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Member Avatar for alcapone11

hi, i'm beginner in assembler, i'm just start study this language... please can someone explain me, what do this two functions? cbr flags, (1<<pressed) ;Clear status flag sbr flags,(1<<pressed) ;Set status flag please if you insert example, it will be only better...:)

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Member Avatar for leatheag

Hi guys, Im new to MIPS and have no idea how to do this. Just need to convert an integer to a character. Thanks

Member Avatar for leatheag
Member Avatar for sanzilla

Write Your First Application On Win32 ===================================== What is Win32 :-) win32 is an plactform that like J2ME and J2SE means that it have it's memory model and have a architure and have those Applications programming interfaces to call to the operating system . Like the APIS in the java …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for TheRekz

I am asked to add a madd(multiply and add) instruction to the standard single cycle datapath. I am quite confused on how to achieve this... any idea? Below is the description.. Description: The 32-bit word value in GPR rs is multiplied by the 32-bit word value in GPR rt, treating …

Member Avatar for ipride

anyone help me please I need to convert this C++ to assembly int number = 0; int targetValue = 1; int nbrTerms = 0; cout<< "enter number" cin >> targetValue; while( nbrTerms <= targetValue) { nbrTerms = nbrTerms + ( targetValue * targetValue) targetValue ++; } cout<< "total terms: "nbrTerms; …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for nikolaosgeo

I must give it 02/03/10 night please help.Sorry for my english A mips programm that take from user a string S with legnth maximum 20 char which must be (a-z),(A-Z) ,(1-9) if i give something out of these to print mesg error and if i give something over 20 char …

Member Avatar for ipride

I need help with my assi. I don't even understand what the questionis . Q. write a program that will input an integer valve and calculate the value of nBr where nBr is the smallest integer such that 1^2 + 2^2 + 3^2 +....... nBr^2 >= value ( these are …

Member Avatar for ipride
Member Avatar for fares_silawi

Respected members: I've been asked to write and run an assembly code to print my name in the middle of a 80X25 Text screen such that, each character in my name will show different background, foreground colors also some characters will be blinking with intense light! the problem is that …

Member Avatar for Goalatio
Member Avatar for alzamabar

Hi all, I'm an Assembly newby and am studying Jeff Duntemann's book on programming Assembly on Linux. As much as I love Assembly and I have to learn it if I want to do anything significant in IT since it's part of a journey, I am finding difficult to get …

Member Avatar for Jeff Duntemann
Member Avatar for angelicarose

how can i make a program that plays do-re-mi?? please help me.. tank u

Member Avatar for bd338

Hello everyone! I, once again need your help :). I've expanded my hanging boot loader, to a hello world boot loader. Or, at least that's what it's supposed to be, when I get it running. This is my Assembly code: [CODE] [bits 16] [org 0x7c00] message db "Hello, world!", 0 …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for liljazz2007

I need help where it says "DEFINE YOUR CODE" Ive defined the 12 out of the 20 lines required but Im not sure how to do the remainding parts. Please help. Thankyou [CODE] ; Multiplication and division (integer division) using addition and ; subtraction in SRC assembly language. ; If …

Member Avatar for johann_2

Hello, Could someone please look at this code and tell me why it is not working. I am trying to retrieve the number that is stored in the "Hundredths" section of the system time and output it to the screen. Thanks. [code] .MODEL SMALL .286 .STACK 100h .DATA Typed DB …

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for Hanyouslayer

I have been working on converting this C/C++ Program as an assignment for my x86 assembly class, and for the love of anything good I can't figure out what is wrong. It doesn't have a problem when assembling or linking, but when I run it, it gives me: CS:0576 IP: …

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for Kurtz

Hi, I just started working with the LC3 or rather programming. I was wondering how to create a reverse string. For example, I input a string saying "I love LC3" and I need to reverse this statement in the output. I know I will be using the LIFO of Stack, …

Member Avatar for bd338

Hello everyone! I've written this boot loader, using NASM: [CODE] [BITS 16] [ORG 0x7c00] jmp $ times 510 - ($ - $$) db 0 dw 0xaa55 [/CODE] I know, the code is VERY simple, but I just want to know how I could run it on my computer? I've assembled …

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Member Avatar for zacory

After a heated arguement with a friend over what he calls "bloat-ware" I tried to find how much of my file size is unneeded dribble. I found out that tasm produces the smallest files for simple programs and then I looked into more detail as to that. It appears that …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for clag

MY friend told me that this was something neat so I've been working on it for a while but I can't see it. He gave a set of machine code and said it'd be interesting and that I could see the picture. The set were: [CODE]0x3c111001 0x3c011001 0x34320006 0x82290000 0x2128002a …

Member Avatar for neigyl_noval

I am in Windows XP and this has been my problem whenever i use graphics mode in assembly. We are required to use a TASM assembler. Here is the problem: Whenever I run the program, it always runs on full screen. Is there a possible way to restore the size …

Member Avatar for katjaschmidt

Hello Assuming we got the following memory dump: [CODE]0x80004a3 <main+19>: call 0x8000470 <function> 0x80004a8 <main+24>: addl $0xc,%esp 0x80004ab <main+27>: movl $0x1,0xfffffffc(%ebp) 0x80004b2 <main+34>: movl 0xfffffffc(%ebp),%eax[/CODE] So when the call of <function> is finished, i.e. the function returns, the next Instruction is at 0x80004a8 (which the IP pointed at). If we …

Member Avatar for katjaschmidt
Member Avatar for walqas

Hi, I have got a web solution in ASP.net and i am trying to get the product assembly information from within another DLL library that is used by the pages. So basically, [myPage.aspx] -> [myDLL.method()] i want [myDLL.method()] to be able to get the assembly info of the pages project …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for JONZ

using this values DW 1234,1122,7FFF,8000 how can you define a 16-bit pointer variable that contains the address of the array?

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for wApPy
Member Avatar for Giering
Member Avatar for bd338

Hello everyone! This is the code for my A86 Assembler: [CODE] jmp _executor _executor: mov ah, 00 mov al, 18 int 10h end _executor [/CODE] It Assembles fine, but when I try to run it, I get this dialog popping up, saying: [QUOTE] This system does not support fullscreen mode. …

Member Avatar for Harko33
Member Avatar for bd338

Hello everyone! I would like to know if I'm calculating memory addresses right. Let's say I would like to calculate the address of 0BC9:0000. Would I then take 0BC9 in decimal (3017) and multiply it by 16 and then add 0000 to it?

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for clag

Hi, I wanted to convert this code into assembly but I'm having trouble. Here's what I got :] [CODE]int b = 0, x; while (x != 0) { b += ((x & 03) == 2); x >>= 1;[/CODE] I believe this is just a basic instruction to count the number …

Member Avatar for liljazz2007

ANY HELP YOU CAN PROVIDE WILL BE GREAT. Here is the code Im trying to convert. This is my 1st time hearing about SRC Code and my teacher isnt being a big help. Please help in any way you can. Here is the code: int a = -5; int b …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for liljazz2007

Here is the code Im trying to convert. This is my 1st time hearing about SRC Code and my teacher isnt being a big help. Please help in any way you can. Here is the code: int a = -5; int b = 3; int c; if (a == b) …

Member Avatar for Nicholas_Roge

It's actually not help with the code, it's help finding an assembler and linker that will work on 64 bit windows 07... Not only that, but I'd like to be able to be able to debug it. But since windows dropped debug from 64 bit. Any help? P.S.: I have …

Member Avatar for gerard4143

The End.