov ax,dx mov …

Member Avatar for xcarbonx

Hello, I am just starting and introductory course in Assembly. We are using 8086, and I am having trouble with the assignment. We are to start with the number 1, and then double that number 18 times, and print out each number in hex. For example, output should look like: …

Member Avatar for AceStryker

The End.