2,888 Topics

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Member Avatar for bd338

Hello everyone! If I try to Assemble the following with MASM, I get this error: Code: [CODE] .model small .stack .data message db "Hello world!", "$" .code main proc mov ax,seg message mov ds,ax mov ah,09 lea dx,message int 21h mov ax,4c00h int 21h main endp end main [/CODE] And …

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Member Avatar for GinoScientist

Hi all, I am new to this forum, I am hope somebody can point me to the right direction if I am asking in the wrong place... I have a lot of code written for the ASM286 compiler, which I am trying to run somewhere. Because it is a complex …

Member Avatar for GinoScientist
Member Avatar for xerreck

Here is the description of my project: write a program to produce an "addition table." This table should input two small int8 values from the user. It should verify that the input is correct(i.e., handle the ex.ConversionError and ex.ValueOutOfRange exceptions) and is postitive. The second input value must be greater …

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Member Avatar for TheTechNoob

Hello. I'm just scratching the surface of Assembly for the first time and am trying to figure out how to manipulate arrays. It's my understanding that arrays live in RAM, and RAM ONLY. So you must load the piece of the array you want to mess with into a register, …

Member Avatar for nezachem
Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for fizzywix

I'm having trouble coming up with how to find the median in assembly (x86) for some beginning programs. I have an idea, but I'm thinking there must be a much more compact way to do this. Simple algorithm for what I had in mind: given a list and length of …

Member Avatar for Hanyouslayer

I just started assembly programming, x86, and I am kind of getting the hang of it, but I am still far from becoming great at it. It's interesting to see what I do in Java from a different view. Anyways, for the life of me, I can't figure out what …

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Member Avatar for scott__

hello, this is my first post on this forum! i have a strange bug that i get when using the player/stage project. I have compiled it with the MinGW compiler and it works fine on my vista laptop. However, on a lower spec XP PC it segfaults. Using GDB, i've …

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Member Avatar for chrisname

Hi :) I'm writing a basic 2 stage bootloader (I actually do plan for it to work, it's not just a hello world loader) and I've migrated to nasm. I find it much easier to use, etc. etc. Anyway; I'm using the times directive to get the program to 512 …

Member Avatar for chrisname
Member Avatar for Behi Jon

Hi, How can I point to the end of a string ? We have ACTULEN, the length of string . For example : LEA SI, KBNAME + ACTULEN KBNAME is name of our string . But this is not work . Thanks .........................

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for linuxdude

Hello, I am beginning learning intel assembly. I am taking simple gcc programs and looking at the assembly. All gcc outputs have a line similar to: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-4] that I can't figure out. For example [code] int main(void) { int x = 5; return 0; }[/code] gives me …

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for operator494d

Hi,I'm new to assembly but i cannot figure this out NEG BYTE [BX] ; Negates byte quantity at DS:BX NEG WORD [DI] ; Negates word quantity at DS:[U]BX[/U] first line I understand but how did he get BX register in second line?! thanks in advance

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for destruct0r

Hi! I would like to use timer in my code. And i don't know how to build a real clock. I wish control my loop with this timer. In every seconds the loop do something. I use OS Linux Ubuntu and NASM. Very sorry about my bad English. I still …

Member Avatar for gianx80

Hi to all! I'm writing an assembly program that at a certain point calculates a square root, then it has to verify if the result is an integer (i.e. 2.000) or a "true" floating point number (i.e. 2.456). How can I do this in Assembly language? P.S. The next week …

Member Avatar for bahare

hi every body could I color a page with out interrupts ??? If yes , how ????

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for nunos

Given a vector of bytes with length multiple of 8, how can I, using mmx instructions, convert all 2's to 5's, for example? [code] .data v1 BYTE 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4 [/code] Thanks.

Member Avatar for nunos
Member Avatar for helinix

Hello everybody First thanks for your help and the good forum. My question needs a little bit explanation first. I study computer science.I had a course in Computer Organization and design and we had a course about microprocessors with an assignment on 80C51 microprocessor. actually i couldn't do it well. …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for kshetri

i am trying to start using nasm... i did som in masm.. now my problem is, i am not getting proper nasm compiler file..if anyone have their collection working..i would like to get that...:) you can post over here or email to my id [I]<<snip>>[/I]

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for iamsmooth

Hi, I'm a second year computer science major. Just started learning about assembly programming. Anyways, I was wondering if there was a good IDE that people usually use to program in SPARC, I've looked at the plugins for netbeans and it doesn't seem to support it. I also have looked …

Member Avatar for Behi Jon

Hi, Why this program in not working ? It doesn't print anything . [code] Page 60, 132 TITLE Reverse characters(EXE) ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .MODEL SMALL .STACK 64 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .DATA STR DB 'txeT desreveR$' ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .CODE REVERSE PROC FAR MOV AX, @data MOV DS, AX MOV ES, AX LEA BX, STR MOV SI, …

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for opethon

i have a custom made program that is being used to create layouts for harnesses assembly the program is too old obsolete if i may say and the company refuses to renew or replace with auto cad anyway the problem is files created by such program cannot be opened in …

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Member Avatar for maisar

Hi I must to do a program capable to order a vector of integers, and calculate the mean and median values of the vector. Also the vector integers is initialized and has a fixed size of 20 elements, and the output data be made to the monitor. This is for …

Member Avatar for maisar
Member Avatar for warrior_2010

hi , iam new asm and i heave problem exercise the exercise: 1-Make a data file named "file.txt" with 10 integers, each on a separate line and each between 0 and 160. 2. Write an assembly program which does the following: a. looks for the above file in your working …

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Member Avatar for strlen

Write a program to find the product of two 8-bit numbers (Multiplication) and give the status of all flag registers?

Member Avatar for qoaldjsk
Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for annitaz

I am new to nasm and I need to write oprogram that reads (user input) numbers 0-3000 and converts them to roman numbers. So the user inputs a number between 0-3000 and the the program converts it and outputs the corresponding roman number. Please help!!!

Member Avatar for low_coder
Member Avatar for kinvaras

First of all, hi to everyone. I need help with an assignment, need to translate this C code to assembly. im getting pretty desperate and thats why im turning to outside help... This code is suposed to calculate sqare roots of 16bit numbers, and is to be implemented on another …

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Member Avatar for oneat
Member Avatar for low_coder

this code was written by me for my projects. all it does is increments by 1 the string which is passed to the function. if you have any improvements to my code ill be glad to hear from you ;)

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Member Avatar for raseel

im new to assembly and have an assembly project to convert arabic numbers(1,2,3,,,,) to roman(V,x,m,IV,,, etc )or ( roman to arabic) i dont know how to start this ,knowing some ideas to do but!!still need heeeeeeeelp

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The End.